Wednesday 8 July 2015

Wednesday this and that

Hi Everybody!

I'll make the introduction short today - hot and humid, I need sleep!

For SOC the colours this week are green, green and pink. I made a mixed media piece to fit the challenge post-postage at Art Journal Journey, too. I used a postage stamp with Andy Warhol, which I digitally altered to get my colours. I printed the stamps out and collaged them onto an A3 sheet painted with gesso. I added some stamping and the quote, which is from AW himself. The black and white stamp at the bottom is one made using a stencil ( and digitally altered to make the SOC 2015stamp.

This is the original stamp:

At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is friendship.

I used Michelangelo's wonderful painting as my image as I wanted to use the quote, 'Where hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched by joy'. I mounted the image onto scrap card and gave it a coat of Deco Art crackle varnish. I surrounded it with a frame made with Golden crackle paste, which I painted with gesso and then distressed with various shades of gold, green and black, adding some perfect pearls for more effect. I wanted to create the effect of an old plaster wall with the painting in the middle. I mounted it all onto peeled Cardboard, painted with gold chalk paint. The quote was written onto a separate mini tag.

Today we had blue skies, sunshine, and it was hot, hot, hot!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful effort with the designs and the quotes are lovely. Really nice photos too. Best wishes!

  2. Wow loving the stamps great idea stay cool no sight in end

  3. you know it doesn't look hot, rather nice actually. Beautifully inspired art piece today, I like the Warhol quote!

  4. I can see the warmth in those photos, and I know how hot is is - we have all been suffering this week, the kids are really kranky. Love your art journal page, great colours and ideas as always. Keep cool, hugs, Sarah

  5. Fabelhaftes Bild im Stile Warhols ... einfach klasse! Dein feiner Anhänger hat so schöne Texturen ... wunderbar!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  6. Boy your are a master of all the different modes you used. Very unique.

  7. Wunderbare Seite Valerie ! Gefällt mir wieder mehr als GUT! Und Dein Tag ist himmlisch schön.. ich liebe das Motif und mit dem Krakeel sieht das einfach unbeschreiblich schön aus!
    Tolle Fotos !

  8. sehr kreativ! wenn das wetter mitspielt, möchte ich morgen nach münchen fahren und dort auch die aktuelle Warhol Ausstellung besuchen. ich find seine Sachen klasse! aber auch den Michelangelo hast du gut bearbeitet!

  9. Hope it is a bit cooler Valerie and you catch up on some sleep. Great photographs that look like it was a nice summery day.

    Wonderful Warhol page and stamp and the tag is stunning with the wonderful image surrounded by the amazing textured frame

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Super Idee mit der Wharhol Seite. Dein krakeliertes Tag gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut.
    Wir hatten gestern Gewitter und Regen. Heute sind die Temperaturen wesentlich niedriger (keine 20 °C) und es weht ein frischer Wind. Der Sommer legt eine Pause ein.

  11. Both are brilliant! Hope you get some cooling breezes soon! Love your photos! Chrisx

  12. You work is so unique and very cool. Love your tags as well. Where I live it is Cold, cold, cold at the moment, I can't wait for summer.

  13. Warhol ---one of my favorites and the Andy Warhol Museum is only about 35 miles from my home!
    Great choices of images and colors.

    Please visit my SOC for this week:

  14. I love your Warhol page and the tag is fabulous, love the crackle.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. I love visiting your blog, Valerie! The photos are so gorgeous and I really cannot tell how humid it is! We are having the same kind of hot and humid weather here right now, too. The mixed media piece that you made using this week's SOC colors is amazing. I love how you combined digital images with your art. I especially like the sentiment by AW himself, and how you digitally altered the stencil to include SOC 2015! Pure genius! I also love the piece that you made for Tag Tuesday. It is beautiful and such a wonderful celebration of friendship!!!

  16. Love what you did with the stamps, its a fantastic page. The tag has the Wow factor for me, love the textures and of course the words you added.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Great Warhol inspired piece...and once again combining challenges. :)

  18. I love the friendship piece! The texture is amazing. It seems we are all suffering with heat, humidity, and thunderstorms....really makes me feel icky!

  19. Absolutely fabulous. it is all just so interesting and inspiring.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  20. Gorgeous tag Valerie! I love the look of the Golden crackle, it makes such a wonderful border around your fabulous image! Love your page and photos today too! hugs :)

  21. Interesting piece. It speaks Andy Warhol-a really nice tribute. Hope you are a little more cool today....we are having the same hot and humid weather here except no sun! Its like walking around in a shower! Enjoy! :)

  22. Two great pieces. The crackle glaze looks amazing on your tag and really suits the image.

  23. Warhol stamp is perfect, so him with that pouty gaze. xox

  24. Lovely pieces, and that crackle glaze just made your tag perfect.

  25. Love the journal and the Warhol stamps and that tag is great!!!!! Beautiful photos and you can almost feel the heat . Hope your weather gets milder. We are still wet and too cool here . I had to drag out the long sleeves today :(

  26. Wonder Warhol piece of art today and another fantastic tag using your plaster for the edge. I always like to see the cardboard in your art pieces. Hope it cools down for you today. It is cloudy, and "muggy" here today. Rain expected tomorrow.

  27. Love the textures in your tag!!!
    And, I am an Andy fan, love this saying!
    Thanks for the bonus pictures!

  28. Wow, all lovely! Love your SOC piece with the different colours on each stamp and the gold frame is amazing.

  29. Cool page and your tag is amazing.

  30. What wonderful tag! Great textures, the crackle looks fantastic and perfect. The page is also fabulous.
    Hugs, Mar

  31. Your SOC page is fantastic Valerie. Eye catching. So very well done.
    Your outdoor pics are very interesting as always {{Hugs}} :o)

  32. Your art is so ingenious and so varied, and with many different techniques. Your tag on friendship is terrific, great picture and fabulous textures.

  33. WOQWWWWW,die seite ist der hammer,sooooooo schöööön,ich mag warhol auch sehr und seine kunst.
    das tag ist auch ganz grandios,das chrackle dazu sieht spitze aus,heute hast du dich selbst übertroffen.
    eine schöne kühle gute nacht,schlaf gut.

    hugs jenny

  34. such a fun and unique piece for SOC

    wonderful golds in your second piece

    it has been a hot summer here too!

  35. Although I originally visited from SOC, I am always amazed when you find ways to include other challenges with it. And of course, I'm a BIG fan of Andy Warhol, so this entry had extra special meaning.

    The friendship tag looks like you plucked it right from the Sistine Chapel (before restoration, of course). It really is a lovely entry, too.

  36. This is very clever art work and great use of this week's colours.

  37. These are stunners today Valerie xx

  38. Eine Spitzenseite ganz nach meinem Geschmack zur Farb-Challenge!
    ...ich dieses Mal etwas später dran, weil der Ärger mit meinem Auto mich so viel Zeit gekostet hat...
    LG Ulrike

  39. Your Warhol page is absolutely the Coolest Valerie!! You are so clever ! I love how you designed this!!
    And that tag is just delish!!! You know how I love texture, and your is gorgeous!! A win win two some!! xoxo rest now-")

  40. Hehehheeh - wow - I am actually laughing out loud at your Warhol project.... so fun... GREAT JOB!!!! And such a fun sentiment - Warhol certainly broke the rules on art!!!! And then from that we go to the beautiful friendship creation - not laughing now..... it's stunning Valerie. Just really a very special piece - love it. Of course, you know I can't stop typing until I tell you that I just adore your photos and my fav today is the last one of the building. Your town is so quaint. j.

  41. Wow. Great job. Andy Warhol page is awesome.:) Great job. Your photos are great. You really take great pics of your outings and what you see. Thanks for that.:0

  42. gorgeous art and photos Valerie-hope you get some sleep too!

  43. Dramatic and stunning work! I love your art.

  44. Both pieces are beautiful :-)

  45. What a fabulous frame and art here! You sound like you're suffering from the heat, I hope it cools down soon a little for you, at least the sky is beautiful and blue!

  46. great work :D it does look pretty warm in those photos, send some heat here, its done nothing but rain all day :p


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