Sunday 19 July 2015

Stamp faces

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

I was really happy yesterday when I visited Joi's Blog.
She painted a wonderful picture using photos of my beloved town, and I felt very honoured that she made such a wonderful piece. Have a look at her blog if you can, she is very talented and her blog is well worth a visit.

I made this face on an A3 page a couple of weeks back, - it  disappeared into the wrong file along with 2 other pieces. . It started out as a face which was not turning out as I wanted. Then the phone rang, and I put my coffee cup onto it while I was on the phone, which made a brown ring. So I decided  to change it. I pasted a collage of stamps with faces and heads onto the unfinished pastel sketch. I added some stamping and a quote - and the journal page for post and postage at Art Journal Journey was finished. Can you recognise any of the people on the stamps?
I am also linking to Kim Dellow's Art it Friday (Show your face), where you can link up your face creations and see lovely work from others, and to 
Mix it monthly, the facial profile.

The morning sky was beautiful again:

I love walking along this path down to the Rhine:

I think this is a walnut tree, must keep my eye on it.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. Wow- what a wonderful honor! Joi is very talented, I agree. I love your stamp face. I recognize quite a few of those people, but not all of them. And beautiful wild flowers photos today. Wow, this has been a very full post for you, hasn't it?

  2. Wonderful tribute from Joi, well deserved, you are both talented. It's great that people from all over the world have come to know each other. Lovely page as well, I do recognize some of those faces. The wildflowers are at their best now.

  3. I recognized many of the faces. Great page.

  4. Ahhh - you are such a dear one Valerie. I never ever expected you to put a blurb about my painting on your blog. Thank you :) I just was so inspired by your lovely photos... I couldn't help but put some of them together as a thank you. And I still have your incredible dragon fly sitting here looking at me too!!! NOW - back to you... again... you amaze me with your imaginative creativity. This "stamp face" is FABULOUS. So glad your coffee ruined your face because it's just too PERFECT this way. What fun! X j.

  5. Ahhh - you are such a dear one Valerie. I never ever expected you to put a blurb about my painting on your blog. Thank you :) I just was so inspired by your lovely photos... I couldn't help but put some of them together as a thank you. And I still have your incredible dragon fly sitting here looking at me too!!! NOW - back to you... again... you amaze me with your imaginative creativity. This "stamp face" is FABULOUS. So glad your coffee ruined your face because it's just too PERFECT this way. What fun! X j.

  6. das sieht klasse aus mit den marken,eine ganz tolle idee!
    schönen sonntag dir.

    hugs jenny

  7. Just love this face with so many faces - fantastic idea. I recognise a lot of the faces, but especially the cheeky one at the top! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  8. Einfach großartig! Was für eine tolle Idee! Da hat jemand ein Menge Berühmtheiten im Kopf! Gefällt mir sehr! Einen schönen Sonntag für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  9. Was für eine geniale Idee!!! LG Dagmar

  10. Loving this display today and awesome with the stamps....I would have run out of ideas by now.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  11. I love the stamp face Valerie and as always your beautiful photographs.

    Karen x

  12. Joi hat Dir und Deiner Stadt ein wunderbares Bild gemalt Valerie! Klar erkenn ich Dich oben rechts ... die Bastelmania!SUPER.. na die ganze Seite ist genial, sie hat Dir quasi gezeigt wo's lang geht ... und ist wunderschön geworden! Auch Deine Bilder sind wieder eine Augenweide!
    Hab einen wunderschönen Sonntag Valerie!

  13. Fantastic photographs. The angry skies ones. look amazing though not the best for long walks.

    Love the tribute to you by Joi. You do inspire so many people with your artwork and photographs.

    The page today is brilliant and a lot of fun, especially the selfie stamp. Wonderful selection of all the other stamps as well

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. What a fun page Valerie, sometimes mishaps can turn into very happy end results. And yes lol, I certainly recognize some of the faces on the stamps, but I wonder now, who is that lady on the first class stamp at the top??? ;o)

    I have also just been to Joi's blog, - what a stunning painting of a home town that I really want to visit one day for sure!

  15. I recognize some of the faces on your fabulous page and the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. A fabulous face and art page . Yes I do recognize a few faces and one in particular at the top looks rather special, a rare glimpse of the artist who creates these amazing pieces.
    Yvonne xx

  17. a wonderful project Valerie. Love the face and the stamps are perfectly placed. TFS and best wishes
    Annie x

  18. I have always loved the pictures of you walks and the skies you are sharing are wonderful. But it was you face that commanded attention a fabulous piece strong and purposeful. XOXO Zoe

  19. It's all about connection isn't it. Wonderful stamp head and face. xox

  20. I love that you slipped a little pic of yourself in there! It's like a game of where's waldo, fun!! Wonderful photos today! hugs :)

  21. Tolle Idee!!! Deine Collage mit den Briefmarken ist total cool, Valerie...und ich liebe deine Wolkenbilder!

    Liebe Grüße

  22. you are getting wonderfully creative with stamps!
    lovely summer photos too~ Sweet Sunday to you.

  23. Great entry and a very good idea! Love the collaged stamps here. Beautiful work!

  24. Oh so true, "Post connects faces and places." Love it, Valerie. Glad you found these pages as it would have been a great loss for your followers. I checked out Joi's blog and know that your photos are enjoyed by so many of us. She did a fantastic job on her painting using your photos for inspiration. If only I could draw or paint. It is a beautiful day here, not so hot. Hope yours is the same.

  25. Love your stamp faces. So unique. Thanks for sharing the link to your friend. I will visit soon when I'm back to my computer. Commenting with my phone right now.
    Great walking pics. Happy Sunday.

  26. Now that is turning your lemons into lemonade. I love that it started out a face, and now a face that can be seen around the world with your stamps. I laughed at the coffee ring. I did that once on a painting, and it turned out to be a ring with a parrot perched on it. I call if coffee mug art. HaHa.

  27. Valerie this is quite brilliant to say the very least. I think it is all the more fabulous for the story of the coffee cup laid up on it, leaving a stain. I love the idea of the postage stamps and the connection of the faces on stamps becoming part of an overall face.
    Very clever!

  28. How true it does! Valerie, Who is the woman on the top postage stamp?

  29. Was für eine tolle Idee, dein Briefmarkengesicht ist fantastisch und der Spruch gefällt mir ebenfalls.

  30. I'm late! I love your stampy faces!!!

  31. Fabulous! I love your stamp face, such a great way to use the stamps. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

  32. Haha, sehr klasse, wie Du das wieder kombiniert hast! Deine Seiten sind wirklich immer so speziell und besonders!! Sehr cool die Einstein Marke und wie Du alle Marken nochmal abgestempelt hast ;) ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  33. Really fun where that coffee ring led you Valerie!
    Super use of that fine array of postage stamps too.

  34. I love how you righted the wrongs and just went with it! I love what you did too. I don't find a lot of stamps. Love these.


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