Friday 30 November 2012

And a few more Christmas Cards....

Hi you all! Another week is over, and I have not managed to get as much done as I would have liked to. My fingers seem to be getting shakier from day to day, which is very frustrating, but I see the doctor today for more tests, and hope that I can have the medis reduced soon and that that will make a difference. Sorry to moan, but I am getting really fed up with being ill - I'm afraid I am not a patient patient!

I have made the cards similar to the others, mostly using using paper from DCKW, and a little remnant from Graphics 45, plus the golden cut outs I got from the discounter, and some ribbon.

Here's wishing you all a good weekend, take care, and thanks for coming by!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Tag Tuesday (On Wednesday)

Hi you all! Our theme at Tag Tuesday this week is keeping warm. As we are in for a cold spell, this seems to  have been perfectly timed!
For my tag I pasted the penguin motive from  a serviette onto a piece of scrap card. After some fussy cutting  I then mounted it onto some blue miri card with foam squares. I gave the big penguin a woolly scarf, added some 'snow' with a Martha Stewart punch and snowflakes with silver stickles. The silver and red pompoms were on some cocktail sticks which I have never used. I am still struggling with my crafting, my shaky fingers are driving me crazy, I just hope they are soon back to normal!

That's all for today. Have a great day, and thanks for visiting!

Monday 26 November 2012

More Christmas cards

Hi you all! I managed some more cards over the weekend, in spite of very shaky fingers. Apart from that, not much to report, as I didn't get out at all.

I used coordinating papers from DCWV, some gold cut outs I bought at the Discounter's, and ribbons, stars and liquid pearls. It's a bit difficult with the liquid pearls, as I have to use both hands to squeeze just now, which makes it a bit hard to control the amount, but I am slowly getting the knack of it, after several large blobs and squirts landed where they shouldn't have!

I am linking to Artful Times, where the theme this week is 'Anything goes'

That's all for today. Have a great week, take care and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 24 November 2012

Music Cards for the Hatter's Challenge and blue skies

Hi you all! Hope you are all well, and that those in the USA did not eat too much turkey, or spend all their money buying bargains on Black Friday!

I made some card with a musical theme, using papers from DCWV and Graphics 45, so I am linking to the Out of a Hat Challenge, where the ladies want to see something to do with music this week.

Today it was cold, windy, grey and wet, but yesterday was pleasant and sunny, and I managed to go for a walk through our little town and down to the Rhine. I felt like I'd run  a marathon by the time I got back, but it was good to get out again. I am beginning to feel a bit stronger and that is a good feeling!

And this is the little stream next to where I live. You can see that some trees still have leaves!

Here's wishing you all a good weekend. Take care, have fun, and thanks for coming by.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving & More Xmas Tags

Hi you all! I would like to wish all my friends in the USA a very happy Thanksgiving, enjoy yourselves, especially being together with your families! Have a great day!

I have managed to get a few more Xmas tags made, and have started on some cards, which I hope to finish today. I am feeling a little better, which helps, but am still very slow and shaky, so spend a lot of time just reading or watching old DVDs.  The tags are very simple, as  I am not able to do more just now. The lovely images were a gift from my dear friend Donna last year. I have added stickles and liquid pearls for beads, berries and flowers etc to make them stand out a bit.

Have a great day you all. Take care, stay safe, and thanks for staying with me and giving me so much support in the past few weeks!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Tags for Tag Tuesday

Hi you all! I am happy to say that I have managed to make 2 tags for Tag Tuesday this week. It's not easy just now, as I am still having problems with my shaky fingers, but the doc says it will go away sometime, so I am trying to be positive and hope that she is right. The tags are very simple, as I still can't do any stamping, but I am contented that I have managed to do something. The theme this week is music, which I have tried to combine with Xmas.

Okay, enough for today! Take care of yourselves, have a fun day, and thanks for visiting!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Happy Mail, Xmas cards and a lovely sunrise

Hi you guys! I have had a busy week here, with lots of doctor's appointments, and was up early each day to get somewhere and be examined. I have been poked, prodded, looked into and looked through, and survived it all! You will be pleased to know that they found nothing at all in my head - apart from what should be there! And no nasties lurking in other places, except for a lot of little spots in my lungs, which are evidently little scars, and will need a long time to clear up.  Apparently it is all connected to the erythema nodosom, the recent high fever, and the rheumatic inflammations I have had all year, so there is a pattern in it somewhere. I have to keep taking my medis, although the cortisone has been reduced, so that is something. And I just need lots of rest, so have been lounging around reading and watching old DVDs on TV.

I had a lovely surprise in the post this morning. I won this beautiful sun-catcher from Debbie at Craftymoose Crafts recently. She makes the most wonderful beaded flowers and other things  which she sells in her Etsy shop  - well worth a visit. My sun-catcher is much more beautiful and very sparkly in real life; it will look gorgeous hanging in front of my window. Sorry my photos are just bad right now, as I am still very shaky.
Thanks a lot, Debbie!

I have made a few Xmas cards. They are not quite what I was hoping to do, and stamping is still impossible because of the shakiness, but I did what I could using some coordinating Xmas papers, die-cut shapes from Donna, and some vintage German images. It was rather frustrating trying to make the little bows, I needed ages to get the ends pulled through - it can only get better! The photos are not very clear, but it's the best I can manage just now.

And this was a beautiful sunrise taken early one morning last week. I had to be up early most mornings, and we had some good weather, so it was good to watch the sunrise while drinking my coffee and 'enjoying' my daily medis!

So, that was all for today. Take care of yourselves, have a great weekend, and thanks for coming by!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tags for Tag Tuesday Xmas swap

Hi you all, hope you are all feeling well and fit. I am still feeling really bad here, but I still have hope that sooner or later it will be better. The side effects of the medis are rather devastating, too, with fingers shaking faster than I can think and jelly legs, but it can only get better!

I joined in with the  Xmas tag swap over at Tag Tuesday, and have thankfully managed to get my tags made, but I now realise how lucky I usually am to be able to coordinate brain and hands without problems. I wouldn't have managed anything if I hadn't had the lovely die-cut tags from Donna, as I can't work the big-shot just now. I distressed the tags with gold ink and then decorated with everything I could find. I would have liked to have done more stamping etc, but perhaps next year....

I needed the best part of 2 days to get them done, so I will have to wait and see if I get anything else done this year! For now I just need to rest.

Thanks for visiting, stay well, and have fun!

Sunday 11 November 2012

Happy Mail

Hi you all, greetings from sunny Kaiserswerth. It is so nice to see the sun today instead of cloud and drizzle, hope it stays a bit. I still feel very groggy, and am not able to do more than the bare necessities just now, but I am hopeful that sooner or later things will be better. I have a wonderful tablet cocktail for breakfast each day, a mix of different poisons to fight the illness and some to fight the side effects, so hope they all know what they are doing. I look like I have been made up as Dracula's assistant just now, perhaps I can get a job somewhere - pity Halloween is over!
 I manged to take some photos of the lovely mail I have received in the past days; not easy with shaky fingers!
First the card and envelope from Diane. I love the wonderful selection of stamps, and am happy that the post didn't ruin them this time!

The ladies on the card have a strange resemblance to some of my family....

And there are so many 'surprises' cooking in the cauldron  all removable, so I will be able to open my own poison shop next Halloween! Diane makes such wonderful cards, so full of loving details! Thank you!

This lovely card was made and sent by Tracy Holmes all the way from Canada, together with the lovely set of witch stamps, which she kindly donated as a prize to the 'Hatters'. Thanks Tracy!

This beautiful card dropped into my mailbox yesterday from Lynne of Adorn. This card is so much Lynne's wonderful, nostalgic style, and came as a complete surprise, with 2 pretty Xmas stamps tucked inside it. Thanks, Lynne; your kindness brightened my day!

And last but not least, a wonderful card from Suze, packed into a beautifully stamped envelope.

The second layer, beautiful handmade paper with dried flowers in it....

and the next one, more beautiful paper and ribbon.....

And inside, this wonderful get well card, a sunny, floral greeting. Thanks so much, Suze!

So much kindness just does good. Thanks to you all! I am sorry I am not able to visit your blogs much just now; I will do so as soon as I have enough strength! But for now, thank you all for not forgetting me!

Thanks for visiting and take care of yourselves!