Friday 30 November 2012

And a few more Christmas Cards....

Hi you all! Another week is over, and I have not managed to get as much done as I would have liked to. My fingers seem to be getting shakier from day to day, which is very frustrating, but I see the doctor today for more tests, and hope that I can have the medis reduced soon and that that will make a difference. Sorry to moan, but I am getting really fed up with being ill - I'm afraid I am not a patient patient!

I have made the cards similar to the others, mostly using using paper from DCKW, and a little remnant from Graphics 45, plus the golden cut outs I got from the discounter, and some ribbon.

Here's wishing you all a good weekend, take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. The cards are lovely, and well done on getting them finished with the shaky fingers! Lots of hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie. It must be so frustrating for you but I admire your perseverance. You have another lovely set of cards with a wonderful vintage feel. x

  3. These are wonderful Val, shaky fingers or not. Well done for doing anything, I would be in one big sulk if I were in your shoes lol x

  4. It must be driving you round the twist Valerie, I hope you get some good news today. As Aileen says, well done for keeping at it, your Christmas cards are beautiful. Take good care. Hugs, Suze xx

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  6. Again, I'm so impressed with all the beautiful work you get done even when not feeling your best! I'm not a patient patient either and I'll be hoping the doctor can help you find a solution.
    BIG hugs,
    LOVE the cards, especially the last with those gorgeous stripes!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. beautiful cards today Valerie, have a great weekend, I can understand your frustration.

  9. Oh Valerie - you must be getting so frustrated and so tired of all this. Nevertheless they can't keep a good woman down and your cards are gorgeous! I adore the way you combine so many elements and they always work together so beautifully. hugs, Donna

  10. Valerie,
    Bravo to you to create your own cards when you have been through such a rough time with your health and still not 100%.
    A beautiful collection.

  11. Love all the cards you have made! Hope your 'shakes' are soon better! Hugs, Barb

  12. Love all your cards Valerie. You always do a great job. Hope you get better soon, it's been awhile now and you deserve a break. Take care Valerie, enjoy the holidays none the less.

  13. Lovely selection of cards and look forward to seeing you at Paint Party Friday again as we miss you Valerie, xx

  14. Gorgeous Christmas cards. Love the vintage images. Tracy x

  15. The cards are really lovely. The dimensional items and all the layering really makes them stand out.
    Hope you have a nice weekend.

  16. another lovely batch of christmas cards val, well done...

    hope you're feeling better soon,

    maria xx

  17. I hope you have good results from your visit to the doctor today. Loving all your cards.
    Yvonne x Take care

  18. I love your cards - made with shaky fingers no less. I sure hope you get some positive news from the doctor.

  19. Beautiful cards Valerie, the cut outs are beautiful too. You have done a beautiful job making these, no one would guess that you are still not feeling 100%. I know what you mean by not being a patient , patient, but sometimes you have to be.

  20. Moan all you want! Not a one of us would be not upset if in your shoes! I sure hope that they can reduce the meds and maybe you will start to feel better! Gosh, I have a hard enough time doing somethings without shakie hands! Your Christmas cards are gorgeous as always! Take care and enjoy the weekend as much as possible! Hugs!

  21. Hi Valerie

    I can well imagine you being very fed-up up and hope you can get fixed up with new meds soon.

    The good side is that your work on the cards is still amazing--these are all very beautiful.

    Sending love your way

    Chrissie xxx

  22. You have so many great ideas for cards. Love it!

  23. I just came by to check and see how you are, beautiful cards, hope each day you feel stronger,

    These are gorgeous... Valerie. ~xx
    Happy Saturday! :]

  25. You would never know! They are just as beautiful as the last - bravo! xoxo

  26. I do hope they can get your shaky hands under control. I can see why you are so frustrated.. My prays go out to you my friend..

    Your cards are so pretty..


  27. Beautiful Cards, Valerie! So Sorry to hear about your health problems. Sending good thoughts and prayers for some good news and healing!


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