Friday 31 July 2020

Spills and splatters

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for all the good wishes. The dental Op went well, it wasn't exactly the  pleasantest 2 hours I've spent, but the ladies of the team there are fantastic and do their work really well. I have to take antibiotics, and the second part will be done in the middle of August when it's healed up.

Today I'm sharing a frustration piece I made after spilling paint on a gessoed A3 page in my journal. I just carried on with drips and drops,  and added the  Banksy girl,  balloon and text with  stencils. I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' theme at AJJ , to simon Monday challenge - art journal, and to paint party Friday

Here I reversed the colours, just for fun:

And for Pinky's 'Christmas' theme at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

And some photos from a visit to a farm in a neighbouring town:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Midweek this and that

Hi Everybody!

This has been a busy couple of days. Had to go for a little operation on my ear yesterday, which was a bit unpleasant, but necessary, and tomorrow I have to have a dental operation because my gums are very inflamed again and the nasty bits have to be cut away. I have had a lupus flare-up these past weeks, and although it has not been as painful as the last one, it's bad enough and is causing lots of inflammations that I could actually do without....On the positive side, the supply of coffee has not run out, so that's good! Or as my Auntie Fanny would have said, 'sniff it up, swallow it down and carry on with your life'! 

I have been doing a lot of crafting in my new journal. I got given a voucher for Amazon and bought myself two huge, A3 journals, each with 60 sheets. The paper is really good quality, and I am happy using them:

This is the unexpurgated version:

Anyway, back to business! I painted the page with diluted acrylics in turquoise and purple over a layer of gesso, gave it some splashes, and then collaged some scraps of napkins from Jane Davenport and others when it was dry. I used some dewdrop Stickles on the dragonflies, eye  and the dress. Then I did some doodling and wrote a quote from Shakespeare round the figure of the woman - it's from Hamlet. I added some feathers and a few stickers as embellishments. One of the drawbacks - for me - of working in a journal is that I can't sew round the edges, so I used an awl to make some holes and pulled some blue threads through them:

I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot challenge' at AJJ, as it's good to be under the sea in a dream-world where sky and sea are together when it's hot outside. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, art journaling, and to paperbabe stamps challenge, summer.

After the ear operation I sat here and consoled myself with a chocolate ice:

The changeable weather has given us wonderful cloud formations and skies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!