Wednesday 22 July 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. I had to spend some time at the dentist's yesterday - not nice, but necessary and probably expensive, but I won't get the bill till it's finished!
I have one more tag for Sandie's  'sea' theme at 
Tag Tuesday. I made the waves and beach from torn and stitched strips of paper. The lighthouse was stamped, the boat and seagull were cut-outs. I used cheese-cloth for the 'fishing nets'. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge:

And I have a hybrid piece for Erika's 'when it's hot' theme at AJJ. The background was hand-painted, and I used elements from Serif and a photo of mine. The accordion player sat by the Rhine for years and played his happy music. He always greeted me like an old friend, and he died  a couple of years back. Others play at various points in our little town, but it's not the same. Here he's playing for the kids having fun in the sun:

And as promised yesterday, I have some photos from the interior of the Mariendom (Cathedral of Mary) at Neviges. It's very dark inside, with just some spots and candles lighting this huge, cavernous space, and I find it very impressive:

The rose again:

An unusual pulpit:

Another rose:

I hope to visit there again soon!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!



  1. I do like lighthouses - your tag is amazing, so is your hybrid piece - it's so colourful.

    I enjoyed seeing your photographs, they came out so well, it's not easy getting inside/indoor photographs.

    Happy midweek wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan!. It wasn't easy as the cathedral is dark, but it ws fun!

  2. Great beach tag , lovely to see the piano accordion man. That is an amazing cathedral, the windows are beautiful, is it a cold place? Maybe it is just seeing the concrete 😁

    1. Thanks a lot. No, it wasn't cold, but I wasn't there in winter yet!

  3. Gorgeous tag and really fun page too. hugs, teresa

  4. That is a very nice beach tag Valerie. I like the stitched layers very much. And thanks for joining AJJ once again. That is a great story about the accordion player and it's not just the playing children who like him. The dancing kitty made me smile. It is another very nice page for the When It's Hot challenge. And the inside of the cathedral is quite striking. It looks like a place a place you may not like but can't help admire. The glass windows are amazing. Thanks for sharing and I hope you get back soon too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I couldn't resist the dancing Kitty, as lots of kids used to stop and dance. And that's it exactly - even though you don't like the architecture, it is enormously impressive. Have a lovey day!

  5. Beautiful cathedral strategically lit. Lovely tag and hybrid piece today!

    1. Thanks Christine. Have a lovely day, stay safe!

  6. Beautiful Cathedral and fabulous work of your art. xx

  7. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your gorgeous tag and the colorful page, with the cute theme,the children and the accordion player!
    Amazing photos from the Cathedral ! Very impressive glass stain ! Have a lovely day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, dear Dimi! Your visits here always make me happy! Have a wonderful day, stay safe! Hugs!

  8. another wonderful, textural, dimensional tag! along with your lovely journal page and photos! take good care, xo

  9. Wonderful tag, Valerie. I like how the same sisal (I think that's what it's called) you used for the cheesecloth, you also used in the hole. It brought it all together. That lighthouse is incredible, too. But your stitches may be what made it extra special.

    What a sweet way to remember the accordion player. He must have impressed you a lot. I liked how the little boy and the cat were dancing together to the music. Thanks so much for another great entry using Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    The interior of the Cathedral is amazing. I like how the rose is represented in so many forms. That pulpit is overwhelming. The interior is so beautiful, but what surprised me was that no one seemed to be wearing a mask. Thanks for these incredible photos. PLEASE stay safe, dear.

    1. Thanks E! The photos were taken BEFORE Covid, nobody thought of masks....sigh! The accordion player was a Sweetie, a really nice, old man, and always in a good mood. Glad you like the interior. It is really impressive. Have a safe day!

  10. The light that pours through the window spreads colour within the darkness of the cathedral, must be an amazing place to sit and just think. Lovely tag with those stitched sands and waters edge and a super theme from Sandie.
    Sorry i've not been around had such a busy week with Mom being ill but all is well thankfully. Just off there now but thought i'd pop on over to say hello. Catch up with you over the weekend, it will be a free one for me.. yayyyy. Take care Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. The light there is really amazing, I like things like that. Glad you like the tag. Sorry to hear your Mum was ill and hope she is soon up and running agin. Enjoy your free weekend!

  11. I love your lighthouse tag with it's vibrant colours, and the same for your hybrid piece. It's so bright and jolly. I think it's a fitting tribute in memory of the gentleman accordion player. I will take a longer look at the images inside that cathedral later, but on first glance they are quite a contrast to what we have come to normally expect inside a religious building.

    1. Thanks Deb. He was a lovely person, it's good to remember people like that. The cathedral is really very different to what we expect, and although I am not normally a fan of brutalist architecture, this place is an experience!

  12. Two stunning pieces Valerie. Love the tag, great colours and textures. Have a lovely day.

  13. I love light house motives, very pretty! Those beautiful colors are amazing!

    1. Thanks Natalia, light houses are always beautiful to see.

  14. Good morning Valerie: I am glad to note that a gull made its way into your artwork this morning. A seascape of any kind would appear denuded without one. The interior of the cathedral looks very interesting, but I find it dark and foreboding somehow. Were I in there, I think I would be looking forward to going back outside into the bright sunshine. Perhaps stop for a coffee, a slice of poppy seed cake. Ah, now that's better! Who can believe it is already mid week again? Where does the time go? Hugs and kisses from Canada 🇨🇦.

    1. I like the cheeky gulls, we have lots of them here at the Rhine, and they are noisy and greedy, but I love watching them fly, always a real flight show. The cathedral is not foreboding, because so many shafts of light come in through those hugs windows, but it's not an architecture everyone likes. Coffee and cake is always good! Time flies, I just went shopping for my weekly groceries with my best neighbour Wolfgang, and now it's time for coffee and feet up and perhaps a nap! Have a great day!

  15. Your seaside tag is just wonderful. It makes me think of my friend, Red, as she loves lighthouses. The architecture of the church is incredible and the stained glass amazing. T

    1. Thanks CJ. Lighthouses are somehow always special. Glad you like the stained glass windows! Enjoy your day!

  16. Hi Val, I'm a bit late today, we all went out this morning, the kids wanted to go swimming. Now I'm going to have a restful afternoon - I hope! Love your beautiful lighthouse and the interior of Neviges is stunningly beautiful. Take care and enjoy your afternoon! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a quiet afternoon! Hugs to all😁😁😁

  17. Its a wonderful tag Valerie and the journal page is quite magical, seeing children play on a summers day is quite magical, no cares, no worries, enjoying life. Thank you for adding this to Erika's AJJ theme.
    I will be going back to have another look at the photos from inside the church, the windows looked amazing.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. That's true, children should be carefree and happy and enjoy life!

  18. Beautiful building.
    Both pieces look very summery and breezy.

  19. A wonderful hybrid page and I love your tag Valerie!
    Great photos too.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, that's nice! Have a great day, keep well!

  20. Your art always makes me smile. And there is something about old cathedrals and churches that I admire so much.

    1. Thanks! That's true, they have a special atmosphere. Hope your knee is getting better.

  21. Beautiful 😊 I live sea 😊

  22. I absolutely love your tag Valerie, especially with the stitching and added texture. Oh you poor woman, hope it isn't too expensive. Wow that Cathedral is amazing!! Thanks for sharing those gorgeous photos!

    1. Thanks Pinky! And thanks for the good wishes. As soon as I get a bit saved, something comes along and eats it up! The cathedral is fantastic.

  23. It's a great tag and I like the happy music scene.

  24. Love the accordion player -- and the stained glass -- wow!

  25. Oh I love your tag Valerie, the stitched waves are gorgeous!! Fabulous page too, what a fun scene! The inside of the cathedral is amazing, stunning stained glass!!
    Take care, Hugs Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I Love stitching on Papier. The glass ist really fabulous. Have a great day, stay safe!

  26. Loving this tag,love all the stitching, it really gives depth and texture...x

  27. How interesting is that cathedral, and how atmospheric it seems to be. Certainly a place I would enjoy visiting and just sitting letting it all wash over me.
    Love the tag you made, those stitched pieces look fabulous. I love how the edges of the yellow pieces are tinged with orange and the little nets hung by the side.
    Your other piece reminds me that before Covid I used to walk through our town and hope to see the old man sitting playing his accordion. He was obviously Eastern European and he had magical fingers playing so delightfully as he sat there. His music took me to many magical places as I wandered back and forth close to where he was. Then I did not see him for a while. I imagined he had passed as the months turned into a year and then one day he was there, smiling away, with his beret on his head playing "Poppa Picolino" again. It was a truly magical moment, much like the one the children are experiencing in your journal page.
    Thank you for reminding me, I wonder if he is still around. It is so long since I ventured into town.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. It's strange how little things, like someone playing music, brighten up the atmosphere. The players here are mostly East-European, too. At the weekend there are sometimes 4 of 5 at different points around town. It makes for a nice atmosphere!

  28. I adore your tag Valerie - the sewing looks really great! What a happy scene on your journal page -accordion sounds are such happy memory for many folk I think! The inside of Neviges cathedral looks amazing, I love all the illuminated glass! Hugs, Chrisx

  29. Great pieces again Valerie, I love that happy cat! I need to go to the dentists soon but they still don't have the PPE. Happy weekend! xx

    1. Oh fine, that gives you something to look forward to!

  30. Hi Valerie! I am so glad I stopped by and took a closer look at your lighthouse tag and your blog post! I haven't been able to play in the challenges in awhile, but you know I will join in soon. I love the layers, stitching and cheesecloth on your tag; it's wonderful! I also enjoyed the photos of the cathedral (where is Neviges?). We've been having a long heat wave here in Virginia; one can almost feel the cool and quiet interior of that cathedral. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

    1. Hi Sherry, how nice to hear from you! Glad you like the tag, I had fun making it. I know you like making tags, too, and I am looking forward to seeing you at Tag Tuesday again soon. Neviges is a little town in North Rhine Westphalia, it's about half an hour's drive there. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  31. Oh my gosh, Valerie, I absolutely love both of your works of art. The lighthouse tag is BEAUTIFUL! - the addition of your stitching makes the waves come alive. (I have always loved lighthouses!!) The hybrid piece you made for Erika's "When it's Hot" theme is awesome. I LOVE it! It's so happy and full of joy. The adorable children and dancing kitty enjoying the accordion player by the Rhine are wonderful. And your butterflies and banner make it come alive! Thanks so much for sharing the story behind it, too. Also, your photos of the inside of the cathedral are stunning. What a gorgeous stained glass rose!!! Hugs to you, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon! Lighthouses are really special places, I would love to go to the sea again. Thanks for your friendly comments.


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