Friday 10 July 2020

Yellow flowers and more for Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, the week is almost over, and I'm hoping the next week will be a bit easier than this one was. I have been busy resting today, never got out of my pyjamas all day, and I must say, a day like this here and there is not bad. I've been listening to a new audio book as I'm not supposed to read yet, and limiting my computer time to half an hour every so often. I'm glad I got all my posts ready in advance, so I just have to type the introduction, and that's all!
This first piece is meant for Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ. The people are hanging out in the jungle and trying to keep cool, and the ape is wondering why they are there....The background was made with some left over red card, splashed and splodged with yellow paint. The black card is recycled from an old calendar and the designer paper was left over from a card. I am still trying to use up leftovers! I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have another tag using the 'Leda' image for my 'put a sentiment on it' challenge at Tag Tuesday:

I bought some sunflowers this week:

These photos were taken at Süd Park:

Have a great day, take care,
and thank a lot for coming by!


  1. A day in pj's is awesome once and awhile-and we deserve to do that especially when healing.
    Love your art and wow the sunflowers are amazing-I may grow some of those next year.
    Happy weekend coming up hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. Sunflowers are always beautiful, I love them very much. Have a great day!

  2. Nothing better than a day in pyjamas 😁 beautiful art work Valerie, one hot and one cool. Love the sunflowers, is that duck pretending to be a flower??

    1. Thanks a lot. Looks like the duck was hiding!

  3. Glad you are getting some rest. Beautiful art and the sunflowers are gorgeous!

  4. Hello dear Valerie!
    Love your jungle art and the preety vintage tag!
    Lovely photos of my favorite sunflowers! Great capture of the cute duck!
    Have a relaxing weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, dear Dimi! Sunflowers are always so beautiful. You have a good weekend, too, take care of yourself!

  5. Good morning Val! How are you today? Hope your eye is less sore today. It's been quiet up to now here, but it's still early! Love your beautiful tag and the wonderful and fun journal page. Great idea how that monkey is hanging out, well done! Lovely yellow flowers, too, Love the sunflowers on your table. Have a good day, take it easy, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah. I'm doing well, thanks, my eye is running all the time, but that's 'normal' just now. Glad you like my monkey tricks! Have a hopefully quiet and accident-free day!

  6. Love your art and your sunflowers!
    Slowly the summer passes and I didn't even realize that the sunflower is already starting to dry!
    It was very cold and rainy weather here ... but I hope that summer will return this weekend!
    Enjoy your pajama day and your audiobook! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. We have had some rain, but it is still much too dry here. Perhaps summer will come back again! Have a wonderful day!

    2. Valery, you're cute!
      Thank you for the appreciation! ❤️

  7. Hope your recovery goes well. Love your creations so many lovely layers of detail. Have a great weekened.

  8. BEAUTIFUL flowers and the yellow is gorgeous with the blue in the background...hope it brightens up your day as it has mine. Lovely works of art and please take care of yourself...hugs Have a lovely weekend. ♥

    1. Yellow and blue are wonderful colours which always make me feel good! Have a great weekend, hugs, to Monte!

  9. This is definitely a sunny sunflower day. Love the vase of them and the ones in the fields and park.

    I'm not a PJ kind of gal. I prefer nightgowns because I hate anything around my waist. But it's good to take a day off on occasion.

    I'm glad YOU are are able to get out. You are SO brave. Our COVID cases have spiked in my city and my city and county are at odds with each other about requiring masks, even after our state governor made masks mandatory for anyone over the age of five.

    I love how you are using scraps to create another wonderful entry for Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme. It's so cute, too.

    Please take care of your eye and it's great to be able to listen to a book instead of reading it. Hope your eye heals over the weekend.

    1. A day off is good, whether in PJs or nightgown! Here we have more Covid cases, too. People are partying in the Altstadt, no distancing, no masks, they are crazy. I go out early or late and only to places where I know there are not many people, except for the hospital on Wednesday. But they took all precautions there. I've had a little walk and now it's rest time again! Hope your eye is doing well, too!

  10. Good to read you have been resting Valerie, your recovery will come sooner than later that way. The look on that poor apes face with the invasion of the man & woman as they take shade, maybe they are sitting on his food stash hee hee.. love the gold stitched edge. Lovely tag using your lady again, she looks so at peace.
    There's a warm yellow glow around your flower pics this week, send some of that our way please. Have a rest weekend & take care Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Happy PPF ;)

    1. Thanks Tracey. That monkey does look as though they have invaded his space - no social distancing! Yello flowers always remind me of the sun.

  11. I always look forward to a day in my PJs!!!
    Wow... gorgeous art journaling.
    Your flower photos are so amazingly beautiful!!!
    Keep healing and enjoy being read to!

    Big Hugs ☕🌷

    1. Thanks Jan, I am enjoying my weekend. You have a good one too!

  12. A fabulous fun page Valerie - not a fan of very hot myself (or very cold for that matter) but at the moment anything would be a welcome change from the grey skies we've been having! I love the yellow flowers in you pics which certainly cheered me up! Aah! Leda again and a reminder that I still haven't made a tag this time!! Hope you recover quickly, enjoy your PJ time! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Grey skies are not my faves, either! Hope you manage a Tag! 😁

  13. Hi Valerie love your page and your tag both beautiful work my friend and how cute is your new header,I love the duck stay safe my friend and good to here you are recovering well xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl! That duck was so cute sitting in the long Grass. Have a great day!

  14. I think you should have at the very least taken a selfie in your pyjamas to share with the world! It is good that you are relaxing and obeying the doctor's orders. Soon you will be back to normal no doubt. My daughter arrived from Ottawa yesterday afternoon and will be here until Monday. As soon as she arrived we snacked on prosciutto and bocconcini, asiago and Danish fontina, crackers and olives....and the wine flowed. Good times! If I am a little late responding to your posts over the next few days you will know why. Hugs from steamy Ontario.

    1. Thanks David. Hmmm, no pyjamas selfies, never! Have fun with your daughter, sounds like you will be stuffed and pickled and steamed in the coming days. Enjoy! I feel hungry just reading about it! Have big fun! Take care!

  15. What a wonderful tropical page - I just adore the dimension you've created with the layering of the images. The tag is charming too - Leda is so full of character. And the sunflowers have made me happy. They're my best friend's favourite flower, and she's 50 next week, so I have ordered a large bunch of them for delivery... and now I'm starting to see why she loves them so much.

    Sorry to have been missing so much again - it's a strange time.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. Sunflowers are wonderful. When they are 'Finland's in the case I hang them on the wall outside and the birds enjoy feasting on them! Strange times indeed, I 'll say amen to that. Have a good weekend,!

  16. Glad you are taking it easy. Best thing for ya.
    I love sunflowers they always remind me of my grandfather who used to grow them.
    "Some like it hot. I don't." Heh.
    Love that soft blue in the second piece.
    Happy weekend. Stay safe. Be healthy. Hugs,

    1. Thanks Sandra! Blue is always a fave of mine. Happy weekend!

  17. Such an interesting piece. So many fun details. Love the flowers.

  18. A relaxing day in your PJ's sounds good, especially after the week you have had.
    The photos of the flowers look beautiful, I love the sun flowers and bright yellow shades.
    A fabulous journal page, I don't think I would like to be sitting so close to the monkey. Thank you for a wonderful inspiration piece added to Erika's AJJ theme.
    Stay safe and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Thanks Yvonne. I would be careful of the monkey, too, they are quick and cunning! Yellow flowers are always fantastic! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  20. Glad you had a good day resting. Here it is steamy hot and I spent most of my afternoon just reading on my screen porch. I love the latest AJJ piece. It made me laugh, not at the art but at the story about the chimp wondering why those people were there. Dressed in their finest no doubt. Thanks again for sharing at AJJ- it is much appreciated. And your Leda tag is beautiful in blue. That is such a nice color for today's heat. Also loving your sunflowers. What is it about sunflowers? They are so appealing. Take care of yourself so your healing goes quickly. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Here it's cool and wet, but I like it! Glad you liked my little story piece, I had fun putting those disparate bits and bobs together! Sunflowers have their own, special magic. Enjoy your day!

  21. Glad to hear you are getting some rest Valerie. Your art and photos are all amazing!
    Have a good weekend,
    Alison xx

  22. Valerie, du verblüffst mich wieder mit dem Tag und dem Journalseite. Wei du das machst immer so schön und immer wieder die Ideen dazu. So romantisch sind alle Zwei, ich liebe das!
    Die Blumenfotos sind wundervoll und die Ente. Dein Sonnenbluemstrauss ist herrlich, hab vile Freude daran.
    Bei mir ist es auch kühl und nass und windig. Morgen sollen wir mehr Sturm wieder bekommen.
    Mir ist es auch lieber wie zu heiss!
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke! Ja, kühl und nass ist besser als zu heiß. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  23. Glad you are taking care of You ~ your artworks are spectacular and your photos are awesome ~ love the duck photo ~

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  24. marvelous art projects Valerie, and your sunflower photos are gorgeous!! Happy PPF!

  25. Beautiful jungle page and gorgeous tag Valerie, love all of the blue! Fantastic photos of all of the sunflowers and your blog header with the duck is so cute! Enjoy your weekend and I hope you continue to heal.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, that duck was really a cutie! Have a great weekend!

  26. Lovely collage Valerie. I luv the layers. And wow those macro flower shot are gorgeous. Happy Friday and thanks for dropping by my blog


  27. oh the golden yellow is uplifting. Your artwork is so inspired

  28. The couple look very comfortable on their flower seats. Lovely sunflowers.

    1. It's a good place to sit! Have a great weekend!

  29. Uwielbiam słoneczniki. Twoje prace są niezwykłe lubię wracać do postów na tym blogu. Dobrego weekendu:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, have a great weekend, stay safe!

  30. Glad you are doing well after surgery. Beautiful sunflowers!

  31. "When it's Hot" piece is absolutely awesome! Love how you have used Da Vinci portrait in "True beauty..."! Those flowers and the colours are so arresting! Happy PPF, Valerie!
    Hope you are well. I wasn't for a couple of months now! Now ok a bit.

    1. Thanks Deepa, glad you are feeling better, Look after yourself.

  32. I've had pajama weeks too. Let's hope next week is a better one, but nothing wrong with PJs! I love the sunflowers you treated yourself to and the beautiful photos from the sunflower park and ducks, too! Hang in and be gentle with yourself!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. A few days rest and I will be as good as new!

  33. Yes allow your eyes to heal. I am doing the same with my eye. I really love this monkey piece. The shoes on the lady are awesome. LOL Have a great weekend.

  34. What a fab, fun piece, I love it! I hope you are still looking after yourself! Take care Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I am being good and resting, haven't got the energy to do anything else!

  35. A relaxing leisure wear/pyjama day sounds great and just what the Doctor ordered :)

    I do like those sunflowers ...
    Beautiful photographs you've shared too ...

    All the best Jan

  36. Those cut sunflowers -such a bright spot! Your trip to the park yielded delightful photos :) I'm glad you're recovering. An uncomplicated recovery is the best!

  37. beautiful art as usual. 😀 however, the sunflowers stole the show. Pure beautiful. Nature with its beautiful hues and tones. Stay well.

    1. Thanks Ira. Nature is always the best artist!! Have a great week!


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