Wednesday 29 July 2020

Midweek this and that

Hi Everybody!

This has been a busy couple of days. Had to go for a little operation on my ear yesterday, which was a bit unpleasant, but necessary, and tomorrow I have to have a dental operation because my gums are very inflamed again and the nasty bits have to be cut away. I have had a lupus flare-up these past weeks, and although it has not been as painful as the last one, it's bad enough and is causing lots of inflammations that I could actually do without....On the positive side, the supply of coffee has not run out, so that's good! Or as my Auntie Fanny would have said, 'sniff it up, swallow it down and carry on with your life'! 

I have been doing a lot of crafting in my new journal. I got given a voucher for Amazon and bought myself two huge, A3 journals, each with 60 sheets. The paper is really good quality, and I am happy using them:

This is the unexpurgated version:

Anyway, back to business! I painted the page with diluted acrylics in turquoise and purple over a layer of gesso, gave it some splashes, and then collaged some scraps of napkins from Jane Davenport and others when it was dry. I used some dewdrop Stickles on the dragonflies, eye  and the dress. Then I did some doodling and wrote a quote from Shakespeare round the figure of the woman - it's from Hamlet. I added some feathers and a few stickers as embellishments. One of the drawbacks - for me - of working in a journal is that I can't sew round the edges, so I used an awl to make some holes and pulled some blue threads through them:

I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot challenge' at AJJ, as it's good to be under the sea in a dream-world where sky and sea are together when it's hot outside. I am also linking to Simon Monday challenge, art journaling, and to paperbabe stamps challenge, summer.

After the ear operation I sat here and consoled myself with a chocolate ice:

The changeable weather has given us wonderful cloud formations and skies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lupus is a terrible condition, Valerie, and it is imposing its ravages on you, I am afraid. Your Aunt Fanny may have been wise with her words, but following her advice is not easy I am sure. You just had surgery on your eyes and ears, and now your mouth needs attention. It is all quite awful. Like all of your blogging friends I wish that there was something tangible I could do to help, but the Atlantic Ocean is a formidable barrier. Keep as well as you can and know that I am thinking of you. I hope that Nathalie will be able to visit perhaps and offer a little human comfort. Hugs with extra special meaning today. David xo

    1. Thanks for the kind words, David. It is something we have to live with, and is not pleasant, that's for sure, but other illnesses are worse. I always have my Aunt Fanny's words in my head, she was a great one for sayings to remember! It does me good to know that you would help if you could, that#s worth a lot. N has a new boyfriend, and is rarely here just new - that#s life. But as long as there's till coffee and time for an afternoon nap, it's okay. Now I'm off to put my big feet up! Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  2. Hi Val, sorry you are having such lot of problems again just now. Glad you have got the ordeal with your ear over, and hope ll goes well with the dentist tomorrow. I know you always want to carry on business-as-usual, but make sure you get enough rest! We have had a lot of excitement here - a pipe under the bath-tub burst and now we have water running through the ceiling and down the walls. Leah has taken the kids for a few days till the mes is sorted! Look after yourself! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. So sorry to hear about the water pipe, how awful. Hope you sson get it sorted!

  3. Hello dear Valerie
    So sorry you are having all those health problems .Last year i had many health issues and now I’m terrified to visit a doctor during the pandemic.What a gorgeous page you made! Love the background and the collage scraps that you used! A great artwork indeed! Wishing you good luck with the dental operation tomorrow.
    Take care! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks, dear Dimi. I'm sorry you are terrified to visit the doctor at this time. My experiences have been very good up til now, they all take great care and I felt safe. I hope you are feeling well now. Hugs!

  4. Sorry to hear about all your health issues. I can relate with these chronic hives and some blood work came back a bit sketchy so in a couple of weeks I am off to the drs. Hope the chocolate ice helped at least your spirits and hope everything is improving. My plan today is for a lot of art too-which I am excited about as it has been a few days. I love the Jane Davenport bits and the watery scene is perfect for hot weather and just as it is even if it wasn't hot. Take care of yourself and have a fantastic day. And huge thanks again for all your support this month at AJJ. Much appreciative as I have said before. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like the page. It#s hard to get rid of chronic illnesses, and I know how nasty those hives can be. The chocolate ice definitely helped my spirits and was really delicious! It had peppermint bits in it, yummy!

  5. At one time they thought I had Lupus, but thankfully it was something else. I hope you aren't in pain after both procedures. We've enough to think about. Sending healing light to get you mended soonest! I love your artwork today, and looking at your sky pictures, doesn't that tree just make the sky pop so beautifully? My Nanna was everyone else's Aunty Fanny! Of course, she was Nanna to me.

    1. Auntie Fannys seem to be very special people, glad you had one that was your Nanna! My ear is sore, but it will get better soon, I hope! Skies, clouds, and trees - something to look up to and enjoy! Have a good week, take care!

  6. I love how you painted the suggestion of a dress on her. The colors are beautiful and you went just far enough to make the suggestion.

    At first I thought I mis-read, then thought maybe you made a typo. You just had eye surgery! Now the ear? I'm so sorry. I hope you have people close by who can help as needed.

    Take care. Hugs, Eileen

    1. Hi Eileen. Yes, eye surgery a couple of weeks back to mend the retina, yesterday my ear and tomorrow the dentist will be waiting for me....Not fun, but necessary, and I hope I soon get a few weeks with less excitement! I have to manage on my own, but that#s okay, I'm used to it. My neighbour drives me shopping once a week, and that's a big help. Have a lovely day, take care!

  7. Glad you are coping with your health issues as best you can Valerie. Beautiful page and photos today.

  8. Życzę dużo zdrowia . Podziwiam twoje piękne prace i fotografie .

  9. I want that waste basket.
    Your piece is so light and airy, beautiful.
    I am so sorry you are having so many health issues to deal with but glad you're a strong woman.

    1. Yes, it's pretty, sin't it, and very inspiring to eat ice! If you are o your own to have to be strong!

  10. Good tp see that you are recovering so well, and what your Aunt Fanny said made me smile. So true.

    1. Thanks a lot. She was right in a lot of things!

  11. Sorry to hear about your health problems Valerie, I hope you are recovering well.
    Those art pads look great, and your page is really beautiful.
    Lovely photos of the sky.
    Best wishes,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. The journals are great, the paper is fantastic. Have a nice evening!

  12. So sorry you are dealing with health issues hoping things improve soon.
    I love art Valerie it is always so beautiful, and a chocolate ice sounds perfect!
    Beautiful sky photos, enjoy your new journals Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks a lot Kathy! Have a great day, stay safe!

  13. What a stunning page Valerie! I love the colors and all of the gorgeous collage elements, fantastic hand stitching too! Beautiful photos of all of the cloud formations. I hope your health improves and I'm so sorry you all dealing with all of this.
    Sending big hugs your way! Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like the journal page and thanks for the good wishes! Stay safe!

  14. Good luck for tomorrow, hope it all goes well. Love your page, beautiful. x

  15. Hi Valerie hope you are feeling much better soon not nice being in pain ,take care my friend. Wow great journals for you and your work is stunning love the pretty blue stay safe Valerie and take care xx

  16. I am SO terribly sorry to read your lupus has flared again. That is definitely not good news. I hope you don't have to bandage your fingers again, because that hand sewing would not be possible. You chose a couple of beautiful journals and your first page is amazing. I like how everything came together and the colors are so bright and happy. It's a lovely entry for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I hope your ear operation went well. I thing having an ice cream sounds perfect for after the operation. I would love to join you there, too.

    Your sky photos are very moody. I was surprised at how things changed so quickly. Just beautiful photos of your sky and trees. Please stay safe and well, dear. I think I hear thunder, so I'd better get this published.

  17. Great new journals, and look forward to seeing you create in them, fabulous journal posts as well as the gorgeous photos. Take care. xx

  18. Hope you're feeling better today and good luck at the dentists's! Hugs, Sarah

  19. I hope your ear is healing ok Valerie, and the dentist visit went ok, not my favourite place! Your new journals are great, love the art work you have created there.

    1. Thanks so much, the dentist's appointment is at Midday, so I will soon have it done and dusted! Have a great day!

  20. Gosh Valerie, life is being a bit unkind for you just now,I hope the latest operation went well and that you are not in pain and the trip to the dentist goes well.
    Its a fabulous journal page, super images, and under the sea themed page, great inspiration for Erika's AJJ theme, thank you for linking with us.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, indeed, sometimes things aren't easy, as well you know, too! Glad you liked the journal page! Look after yourself!

  21. So sorry for your health problems, but I like your Aunt Fanny's way of dealing with things. I hope the chocolate ice cream made you feel better. Good choice, btw. Your journal page is lovely. Like you picked the colors from the dragonfly wings. You captured some awesome sky backgrounds too. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ! Chocolate ice and Coffee have healing Powers!

  22. Liebe Valerie, was muss ich denn da hören was du wieder alles durch machen musst!
    Ich hoffe dass es dir bald wieder besser geht bei all dem. Eis hast dir wirklich redlich verdient.
    Schön, ja richtiges Zeichenpapier ist schon ganz anders wie so ein normales wo jedes Kind was malt.
    Was du wieder ausgedacht hast ist so fantasiereich und ich liebe es deine Unterwasserwelt, sich da rein zu träumen kann ich verstehen.
    Die wunderschönen Wolkenfotos sind grossartig ich mag das auch sehr.
    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung und pass auf dich gut auf
    Ganz liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, Liebe Elke. Dir auch Alles Gute und bleib gesund.

  23. I am sorry to hear you had an uncomfortable ear procedure. The chocolate ice sounds like a good remedy for sure. Also- I am sorry to hear about the lupus flair up. Not fun! I hope your visit at the dentist is soon in the rear-view mirror. I have had some gum procedures done- so I know what that is like. Good luck.

    Those clouds do look cool. I love your journal page. I love the sea- and dragonflies. Beautiful! :)

    Sending you lots of soothing and calming thoughts and vibes.

    1. Thanks Jess! These things are unpleasant but have to be done! Have a great week!😁

  24. Beautiful skyscapes.
    I do love that piece, makes me feel like I'm floating through it.
    I'm guessing your gums issue is from medication? I only say that because my brother had to have his cut back and it was caused from his medication.
    Thinking of you.

    1. Lupus affects skin and gums and the medication does the rest! Thanks for the support!🐱😷💖

  25. Hi Valerie :) Oh my...ear and dental surgery...I hope you heal quickly and your lupus flare-up ceases. The worst pain (for me) is dental...sending you well wishes! Sorry you had to miss the art date! Your piece is really pretty, I LOVE how you did the shells! Your cloud photos are great! Take care of yourself!!

    1. Thanks Rain! I will be back next week! Look after yourself, have a great week!🐱💖🦆

  26. Hope to see you in good health and cheer soon VJ...Take care!

  27. Oh Valerie, that just sounds grim and miserable. Bad enough one at a time, worse compounded by everything hitting at once. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you found some beauty and fun in a chocolate ice and your walk and of course your art is great! Honestly, Arteza should hire you to do their coves! I hope you can lay low and let others watch out for you for a bit.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. It's not nice when everything hits at once, but it can only get better! There's nobody here to watch out for me, but I will manage on m own!

  28. Your new journals look very good.

    Thinking of you and sending healing wishes.

    All the best Jan

  29. Valerie i'm so sorry to read all this i'm sending you a (((HUg))) hoping that you are feeling a little better now? Having treatment on your mouth as well as ear must have really knocked you down but i'm glad to read that positive quote from Aunt Fanny, how our elders wise words can be just the tonic to lift us back where we belong.
    I'm glad you treated yourself to some nice big journals, great choice, i'm a big fan of arteza especially their gouache :)) and what a grand journal display with everything Jane Davenport, I must use more of my stash but it's oh so lovely just to look at.. *get into your art flow* are wise words again for us both. I'm Soooo happy you shared this over @ Paperbabe Stamps and joined in with the challenge, greatly appreciated my friend.. Now take care of yourself & have as many ice creams as it takes.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. My ear and mouth don't feel so sore as yesterday,time is a big healer. Yes, sometimes it's hard to use stash, I love looking at it, even had a problem to start using the new journals....but I did! Have a wonderful day, take care of yourself!

  30. Well, I'm a happy woman with all those amazing skyscapes, but I'm also blown away by your art flow page. The colours are so harmonious, and the flow of pigment around the page gives it a lovely soft energy and movement. Wonderful images and words too.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, I love these colours, too. Sometimes things just come together. Have a great day !

  31. I'm sorry about your health issues :( and hope the treatments go well. You do such a great job of showing movement in this piece. That sidewalk table looks like the perfect people-watching spot, and the chocolate would definitely console after the doctor. Gorgeous skies!

  32. Sorry that you're going through so much lately - hope things improve soon! I adore your journal page, I must use some of my Jane Davenport stuff! An ice-cream sounds perfectly in order for a post op recovery aid! Love those skies, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I enjoyed that ice cream so much!


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