Tuesday 14 July 2020

Tuesday post - using bookpaper

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all well and fit.

Today I have another piece as a reminder for the challenge at TIOT 'use book paper'. I have been trying to use up a large supply of  paper off-cuts in various colours and qualities, and used some of them in this piece, trying to fit the disparate pieces together. This is made to be a tip-in in an album, and is therefor not stitched on the tip-in side. On the red piece I wiped some gold ink from a stamp I had used, and then added the central image, which is one of my marbled images, matted with 2 other scraps of paper. The 'lace' was cut from some vintage book paper from the 18th century using a Martha Stewart border punch. Then it was all layered and stitched, and the quote added with a gold pen. It is 8 1/2" x 7 1/2". Hope to see lots of you joining in at TIOT. I am also linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJWhen it's hot is for me a good time to stay home and craft in a cool corner!:

And some photos from my balcony and my walks:

This is the path over the Barbarossa Wall, one of the old town bastions:

The sign of the voluntary fire brigade:

The bunting is still up:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your balcony view is wonderful. It gets hot here too but ... even when it does, our back deck is covered in huge black walnut trees. So the back area where we read and write, stays nice and cool (most days). I love that you are staying in and crafting and being safe. LOVE THAT!

    1. Thanks Ivy! And I've got your name spelled right today, too! Yes, we need a nice, shady place to sit! Have a great day!

    2. You know what I love the most (or one of the most), reading and writing outside!

    3. Me too! I sit on my balcony, under the sunshade, or find a nice place along the Rhine - paradise!

  2. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Another amazing creation! Love the image of the card and the lace of the book page! You are so talented!
    Wonderful pictures from your walk! Great captures of those gorgeous pink roses and the beautiful horses!
    Have a lovely day! Stay safe! Hugs!

    1. Thanks so much, dear Dimi! Have a wonderful day. I love those pink roses, too, wish they were on my balcony!

  3. Good morning Val! Another wonderful post with lots of beautiful art. The journal page is fabulous with the paper lace, love it! You have the best ideas. Wonderful photos, Kaiserswerth looks so festive. And I love the Schloss Gripsholm ship, lovely name. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Off to the clinic now for my eye-check. Have a great day!

  4. Brilliant journal pages and love the lacey paper....Awesome photos. x

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day! Hugs to Monte

  5. I love, love love your journal pages!
    Yesterday I was offline all day, and today my blog post is about the sea ... I hope I'm not mistaken!
    Yesterday was a real summer day and I couldn't have missed it …
    Hop you are better and you have rested enough!
    Have a great day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks Ella. I am feeling a little better. Right now I am waiting to see the doctor. Have wonderful day, enjoy the good weather!

  6. Love your page it's wonderful. Your photos are so lovey to look at. Enjoy your day.x

  7. Eine wunderschöne Tagebuchseite mit der Spitze und wie du das gestaltet hast toll! Die Pferdefotos sind schön und auch vom Rhein und der Umgebung.
    Ich wünsche dir alles gute und einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  8. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  9. I have a similar border punch to the one you have. For Martha being so fastidious, her border punches sure leave a lot of teeny tiny bits that fall all over the place. I love what you created, though. The layers are incredible and the sewing is great. The words made me happy, too, because I LOVE rust. I'm also thrilled you shared this with us at Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme.

    Lovely roses and horses frolicking in the fields. My favorite photo today was what I believe are cabbage roses. They are beautiful and your photos captured them perfectly. BTW, yes, I'm super happy now (grin).

    1. Hi E! Yes, you'r right about all of those teeny bits - I always put a piece of scrap paper underneath to catch them, so they don't blow all over the place. The roses are gorgeous, and smell wonderful, too. And glad it made you happy!

  10. Good morning Valerie: I have no idea how you continue to come up with these creative works day after day. Your brain must get overheated I am quite sure! And then there are dark clouds, and gambolling horses, bunting, and flowers. This is a veritable cornucopia and it is overflowing. Those roses are stunning. Were they fragrant too? After all of this you deserved a coffee or two and I hope you treated yourself to a leisurely cup or two at your favourite café. Bis morgen.

    1. Hi David! The roses were wonderful, full of fragrance. They're hanging over a garden wall near here. Last year the owner caught me sniffing at them and cut me a bunch, that was nice. I think my brain must overheat sometimes, and then I need an afternoon nap! And after that a lovely coffee! Have a great day, bis morgen!

    2. I have taken to having an afternoon nap quite frequently. Obviously only the best people do it!

    3. That goes without saying! And anyway, at my age I🧓🛌 NEED it!

  11. Beautiful way to frame up your lovely marbled piece - love it. The gold thread, lovely vintage book pages (wow they are old sooo cool), and wise words are all fabulous. This has a very cool feel to it. Needs to be framed!

    Love your walk pictures - that river is so amazing. Where you live is magical. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, it turned out quite well, which pleased me! It#s a pretty place here, very quiet and nothing exciting happens, but a good place to live. Have a wonderful day!

  12. Beautiful post Val, have a lovely day! Always enjoy your photos! Bill

  13. Happy T day Valerie. I love the latest art. The layering is just beautiful. And Definitely there is some hot there too! It has a great abstract feel, which is something I need to get myself to do! And you always have so many wonderful things to see on your walks. I love the photo of the overgrown path. Our humidity is suppose to break today. I hope; it's been too hot with too much humidity lately and I haven't walked for a week. I am drenched when I come in from doing a bit of gardening. Have a great day. and Thanks again for joining AJJ. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Sorry it's still so hot and humid over there, doesn't sound like weather I would like. Very mixed weather here. Have a great day!

  14. Pretty tag. I like the edging on the book pages. Stunning views from your balcony and your walks. I think I saw some Hollyhocks. My cat, Mitty, liked to hang out under their shady, broad leaves. I also like the mugs in your header especially the one on the right. Perfect for a Morgenmuffel. Happy T Day. Take care and stay cool.

    1. My cat loved hiding under big leaves, and then pouncing to scare the dog! My mugs are all good for Morgenmuffel people! Enjoy your day!

  15. Beautiful art and lovely summer photos, I don't long for winter.

  16. The image on the red is especially beautiful! You walk in the most interesting places -- I always look forward to seeing what you discover next!

    1. Thanks. It's strange, I walk round the same places, day for day, but there's always something new and different.

  17. More beautiful photos from your walks ans on the balcony.
    I love the book page you created as well, it was a lovely edge border you used as well. I must look out my punches and start using them again, thanks for reminding me I have a few somewhere.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. i 'found' my punches recently when clearing up, and they are really useful. Have a great day!

  18. Gorgeous horses!!! I wish we had some of those in Hawaii.

    1. We have a lot of riding stables and horses here, and I love to watch them on the meadows-

  19. Valerie I love this piece you created today. Also the horses are my favorite photos today.

  20. I like those staggered layers and the colors you chose. Those cloud photos are refreshing :) That path looks like it's inviting me into a storybook.

    1. Thanks. I like walking that path where the guards walked the walls in the old days.

  21. That piece is so pretty. I love the horse shots. They look well cared for.
    The kickass mug is awesome.
    Take special care, especially with that eye.

    1. Thanks. I went to the doc's today, he is happy with my eye!

  22. This is a beautiful piece Valerie, love the bookpaper! Take care, Sue xx

  23. Simply stunning bookpage art!!! LOVE it! And of course, love your other photos.. so pretty!!!! ((HUGS)) Helen

    1. Thanks Helen, I love playing with book paper and scraps! Have a great day!

  24. Super photos and I love your bookpage and stitched art Valerie! xx

  25. Lovely horses
    Lovely flowers
    Lovely photographs

    All the best Jan


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