Saturday 25 July 2020

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

Today I am sharing an A4 mixed media piece made with corrugated card  from a parcel I got recently. I peeled part of the card to show the structure and gave it a coat of gesso, before collaging with napkin scraps and pieces from a vintage book and old letters.  And I used some stickles to make it sparkle. Both pieces were sewed together with zigzag stitch and I used a scrap of burlap as a sort of bow. Some fibres and feathers were bound together with a blue ribbon as an embellishment. I am linking to Erika's 'when it's hot' challenge at AJJ, as this shows a summery scene, and to Paperbabe stamps, summertime:

When I take the tram into town , I always walk a part of  the way in each direction. On the way there I walk the last part through the beautiful old cemetery that I like so much, and on the way back I take a path which leads past a meadow full of beautiful horses:

This one was on a roll and having fun kicking up the dust:

And some morning walk pics - the harvest is almost finished:

The heron was walking through the fields looking for breakfast:

I'll be back with my next post on Monday.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Have a great weekend Valerie! Beautiful mixed media piece and the horses look so happy. The harvest already?

    1. Thanks Christine. It's been too warm and too dry again - which makes for an early harvest.

  2. Beautiful art piece today, love the dragonflies. Great walk photos, have a wonderful weekend.

  3. The weekend is here once more, I hope you have a good one.

    Loved seeing your art and photographs, especially the horses.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, I love those horses, too! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Hi Valerie awesome mixed media piece and love the pics of the horses ,they all look to be in such good condition,stay safe and take care my friend xx

  5. Delightful pics of the horses, Monte has a friend, a white horse when we go around the duck pond and they always approach one another, 'kiss' then walk off. Great mixed media page too... xx

    1. The horses are fun, I love visiting them, and can understand Monte doing it, too! Have a great day!

  6. Good morning dear Valerie!
    Gorgeous mixed media piece! Like the dragonflies!
    Great captures of those adorable horses and the beautiful Heron bird!
    Have a happy day and a lovely weekend! Take care! Hugs!

    1. Thanks dear Dimi! I wish you a good morning and a lovely day. Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  7. What an amazing mixed media entry, Valerie. I love the feathers and of course the sewing. The many layers are nice, too. Thanks for once again sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme.

    Your harvest and our harvest are about the same right now. It is hard to believe your hay bales and those in KS are the same. The world is a very small place after all.

    I read your comment about the paint on the rust and I went back and looked. Yes, I saw that the purple and green were originally paint that had flaked and rusted. It's hard to see out of one eye, and now I see my error.

    Have a super rest of the weekend, dear.

    1. Thanks E! It's sometimes amazing how similar things are, and sometimes so different....Harvest here is a good month earlier these days than it was some years back. Sorry you can't see so well just now, hope it is soon MUCH better! Have a nice day!

  8. Vibrant art work! Such beautiful horses, love the spotty one {it probably has a proper name for those markings, but I don't know it} and the harvest is a message that Autumn is not far away in this strange and alien year.

    1. Thanks Deb! The horses are really lovely. I don't know the right name for the spotty ones either, my daughter used to call them 'Pippi Longstocking horses', so I use that name, too! And yes, autumn is coming nearer and this has been a strange and rather horrible year. Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  9. lovely mixed media piece. I love your photos. Have a great day.

  10. Hello Valerie, hope you are well and staying safe still.
    Your mixed media work is really nice - love the colours and dragonflies.
    Great photos - how wonderful to be able see those lovely horses. In the first photo - the one on the left almost looks like a marble statue.
    Hope you have a good weekend. Gill x

    1. Hi Gill, great to see you around again. Have you moved, or are you still wanting to? Look after yourself!

  11. Good morning Valerie: The other day I received a couple of books I had ordered, and the most creative thing I can think to do with the carton, that I opened with great care, was to ask Miriam if she could use it to ship her ETSY orders. Now you, master practitioner of the creative arts, seize the opportunity to tear off the outer shell, and use the corrugations as the substrate for art! I think our minds work in different way! Sometimes my mind works in way I would not confess to! Great shots of the horses gambolling and frolicking, and rolling in the dust. Perhaps that's what you will be doing this weekend - gambolling and frolicking - after you have finished repurposing the cardboard, that is. Whatever you do, have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the good weather and great walks you have nearby. Hugs and kisses from across the miles. David

    1. Hi David! I love using up cardboard and other stuff from packaging material, it always seems such a pity to put it into the recycling bins. Now you have made me curious as to how your mind works! I love watching the horses having fun. I don't do so much gambling and frolicking through the meadows these days, but it's a nice thought. I am planning a restful weekend to replace my depleted energy supplies. Have a great weekend with Miriam! Hugs to you both!

  12. This is a beautiful piece today Valerie. It has lots of texture and really nice summery vibes. I guess they say great minds think a like as I have flowers today too. Smile. And those are very handsome horses. You have lots to see and so many directions to walk. I love my walk but sometimes a change of scenery would be nice. Enjoy your weekend and big thanks again for sharing this great piece of art. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Great minds thinking in tact indeed! I can walk North, south and east easily, to go west I would need to cross the river first by bridge or with the ferry! Plenty to see whichever way I go! Enjoy your family weekend! Stay safe!

  13. What a wonderful tag Valerie !! I love the background, the dragonfly is beautiful, as well as the feathers and all the details. Fantastic !
    The horses are lovely, the one with the brown spots is very beautiful, they are all really beautiful.
    I wish you a very happy weekend, enjoy very much,
    big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks Caty! I love those horses, too, especially the spotted one. Have a great weekend!

  14. Beautiful summery mixed media piece ~ I love how you pieced it all together to create a scene, especially the dragonfly images. The horses look very healthy and happy and the fields are wonderful to view as well. ~ Blessings on your weekend!

    1. Thanks Karen! Dragonflies are always beautiful! Have a lovely weekend!

  15. I like the texture and colors of your dragonfly page. Dragonflies just shimmer like jewels. I haven't seen any in the garden yet. Wonderful Summer pictures. The heron is outstanding in his field 😺 Take care and have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks CJ! I had a dragonfly on my balcony last week, so pretty! Stay safe!

  16. Hi Val, hope your day is going well. Love your gorgeous crafting, you have the knack of bringing everything together so well. Have a restful day, take care, we're doing some baking this afternoon.Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have fun baking, don't eat too much! Have a good weekend, stay safe!

  17. A fabulous mixed media piece Valerie, I love how you used the packaging amd the beautiful dragon fly. Thank you for adding this to Erika's AJJ theme.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hope all is well with you, look after yourself!

  18. You got in two of my favorite things today, dragonflies and horses.
    Have a wondrous weekend.

    1. My faves, too. Stay safe, have a happy weekend!

  19. You create the most wonderful mixed media pieces filled with delightful treasures. Happy PPF

  20. Wunderschön zusammengestellt in deinem Mix und das Farbige zum Sommer passt toll!
    Deine Spaziergange waren sehr schön gewesen und gerade an den schönen Pferden vorbei oder am Fischreiher und der Himmel und der Rhein. Ach es ist einfach eine schöne Gegend!
    Ich wüsnche dir ein gemütliches Wochenende und pass auf dich auf, bleib gesund und munter!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch ein schoenes und erholsames Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  21. Marvelous header photo and your artwork is divine and what a wonderful series of photos ~ that heron looks lost in a 'field' ~ was water nearby, I wonder? ~ Great post ~ thanks ^_^

    Live each moment with love,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. The field is directly by the Rhine. Herons often look for mice, voles and other little 'snacks' in the fields. I love watching them. Have a great weekend!

  22. The cardboard really makes your art interesting. And, oh, those horses are so magnificent.

    1. Thanks. Glad you enjoy the horses! Stay Safe!

  23. Beautiful tag, Valerie. The napkin dragonflies are so vibrant!

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos from your walk too. Yes, the horses are lovely.

    Have a good weekend. Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen, have a wonderful weekend stay safe!

  24. Beautiful art Valerie and wonderful photos! I love the heron and the horses.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. They are indeed lovely. Have a great Weekend, look after yourself.

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks Kathy, hope you had a wonderful day yesterday!

  26. Wow! Kudos to you for making a piece of cardboard look so amazing! Hugs, RO

    1. Thanks Ro! I love playing with cardboard! Have a great week!

  27. I love using cardboard and yours looks so fabulous here, Valerie. The dragonflies are soooo cool and soooo pretty. Lovely feathers too. I really like this. Love the horse pictures. My neighbors horses have been coming to visit a lot lately (must be the apples I gave them earlier in the week - lol). The ones you captured here are very beautiful. Great pictures. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Dragonflies are always beautiful. No wonder those horses love visiting you, Apple's are a treat! Have a great week!

  28. Very nice post ! Thanks for stopping for my blog ! Have a great week! 🎀🎀🎀

  29. Hi Valerie :) I love how you added the feathers to your mixed media piece, it's lovely! Your photos are so nice, I'm such a horse lover. I wish I could have some here, but it's not possible, we don't have the room for it. I love any photo that has hay bales, those are great!

    1. An yes! Hay bales, horses, feathers are always beautiful. Have a great week!

  30. Hi Valerie! What a beautiful work of art you created! I LOVE how you incorporated so many different medias here, including the corrugated paper, vibrant feathers, and your zig-zag stitching. It looks absolutely gorgeous. And speaking of gorgeous, what beautiful photos! I love the horses (especially the one rolling in the dust), the beautiful heron, the early harvest, the men boating, and the gorgeous clouds in the sky! WOW! Thanks for sharing!!! Hope all is well with you. Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon. I love using things like this and combining them to make new pieces!

  31. I love this, the color/texture/depth all coming together to make this pretty piece.

  32. What a fabulous mixed media page Valerie! Great photos of the harvesting, the heron, the skies and especially the rolling horse! Hugs, Chrisx

  33. This piece has wonderful texture, Valerie. And oh, how I love to see those horses!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, they are wonderful creatures!

  34. I'm so glad you linked up with the Paperbabe challenge Valerie, means I can go directly to your page without blogger trying to direct and mislead me... Love those dancing dragonfly, they look smashing against the texture of that corrugated card and fluttery feathers.
    Lovely photographs as well, if it's as hot as they say it is tomorrow I think i'll be rolling in the dust just like that horse as I tackle some dismantling of an old shed in our garden that has seen better days. Take care & thanks again for playing along with our Paperbabe Summer challenge Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Yes, some things with New Blogger are annoying! I can imagine you rolling in the dust, get someone to take a photo! Take care in the heat!


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