Wednesday 15 July 2020

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are having a good week. I had my control visit to the eye specialist yesterday, and he is pleased with my progress. But said I still need to be careful, and no lifting or bending - bye bye housew***!

For Sandie's 'by the sea' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have another tag:

I am also linking to A bit more time to craft, anything goes.

And I have a hybrid when-it's-warm journal page for Erika's challenge at AJJ,
using elements from me, Serif and Mischief circus:

And some photos from yesterday and today:


Early morning:


The Rhine:

Crows this morning:

My balloon flowers are doing well:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your balloon flowers such a pretty blue. Great tags again Valerie always enjoy your photos, the Rhine looks amazing. Keep away from the house#@*k and get that eye better. 😁

    1. Thanks. Yes, I am avoiding it, other things are much nicer! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hi Valerie great news that you are doing so well and what a shame you can't do any housework yet lol.
    Love the tag and what a beautiful journal page ,I love this one,it's very cute. Love the pics we have lots of crows here and they are very noisy lol hope your day is a good one my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. Yes it's a shame, hihi! The crows are always noisy, they often wake me up in the morning!

  3. Glad you're doing better and hey, a little longer break on house work. Sounds good.

    1. Thanks, and I don't mid missing out on housew***!

  4. Gorgeous artwork Valerie, love all of the blue in the tag and that silhouette image looks so beautiful against the colorful background on your AJP! Awesome photos, your balloon flowers are so beautiful! Glad everything is going well after your eye surgery.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy. The balloon flowers are so pretty, if I had a garden it would be full of them! Have a great day, stay safe!

  5. Good to hear about your eye, take care. Beautiful tag and page, and the horses look happy.

    1. Thanks Christine, the horses are always happy, and it makes me happy when I see them!

  6. Oh very summery art and photos. So glad your eyes are getting better.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Hope your eye is recovering, too.

  7. Lovely and sweet post, love the image you chose on your tag, and most gorgeous photos…..♥♥

  8. I love that tag, Valerie. I love the holes you punched around the outside of it and of course, the sailing ship.

    That's a lovely entry for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too. It is filled with summertime memories and young love. Thanks for yet another great journal page.

    That first horse looks a bit like me with its blinders. They are really lovely horses and their coats glisten. Beautiful photo of your balloon flowers, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Some of the horses always have masks on, and no because of covid! Hope your ye is getting better!

  9. Hello dear Valerie!
    Glad you are doing better with your eye!
    Love your sea-theme tag and your gorgeous and romantic journal page!!!
    Stunning pictures of the preety horses and the ballon flowers!
    Have a lovely day! Hugs!

    1. Thanks dear Dimi! I like to dream of the sea even when I am not near it! Have a wonderful day, stay safe and well!

  10. I must understand that you now have the eyes of a hawk ?! LOL
    Glad that you feel better, you deserve it!
    Very nice the new tag for the Tag Tuesday.
    I like all these horses!
    Have a great day! Hugs!

    1. Unfortunately not. The eye OP was to prevent further damage to the Retina and take away scars from previous Ops. I cannot see well, but I can still see, and that's the main thing! Have a lovely day!

  11. Die Delphintasse ist toll und auch dein Tag mit dem Segelboot das ist natßrlich auch mein Favorit und das Liebespärchen mit den wunderschÜnen Blumen ein Journal zum verlieben. Deine Fotos sind wieder so Interessant!
    SchĂśn zu lesen dass es alles ok ist, also pass auf dich gut auf dass es so gut weiter geht mit dem Augen.
    SchĂśnen Tag wĂźnsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch einen schĂśnen Tag, bleib gesund!

  12. Hello, I am a new follower, I read your comment on Jeannie's latest blog and it so resonated with me that I popped on over and liked your blog, so here I am! Lovely photos, and I love your little sail boat art.

    ~~~Deb in Wales

    1. Thanks Deb, so nice of you to visit, great to meet you. I just read your comment on Jeanie's blog. Sorry to hear you are having a hard time of it. My great auntie used to tell me that hard times made us strong, not the good times, so let's hope we come through this and can start through again like the phoenix out of the ashes! Will be over to visit your blog later!Hugs!

  13. Everything looks very nautical and jaunty this morning, Valerie. The yacht looks ready for us to cruise along the Rhine together and no doubt we will have gulls to keep us company, and perhaps even a Canada Goose or two. The horses look very content frolicking in the meadow and I doubt they would even want to join us in our jaunt on the river. Have a great day. Big hugs, David

    1. Hi dear David, thanks for your comment. There were so many geese down by the Rhine again, what a hullabaloo they were making, always an enjoyable experience. A jaunt on the river would be nice, but the river boats for trips are not available just now, pity. But perhaps I can cross with the ferry to the other side and take a walk there, better than nothing. Look after yourself!

  14. Super pretty tag. Love the sails and how you did the beach - such lovely little details. The page is great too. Summer does seem like an easier time to live. Great images to add and lovely touches. Your walks are so great - I even like the crows! Fun stuff to capture and share. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Summer is easier for a lot of people, and especially those who live on the streets, must be bad in winter! I love the crows, even though they are very noisy!

  15. Also forgot to mention I love your header on your blog - what a great cup!!!!

    1. I found those cups 2 years back in the winter sales for 1€ each, a BIG bargain!

  16. The theme today seems to be blue. Most of the pictures you posted are blue. My color! Your balloon flowers are awesome! I might have to check around to see if they grow here. Glad your check up went well and no housework is the perfect medicine. Take care.

    1. Thanks.Blue is always my fave colours. Today I'm wearing my usual uniform - jeans, blue shirt, blue jeans jacket, white sneakers. Blue makes me happy! Have a happy day!

  17. It was good to read that things seem to be going well after your eye operation. The instruction to no housework is wonderful, what a lovely doctor you have to see you through this period of getting well.
    Stay safe.
    Your pages and tag looked fabulous.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne! I love the idea of NOT doing housew***, so I'm making the most of it! Have a nice day, stay safe!

    2. Hi again I don't know where the second bit of my comment went, but I loved the silhouette you added to the beautiful page you are linking to Erika's AJJ theme, it looks like the start of a summer romance is happening there.

    3. Don't worry, it will have been gobbled up in cyber space!

  18. Love the sailboat tag. I would love to be in a sailboat sometime. It's been a long long time since I have. And your summer page is gorgeous. The flowers are certainly beautiful. And I like how you used the photo and the couple. Thanks so much for joining in at AJJ. And hoping your recovery is going well! Hugs-Erika

    1. I love sailboats too, I was last in one with a school group back n 2001 - long time ago! We used to do a sailing week with the kids one week each year. Have a great day, take care!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Your balloon flowers are beautiful! I love that periwinkle blue. The color just pops.
    Ahh, the horses. AND your pieces are purrfect for a summer day.
    Rest your beautiful eye.

  21. Good that you are listening to the doctor. The housework can wait. I just love those balloon flowers. Incredible!

    1. This time I am listening! The balloon flowers are indeed beautiful.

  22. So pleased to hear that you are doing ok and are under doctors orders not to do housework, I think maybe I shouldn't have to do any either in sympathy 😀. Your tag and journal page are both gorgeous and it's so nice to see the Rhine again. Those balloon flowers look so amazing, such a beautiful colour too! Take care and have a lovely week! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I think my doc would find it good If you left the housew*** too! And the sympathy would do me good, too. Have a great week!

  23. Great tags and journal pages. And of course the photos, I didn't realise the purple flowers were called balloon flowers.

    1. . They have an official name, too! Have a great day!

  24. I'm a sucker for sailboats. And those horses -- aren't they beautiful creatures?

    1. I love sailboats and horses, and always enjoy watching them!

  25. Very pretty art. You have a very good eye for colors. That balloon flower is so pretty. Such a lovely spot of the earth you are on!

  26. Hi Val, sorry I didn't get here sooner, yesterday was hard, got a new contract and needed to get onto it straightaway. Lovely art and pics, as always. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, congrats on the contract, keep going, have fun!

  27. Love the boat tag! Must have missed the eye surgery, but hope you get well soon and can go back to housework. *LOL*

  28. Wonderful art and photos Valerie! We saw and heard a gorgeous thrush on our walk this morning 😊 xx

    1. Thanks Alison. I love listening to thrushes and blackbirds singing, it's definitely more melodious than the sounds of the crows!

  29. Isn't that a gorgeous shade of blue that your flowers have. So rich.
    Love that tag you made, love seeing things to do with the beach and you certainly hit the mark with this one. Also what a lovely page for Erika's theme, so pretty and perfect to show the couple in silhouette against that gorgeous background.
    Thanks for all the lovely photos, you do provide us with lots of lovely shots in your blog.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love the new header too

    1. Thanks Neet. Hope your leg is doing well, take care!

  30. That little yacht is the perfect image for a summery seaside feel - what a charming tag. And your floral layout is really pretty and romantic. Amazing photos... all that green and then all that blue - fabulous!

    So happy to hear that things are progressing well with your eyes... and what a perfect reason not to do the housework (though I usually manage not to do it even though I have no reason at all for it!).
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison.I wish I could visit the beach! I don't do much hohsew*** either, but it's good to have an excuse!

  31. I love your tag. The crisp primary colours are so nautical. Your romantic art page is beautiful too. hugs, Teresa
    PS - Having some trouble with your robot captcha. It shows the pictures, but no instructions.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I don't know about the captcha, sorry.

  32. I love your tag Valerie, and your hybrid piece is stunning! Take care, Sue xx

  33. Lovely art in your post ...

    So pleased that your control check-up for your eye went well ... but continue following Doctors orders :)

    All the best Jan

  34. Congrats on the good doctor report! Your sky photos are lovely, as always :) We keep trying to attract crows to our patio, and we do see them in the neighborhood, but they aren't impressed with us. Alas...

    1. Thanks. The crows are clever and fun to watch, but also very loud!

    2. We can hear them in the trees close-by. The loudest birds we have are the blue jays.

    3. We have European jays here, the are not as pretty as your blue ones, and they are loud, too. The crows wake me every morning when it gets light!

  35. Beautiful artwork and great photos. The horses are lovely looking.

    1. Thanks Anne, I always enjoy watching the horses.

  36. Love this tag,see a yacht in any design and you immediately think of the sea..
    Hugs xx


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