Sunday 11 November 2012

Happy Mail

Hi you all, greetings from sunny Kaiserswerth. It is so nice to see the sun today instead of cloud and drizzle, hope it stays a bit. I still feel very groggy, and am not able to do more than the bare necessities just now, but I am hopeful that sooner or later things will be better. I have a wonderful tablet cocktail for breakfast each day, a mix of different poisons to fight the illness and some to fight the side effects, so hope they all know what they are doing. I look like I have been made up as Dracula's assistant just now, perhaps I can get a job somewhere - pity Halloween is over!
 I manged to take some photos of the lovely mail I have received in the past days; not easy with shaky fingers!
First the card and envelope from Diane. I love the wonderful selection of stamps, and am happy that the post didn't ruin them this time!

The ladies on the card have a strange resemblance to some of my family....

And there are so many 'surprises' cooking in the cauldron  all removable, so I will be able to open my own poison shop next Halloween! Diane makes such wonderful cards, so full of loving details! Thank you!

This lovely card was made and sent by Tracy Holmes all the way from Canada, together with the lovely set of witch stamps, which she kindly donated as a prize to the 'Hatters'. Thanks Tracy!

This beautiful card dropped into my mailbox yesterday from Lynne of Adorn. This card is so much Lynne's wonderful, nostalgic style, and came as a complete surprise, with 2 pretty Xmas stamps tucked inside it. Thanks, Lynne; your kindness brightened my day!

And last but not least, a wonderful card from Suze, packed into a beautifully stamped envelope.

The second layer, beautiful handmade paper with dried flowers in it....

and the next one, more beautiful paper and ribbon.....

And inside, this wonderful get well card, a sunny, floral greeting. Thanks so much, Suze!

So much kindness just does good. Thanks to you all! I am sorry I am not able to visit your blogs much just now; I will do so as soon as I have enough strength! But for now, thank you all for not forgetting me!

Thanks for visiting and take care of yourselves!


  1. Hi Val,
    glad to see you posting again. Sorry you are so ill. Take care and get well soon, hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie, I hope you are now beginning to feel a little stronger every day. We've had some beautiful sunny autumn days here too and you are definitely sounding a bit 'sunnier' yourself today. Take it easy, hope you don't have to endure the meds for too much longer. Big hugs. Suze xx

  3. Hope your cocktails and happy pills start working together and get you back to health soon.
    Wonderful happy mail.
    take care, hugs, Yvonne x

  4. AH! Nice to see your post Valerie. Great mail - I'm sure it cheered you no end. Perhaps you could invite me over for your cocktail party in the morning? Do take care. hugs, Donna

  5. Donna, beam yourself over, you would be sooooooooooooo welcome - but bring your own tequila, I've run out!

  6. Look at all the lovely happy mail you received Valerie! Beautiful pieces from friends who care so much about you! So glad you like it. Good to see you on your blog but I am sure it is taking a whole days strength to get this done! Take care and rest we will be here for you.

  7. What lovely jolly mail....

    hope that cocktail does the job quickly

    lots of love


  8. lovely cards you have received Valerie, just what you need to cheer you up! So good to hear from you.

  9. Glad to hear the meds are meddling with whatever ails you. Rest up, Valerie!

  10. Good to see you posting today! The cards are all lovely and it is nice to hear you thinking of crafts again! Keep resting and feel better!

  11. I'm glad that you are a bit better. I was wondering how you were, your gifts are beautiful, good friends to send such lovely gifts!!Take care and continue to get better each day!

  12. Perfect way to be cheered up! Fun greetings and awesome cards. Hope you feel better soon!

  13. Hello my sweet friend. So sorry you are still not feeling up to par. I do hope you start feeling better soon.


  14. Wonderful gifts and cards Valerie and so good to see a post from you again. I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Always in my thoughts

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. I'm so happy to hear you sound like you're on the mend, Valerie! Keep at it :)

  16. Hi Valerie, some gorgeous photo's, I hope that you are feeling better
    Lindsay xx

  17. Loving all your happy mail, get better soon. xx

  18. You've got some fabulous get well mail here Valerie, and I hope that all your meds kick in and you start to feel better soon x


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