Monday 27 July 2015

Postal History

Hi Everybody!

Hope you had a good weekend, and wish you a good start
in the new week.

For Art Journal Journey, Post-postage, I have another journal page,
this time a vintage one again.  The document I used in the background is a copy of one of mine from 1825. 
There was a postal service in the UK from 1516 onward, but at first only for the use of the King and court. In 1635 the post went 'public', and the recipient had to pay the postage. Various improvements were made in the course of time, and the first official post coach ran from Bristol to London in 1784. In 1793 the staff got uniforms, and an investigations branch was opened to prevent criminal acts - theft of post etc. In 1840 the uniform penny post was introduced, and for 1 penny, to be paid by the sender, post could be sent anywhere in Great Britain and Ireland. A few months later saw the arrival of the Penny Black, the first adhesive postage stamp. The postman's uniform shown  is from the middle of the 19th century  and the post box here was used before the red ones which are still in use today.

Hmm, got carried away a bit there!

Today started off Sunday, and was a pleasant, warm day with a nice breeze - a nice change from the raging storm of the day before!

The farmers were busy baling hay:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi val,

    eine wunderschöne seite,gefällt mir sehr mit dem vintage flair.
    tolle bilder auch wieder,ich freue mich immer wenn ich zu dir komme.
    meine mutter war heute zu besuch bei mir,wir haben viel gelacht,dann hatsie mir zwei tolle hosen gekauft und sie wollte mir unbedingt die haare färben,jetzt habe ich aubergine haare,leicht ins rotlila,sieht aber toll aus in der sonne.
    jetzt werde ich noch eine seite machen,kann nicht schlafen.
    wünsch dir eine schöne neue woche.

    hugs jenny

  2. Such a fascinating post, and I love all your photos and images!

  3. Such a fascinating post, and I love all your photos and images!

  4. Wonderful page, and interesting to learn the history. Love the harvest photos. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. perfekte seite fürs postalische Thema und tolle erntebilder, die mich schon wieder ein bisschen wehmütig machen... noch drei Monate sommer wären jetzt schön...

  6. Die Seite ist nicht nur super interessant und schön gestaltet hab ich auch noch was gelernt über die Postgeschichte in England! Danke!
    Herrliche Aufnahmen .. der volle Sommergenuß auf Deinen Bildern...
    Eine schöne neue Woche wünsche ich Dir!

  7. Well, I'm glad you got carried away, I enjoyed the short little history lesson.
    Superb page (another gold star for you), and a great piece of advice top left.
    Yes, the hay being baled and the fields in the sun is always good to see, thanks for these summer-like photos.
    And thanks for the picture of the sun, I had forgotten what it looked like.

  8. Loved reading the history and going back in time a little in my imagination...fabulous x{aNNie My Personal Blog}

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  10. Fun postal history lesson! This piece is beautifully composed!

  11. First of all, I love your story! I love to learn new things and how interesting. Secondly,you made a fantastic page. You made it even more beautiful with your story. I didn't realize about how they changed the postal boxes, and I have a stamp with that old style box, so now I know. Glad your weather improved too. Hope you are having a great Monday!

  12. Terrific page love learning about the postal history.

    Beautiful photographs especially the one with the bits on the hay bale

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Love your piece today Valerie, that image of the old postbox and postman is just fabulous! Great photos, love the hay fields, I really miss that smell! hugs :)

  14. Loved learning about that bit of UK postage history, great into to the fabulous page today! Oh no, summer will be over too quickly, baling hay now!

  15. Hi Valerie, Oh I love this one and the history. Great seeing the hay bales up close like this and how they are lifted. So many times you never see the equipment just the bales along the countryside.
    Great photos! Have a creative day. cm

  16. Great bit of history and great page to accompany your words. Love hearing about it. Had a chance to visit the US Postal Museum a couple of years ago. Great seeing all the ephemera they had collected and the plains, trains and buggies that used to delivery mail. xox

  17. Wonderful post Valerie, loved the history of the post.
    Great phots from your walk.
    Avril xx

  18. How beautiful the big ben , the stamps and the vintage post box have created such a beautiful work of art
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects

  19. What a cool piece of history. I think you should frame this one. :)

  20. Great history page Valerie, just wish the post was a penny these days and it could be relied on to get a safe delivery.
    Yvonne xx

    1. And they used to guarantee delivery the next day!

  21. Great page and postage history, the post box is really fabulous, and I love all the details and the look vintage. Great photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  22. Interesting history lesson :) Love the art and beautiful photos ♥

  23. Thanks for the lesson Valerie!! You are a wealth of trivia! xo


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