Thursday 30 July 2015

Thursday this and that

Hi Everybody!

 This week is flying by again, I never seem to get as much done as I would like to, but I think that happens to a lot of us. Our weather was more like April than the end of July - sun, wind, showers and heavy rain alternating. But I was able to get out for a long walk for nearly three hours, and although the clouds got very dark and threatening while I was on my way home, the rain didn't start till I got into the door, and then it came down with a vengeance, so I was thankful to have got home on time.

For Art Journal Journey I made another page using one of the pages from the old Sears and Roebuck catalogue as a background, and Mr Umbrella man posing as US presidents again. Then I framed it and turned it into a stamp. 

And then I made more stamps as I was having fun playing:

Here are some of the photos from my walk in the forest yesterday. I love looking up into the sky through the tall trees:

It is very overgrown and mossy, as it is not used any more:

This was a short cut from one side to the other - walk the plank! We decided to take the long way round, we didn't want to fall into the water underneath

The narrow paths were all slippery from the rain, and often very steep, with obstacles to climb over, but it was fun!

When we came out into the open we discovered a small and very old Jewish 
grave-yard in a tiny, fenced in place. Some of the stones were still easily decipherable, others were very weathered and crumbly. This one shows the hands spread in the priestly blessing.

The grave yard was started in 1790, and I was happy to see that it survived, as so many were destroyed and desecrated by the Nazis in the time leading up to  the Second World War.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow- what a pretty place to walk. And that cemetery was quite the find. How lucky it wasn't destroyed. And your stamps are great. I remember you mentioned the site you were able to do those from, but I can't remember it. Hope your weather gets sunnier but stays cool.

  2. Did you make a stamp of yourself? Neat! That walk does look treacherous and adventurous!

  3. Love your new work, looks great on that vintage background. Great stamps, too. The photos are beautiful, love those of the old grave yard. Hugs, Sarah

  4. was für eine tolle seite,gefällt mir sehr,und die waldbilder sind einfach klasse,ich liebe den wald und alte friedhöfe.
    einen schönen tag heute.

    hugs jenny

  5. Amazing photographs of the forest and the graveyard. What wonders you saw along the way Valerie. Thank you for sharing them..

    Fantastic page and wonderful stamps. My you do look important..This challenge certainly fired everyone's imagination

    Have a good day and a good next few days if I can't manage to comment

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Your pages and photos are always what I look forward to each these forest photos, what a beautiful part of the world you live in.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  7. Ganz großes Kino, die Briefmarken sind genial, besonders die unteren Werke mit den bunten Marken gefallen mir sehr gut.
    Die Fotos sind ja auch wieder 1, Sahne.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen tag,
    LG Anja

  8. Wunderbar Deine Seite Valerie und Deine Sondermarken Valerie... machen sich besonders gut !!!
    Was für eine lohnender Ausflug und es ist wahrlich eine Seltenheit solch einen gut erhaltenen alten jüdischen Friedhof zu entdecken... herrliche Aufnahmen !
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wudnerschönen Tag !

  9. A wonderful page and stamps, I love what you've done to umbrella man and what a lovely walk you had, the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  10. I love your home made stamps, Valerie! So creative and cool! And your art journal page is wonderful! I especially loved the beautiful photos taken on your walk! WOW! I would have been afraid to cross some of the narrow and slippery paths! You go girl!!!!

    1. You just need to close your eyes and keep going!

  11. Your page is a hoot!!
    Wow- what cool photos Valerie! I love the gravestones and that narrow path- creepy but cool! I also would have taken the long way around! heehee xo

  12. Wow, great post Valerie! Best use of Umbrella Man ever! Your shots of the forest are just amazing, You are so lucky to have such a lush environment so near by. hugs :)

  13. Hi Valerie, I always love a this and that post. This did not disappoint. Love your creations and seeing you within those stamps is fabulous. Great walking pics. I would have not crossed that plank either. Looks to narrow to me!! Looking up into the trees is an amazing photo.
    Hugs, cm

  14. Another gorgeously creative page. I love how you make things into stamps; love the one with your face on it. Does that make you a monarch?
    Beautiful and interesting walk you had. That Jewish cemetery is a real treasure.

  15. Marvelous photos today, Valerie, and I enjoy your stamps that you create yourself. Great journal page and one more tomorrow before a new theme is announced. Very interesting cemetery too. I am so glad it survived!

  16. keine angst vor zecken?
    herzlich P.

  17. I think your umbrella man presidents are quite amusing and make very good whimsy stamps. I like the ones depicting yourself too. Your walk looked like fun and I am so pleased the cemetery has survived. Perhaps the woods hid it. {{Hugs}}

  18. Awesome photos today, those trees look so straight and tall.# Love the fantastic page and how you made it into a stamp.
    Yvonne xx

  19. Wonderful art, really love the creativity of your stamps.

  20. Your getting more done than I am! I can't even find the time to blog it seems like! Fabulous artwork and I love what you did with Umbrella Guy and those postage stamps! Too Cool! Great photos! Hugs!

  21. I, for one, am thrilled that you got back in one piece Valerie. Dear me... slipping, sliding, walking over spiked roots and limbs, foot bridges that weren't even as big as my foot, water, sludge, dips, hills, gullies, and all sorts of poisonous plants, bugs and wild things..... whew. You are a brave gal!!! Of course, I think that every day the way you walk all over the place alone for hours - it's more than amazing to me!!! Selfishly - so happy that you do though - I love seeing the day thru your eyes. Another wonderful layout too plus loved seeing your play at stamp making again!!! I wouldn't be able to keep up with you on a walk but I would love to sit by you while you play with your art!!! j.


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