Sunday 5 July 2015

Stamps and dragonflies

Hi Everybody!

We had another extremely hot day with temperatures over 38° again,
and the nights are tropically warm, too, so it's hot days and nights just now!

For Art Journal Journey, post and postage, I made an A3 mixed media stamp collage. I grounded the page with gesso, and then set to work gluing on the stamps. Not a difficult task, but a sticky one. I did not try to sort them, just worked randomly to make a colourful patchwork. When it was done, I used black acrylic paint to stencil the dragonflies, and edged them with white when it was dry.  

Our little town is decorated with bunting just now for the Marksmen's Festival - Schützenfest- which is taking place just now.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A fabulous design Valerie, lots of stamps...maybe I need to start collecting mine in future.xx

  2. ooohh was für eine tolle seite,die idee ist klasse die dragonflys über die stamps zu machen.
    hier ist very,very hot in the city,eure stadt sieht super aus mit den girlanden geschmückt.
    hab auch gerade meine seite hoch geladen,kann schlecht schlafen bei der hitze.
    schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  3. Lovely stamp design! And yay for summer festivals, but stay cool!

  4. Beautiful work, the collage with those dragonflies is really beautiful, a wonderful idea! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Great page you have such great ideas

  6. Eine tolle Idee mit dem Marken..wunderschön wirkt das und der Spruch dazu - perfekt!
    Ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt mit welchem Eifer die Leute Feste feiern und dekorieren...
    schön sieht das aus bei Euch mit den kleinen Fähnchen überall.
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag und keeeeeeep cooooooool!


  7. What a fantastic idea for the page Valerie. So many wonderful stamps and the dragonflies as well.

    Beautiful photographs and I hope the festival goes well and the weather is kind to everyone. We still have bunting up everywhere from the Tour of Yorkshire bike event and blue and yellow bikes on walls everywhere and that is ages ago lol.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Eine tolle Kollage mit den Briefmarken! Mit den Libellen zusammen ergibt dies ein fabelhaftes Werk! Gefällt mir sehr!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  9. Great page! Love those dragon flies over the postage background.

    Hope you will manage to stay cool, - here it has just been very pleasant (sometimes it pays off to live so far up north). Today we are on our way to Australia.... winter here I come, - just hope there will be a few sunrays too.... Happy Sunday!

  10. Du hast aber tolle Marken... und so klasse in Szene gesetzt!
    LG Ulrike
    ... jetzt bekomme ich meine Wohnung nicht mehr kühl über Nacht und bin heute Früh tatsächlich mal richtig früh wach geworden... und habe gleich an dich gedacht.

  11. A gorgeous stamp background the dragon flies look fantastic. Its still hot here as well, still it is summer and its good not to complain about the weather.

  12. Liebe Valerie, sehr schön! Ich glaube, ich lasse mich davon inspirieren und klebe auch mal ein Marken-Patchwork, mal sehen, was dann bei mir daraus wird ;) Einen schönen Sonntag und LG Ariane

  13. Cool idea (haha!) to stencil dragonflies on the stamps, and I like the white edging too. It does make a lovely colourful paper patchwork.
    Your town always looks so clean and fresh.
    Hope it is not so hot for you today, we are lovely and coolish, but sunny. Here's some coolth for you............... ...........swish, swish.

  14. What a fun postal page. Great collection of stamps. Xox

  15. Great page. I love how everything on your page refers to a journey.You picked lots of fun stamps to use- think maybe I need to try something like this. Have a great day!

  16. Wonderful postage piece Valerie and the dragonflies are so lovely! The town looks like it's all ready for your fun festival and that shot of the roses is incredible, what a beautiful flower bush! hugs :)

  17. Fantastic collage with a great collection of stamps. Super design! Hugs, Mar

  18. Your page is fabulous Valerie. what an awesome collection of stamps you have. Most of mine a british and pretty boring I must say.
    Your photos are lovely, especially the roses. Hope it's a little cooler for you today .{{Hugs}}

  19. Your page is gorgeous. I love how you layered the dragonfly over the collage and outlined it in white.

    We just spoke to our neighbour, who was on the phone with a relative in Germany. She told us that today is 40 degrees C there. Wow. That is unreal. Here it is sunny and warm; just warm enough to go without a jacket, but not warm enough (at least for me) to go swimming at the beach. I am very happy with this weather, especially after hearing how you are suffering in the heat, dear one.

    I hope it cools down enough for you to sleep tonight.


  20. This is just gorgeous and so creative! Stamps are a favorite of mine to to work with, too.

  21. What a fantastic idea to put to use the stamps we have been saving for years. I know I have a box full. You inspire me so much and I love this page you created with the added dragonflies. Our family left this morning so I'm doing a catch up on blogs. Have a great, cool week Valerie.

  22. WOW! It is hot over there :( Stay cool and hydrated my friend. Love the collage and the lovely photos of your town in celebration. We had a lively weekend here with lots of fireworks and family and friends.

  23. Für mich als Briefmarkenfreund ist die Seite eine Augenweide - tolle Idee :)

  24. Well it sounds like Summer has arrived. I don't mind the warm days (but these would be too warm) and I certainly wouldn't like the hot nights. I love your canvas, those dragonflies are beautiful xx

  25. Valerie, I love this page! How clever to use those stamps that way- and you must know how I love your dragonflies! xo
    ps...thank you for the tip about gluing too!!


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