Sunday 26 July 2015

Sport and Stamps

Hi Everybody!

We had a wet and stormy day here with heavy rain and gale force winds, but it has cooled us down, which I find quite pleasant after the hot weather.
It was good weather for staying home and crafting!

Our challenge 'Post and Postage' at Art Journal Journey runs till the end of the month, another 5 days, so you till have time to join in if you would like to.
I made a quick and simple A3 Journal page. I found lots of sport stamps in my collection, and wanted to use some of them. The sport-kids have been doodled and coloured with India ink pens. The title was stamped with a set of Alphas from TH. I am always happy when I see kids playing games outside and not sitting home in front of the computer!

This morning started off cloudy, and the sun tried to fight a way through the clouds.

And then it rained

And rained all day....

Have a great day you all! Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your sports people are so much fun! They look like kids at play, all arms and legs and not quite smooth like a professional athlete. How fun.Hope your Sunday is bright and much more comfortable...but a rainy day is a good art day, agreed.

  2. Lively colourful page today! And too bad it rained all day.

  3. Amazing photos....hate your page and like you I love hearing the neighbours kids outside playing, especially in summer I laze on the pool and listen to them in theirs next door, a lovely sound...
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

    1. True! I lived for years next to a Kindergarten, and always loved watching and hearing them having fun!

  4. Love this fun page you have made today, so full of energy and happiness, exactly right! Hope the storm is over! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Was für eine humorvolle und aussagekräftige Seite Du wieder gewerkelt hast! Perfekt!
    So eine Regentag ist auch mal schön, oder?
    Und die Natur braucht es - wir gönnen es ihr!
    Hoffentlich wird es nun nicht mehr ganz so heiss!

    Hab einen wunderschönen Sonntag Valerie!

  6. An angry sky and windy scenes in your photographs Valerie. The rain didn't come until later here but the wind was very gusty and I was happy to stay safe inside.

    Love the page and you are right sport does bind us all together. Wonderful and colourful ideas and images.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Valerie this is such a fun page. Love the movement in the design and the primary colours. Pleased it cooled of a bit. We could do with warmer weather here in a cold Johannesburg.

  8. Lovely photos, its been a rainy week here. Nice effort with the playful journal. Greetings!

  9. Fabulous page Valerie and very dramatic pics too.
    It's now stormy and very windy here and not great for a Sunday!
    Fliss xx

  10. Superb illustration with the t-shirted and short-ed kids, the colourful postage stamps and exotic lettering, really impressive.
    There's so much energy there, I'm now going out to play outside.

    1. Have fun, but don't get dirty Dear, it's Sunday.

    2. I'll be planting out leeks, so it's extremely likely that I will.

  11. Really fun illustration today! It's a different world today...when I was a kid, I played outside day and night. It is already raining here today at 7:20 am, but I will brave going out to take my daughter to the mall.

    1. We did too, staying at home was the worst case for us!

  12. What fabulous artwork Valerie. The weather here has been so changeable. Sorry that I have not been able to do much blogging recently as time at the moment is not allowing time for much. Hugs Rita xxx

  13. Beautiful artwork, Valerie!!! As for your storm, it sounds great in that it has cooled things down for you. Here in Montreal, Canada, it is very hot and humid, and I am hoping we get some rain, and enough to cool it down as well.

  14. Very creative and fun page with those cheerful kids. I love the fantastic lettering and your sport stamps. I hope it rains here, this month the heat is stifling. Hugs, Mar

    1. I wish I could send you some cooling rain....

  15. A fabulous fun page Valerie. The colours will brighten the wettest days :D

  16. Love the sports page Valerie, when our kids were young they never wanted to be indoors. Its sad now that we don't see them play out.
    Yvonne xx

  17. Oh this is so cute and fun. Love your sports page. Great rain shots.
    Have a creative Sunday! cm

  18. I love your kids and your lettering is marvelous. Glad that hot spell is over for you.

  19. ... jetzt war ich gerade mal 2 Tage nicht online und habe nun so viel aufzuarbeiten... Bei dir gibt es ja immer am meisten zu gucken, weil du so fleißig bist jeden Tag!
    Die Collage von heute ist ja wieder klasse, aber mir gefallen auch deine bunten Sportler hier sehr. Mir gefällt, dass du die Themen der Briefmarken in deinen Bilder verarbeitest. LG Ulrike

  20. Great art today Valerie, I love those fancy monogram style letters! Oh boy, wonderful shot of the rain, I really wish it would rain here, it's been sooooooo long since it rained and it's so hot! have a great day! hugs :)

  21. Great sports stamps and jaunty little athletes! I think you sent your heat our way, we will be 90F all week and humid. UGH. xox

  22. Love those figures- so playful and fun! Perfect for the sports theme! xo


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