Friday 31 July 2015

Last Day of Post at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

Friday has come round again, so it's time for Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin.

I made a collage of all the journal pages I made in the course of the month, one each day, so here they are together:

Here is my last page for Art Journal Journey, with a Paris theme. The A3 background was painted with gesso and dribbled with some colour. The bottom half of the page has been made with an image transfer using mod-podge. This is the largest one I have tried up till now (A4), and I was happy that it worked so well. But it was a lot of rubbing! I printed the image using my normal ink-jet printer, and it worked fine. It doesn't need to be a laser print. I added stamps and some stamping to the top half of the page, and used a stencil for the lettering.

Here are some more photos from my hike through the beautiful forest this week:

This used to be an ornamental pond, which nature has turned into a little swamp filled with these delicate green plants

And here are 2 more of the inhabitants of the nearby village. The other photos are on my blog post from yesterday.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your post art is really lovely. You worked hard on them . I can see.

    I have remarked on your other photographs. Had a busy day here so off to bed.
    Have a nice day tomorrow.

  2. Lovely collage and a fitting end with the Paris page! The forest is beautiful too.

  3. Great last page what a body of work for the month

  4. Fantastic journal page, and love the collage of the month, what a lot of wonderful work you created. Great photos, too. Hugs, Sarah

  5. Fabulous journal pages and they looked wonderful all together like that in a collage. Loved your photos of your beautiful forest hike. Looks like a beautiful place to just take in all the natural beauty of nature itself.
    Happy PPF
    Sandy :)

  6. Holy toledos! That is some fantastic art journaling! Love that image transfer. Good to know about the printer. I just want to hug the sheep! Lovely photos. ~Niki

  7. Great job, great pages!
    Happy PPF,
    hugs xx

  8. Huh, that's a lot of artwork you've done, very creative!
    We have a slogan 'go to woods' to collect berries; now blueberries are ready to pick, yummy! but I just picked photos like you did! :) Happy weekend!

  9. Your journal pages look wonderful all together like that and it is lovely to see just how much you achieved. The Paris one is fab - great colours and a lovely vintage feel to it.

  10. Your last page is amazing, Valerie! Great job this month... Well, every month.
    Beautiful photos!
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Mar

  11. Eine wundervolle letzte Seite Valerie und eine geniale Collage.. Du warst sensationell diesen Monat!!
    Die Fotos vom Wald sind wieder großartigst ... wunderschön!
    Hab einen happy Friday!

  12. WOW, that collage is a beautiful review of your wonderful work this month! Every little picture creates its own little story! The page for today is fantastic.. How fabulous your inkjet worked for your transfer - it makes it so much easier than trying to have to find some other way to get an image. Your photography is breath-taking. I'd love to walk among those woods.. and the little animal friends are lovely too!

  13. I love your cartoon drawings Valerie, especially the flossing one. Wouldn't it be great if we could clean out all the old rubbish from our minds! And I do love a wander in the woods! Lovely photos. Have a nice day! xx

  14. Another great collage of your month's art, all so creative. Still no word from the Queen?
    Your final one today is great too, I've never had much success with image transfer but yours seems to have worked out fine.
    The forest walk looks fresh and cool, glad you had a good day out and a different walk.

  15. Your Paris page is spectacular! I would love to visit your photo site. It looks cool, quiet and a wonderful place to sketch! Happy PPF

    1. Yes, it's a wonderful place with a really magical feel to it.

  16. Eine toller Abschluss für diesen Monat mit dieser Collage!
    ...und vielen, vielen Dank für die schöne Post von dir, die ich heute bekommen habe. Welch Freude! Ich kann leider aus meinem Postfach keine Mails abschicken zur Zeit, deswegen meinen Dank über deinen Blog. Nächste Woche werde ich dann einen neuen PC bekommen... doch die Einrichtung wird noch dauern - bis dahin lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  17. Brilliant collage on looking back on these fab the France one, my brother is there on holidays at the moment....wish it was me and hubby.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  18. Fantastic collage, Valerie. It is fun to see all the different items in it. Also, your transfer came out perfectly. Very pretty Paris page. Your photos are so refreshing. The green soothes me.

  19. I have soooooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooooo enjoyed this journey with you Valerie.... watching you create your postage journal pages. Each one was so different - so made me laugh and others touched my heart. I wish I could pick a favorite but they all had such great impact. I'm thinkin that I would have to choose two - the lady with the string through her head - eheheheh and the vintage girl in the ruffled party dress - so lovely. Then this collage.... now THAT is something that would be so great to have to remember - to look at and think about your summer 2015! Its amazing to see them all together. Congratulations on such an amazing ART COLLECTION - just FABULOUS. I really loved every minute of it with you and your wonderful wonderful walks/photos. Thanks bunches and bunches. Xj.

  20. I have soooooooo soooooooooooo sooooooooooooo enjoyed this journey with you Valerie.... watching you create your postage journal pages. Each one was so different - so made me laugh and others touched my heart. I wish I could pick a favorite but they all had such great impact. I'm thinkin that I would have to choose two - the lady with the string through her head - eheheheh and the vintage girl in the ruffled party dress - so lovely. Then this collage.... now THAT is something that would be so great to have to remember - to look at and think about your summer 2015! Its amazing to see them all together. Congratulations on such an amazing ART COLLECTION - just FABULOUS. I really loved every minute of it with you and your wonderful wonderful walks/photos. Thanks bunches and bunches. Xj.

  21. A fabulous last page, I think many of us would love to visit Paris or receive post from that country. A super collage of this months awesome creations.
    Yvonne xx

  22. What a wonderful collage and such a great idea! I have enjoyed all of your postage art journal pages! The photos are so green and where I am that is such a treat! Happy Weekend!

  23. Another wonderful month of art Valerie. Looking forward to August hugs :)

  24. Hi Valerie, Love your last work for the challenge and the collage of the whole month is a page of it's own. Just stunning how it all goes together yet each one different. Wonderful walking pics and I love the sheep.
    Have a great weekend. cm

  25. What a great collage... you've certainly been busy. They all look great and I especially like the Paris page. It has a vintage look. Those cherubs are gorgeous.
    Great to take a walk through the woods too... so green and lush.
    Happy PPF to you

  26. What a wonderful month of journal pages and gorgeous photos. This theme has been one of my favorites as your pages appeared each day. The forest and lush foliage in your photos are phenomenal. So happy you could take this little adventure with a friend and neighbor.


    1. Thanks Carolyn, I really enjoyed this theme, too.

  27. Gorgeous, all of it! Your blog always makes me smile. I take a deep breath, sip my tea and imagine walking in your footsteps. Sign

  28. Your image transfer came out fantastic! Lovely work! Walking through the forest with you via your photos almost makes me forget the heat and humidity we are still suffering! Have a great weekend!

  29. Fabulous collage of journal pages and your photos are so beautiful too!! Love the paris page, so alluring and romantic!!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. I just love your posts (and thank you for visiting me). Your pages are so awesome! And of course I love to see all the beautiful pictures of your outdoor wonderland! Beautiful art and a wonderful walk with you! Hugs, Rasz

  31. ou la la; fabulous art; luv the blue flower photo too;

    i'm happy you dropped in at my blog today

    much love...

  32. Your end of the month post is always one I look forward to :) Seeing all of your journal pages for the month ♥ Your photos from your forest hike the past two days are just amazing. Makes me want to jump on a plane and fly over so we can do it together :0) I wrote this long post yesterday about all of the pictures and then just as I went to hit publish our internet server went down again :( So today I'll just say I love them all...even the scary looking bridge ♥

  33. a piece a day
    that is a great rhythm
    loved looking at each one
    and a beautiful week of photos

  34. Another great page and YAY we get to see another collage of this month's designs.

  35. I love your page today Valerie. Those little cupids really complete the page.And beautiful forest views. It looks cool and so peaceful there.

  36. I love your page today Valerie. Those little cupids really complete the page.And beautiful forest views. It looks cool and so peaceful there.

  37. The journal page is brilliant. I love the pics, especially the lambs and the fantastic forest. Blessings, Janet PPF


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