Monday 28 December 2015

Tuesday this and that

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, collage I made a hybrid collage. The background was collaged, stamped and then gessoed. I changed the colour digitally, and added the figures taken from a prospect. The plane is a photo taken from my balcony. and the Gehry buildings in the background are photos taken in the Harbour of Düsseldorf. I added a silhouette of the town at the front.

Today is Elisabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all the T gang. 
I made a digital collage using a painted background and some bottles I painted last year. The bird is a water colour I made from one of the jay photos I took.
As the bottles are all empty, I added some tea cups, for those who like tea, and of course, my cappuccino with amerettinis. And I would like to wish you all a happy new year 2016.

The birds are enjoying themselves eating the berries on the trees along the Rhine:

Lots of ships were on the Rhine, as always. This is a dredger, which keeps the river bed clear so that the ships have no problems:

This is a boat of the river police:

The view from my kitchen window this morning:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Spectacular photographs Valerie. Love the clean and bright colours of the dredger the one in our harbour is so dirty and old looking.

    The first page is a wonderful mix of your photographs and the other additions and Love the bird and bottles one as well.. You always have amazing ideas

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Beautiful creation as always, you always deliver the nicest and most interesting photos and your work of art. Happy New Year to you and thanks for being one of the best buddies in the crafting world...though miles apart I feel like I know

  3. I love your collages and I especially love the quote on the second one! Great photos once again Valerie! As you can see the planned catch up has only just taken place! Hugs, Chrisx

  4. The couple looks like they are out on the town, possibly ready for the New Year's celebration. I was delighted to see you gave everyone a choice of tea or coffee or even empty bottles for T this week. Clever and adorable art.

    I was most intrigued by the police boat on the river. I've never seen one on your blog before. I certainly enjoyed the time you spent there.

    I also loved the look from your windows. It's so cold here, with ice and snow on the ground, I haven't even ventured out to the mailbox today. Winds were so high, it knocked things over on my icy porch. Looking out your window made me hope your temps are much warmer.

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful art and your photos with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. The police boat often speeds by, there is also a fire boat. By the time I have the camera out the police boat has mostly disappeared. The big, slow boats are easier to catch!

  5. Both Collages are great today but the second is my's all about the color with me :) Great photos again.

  6. Great pieces today Valerie. I really like how you added your face in on those bottles. The background colors are bright and warm and I love them. And that couple on your night on the town piece look ready to celebrate, maybe a casual new years? Hugs!

  7. Fun to see your smiling face liebe Valerie in your cool T collage!
    You combined some great elements to create that night on the town collage too.
    Wishing you ein Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
    and a Happy T Day oxo

  8. Beautiful pieces today Valerie. Love the view from your window. The dredgers do good work, we never think about these things needing to be done.

  9. Lovely collages today, both of them, and the bright colours in the second one are wonderful. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  10. eine tolle collagenseite,die mit den flaschen gefällt mir besonders gut.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht.
    einen schönen tag dir.

    hugs jenny

  11. ich nehme an, das ist dein gesicht, das du in der rosa flasche versteckt hast? schön, dass du das rosafarbene, optimistische glas gewählt hast.. die sonnenaufgänge der letzten zeit waren auch bei uns so farbenfroh, gut dass sie so spät waren;)
    liebe Valerie, ich wünsche dir einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr und viel Freude am werkeln weiterhin!

  12. Mir gefallen beide Collagen aber die T-Day- Collage ist ganz was Besonderes! Super gemacht! Herrliche Aufnahmen Valerie!
    Happy T-DAY und genieße Deinen Tag!

  13. Beautiful photos Valerie. The sunrise is spectacular! Your collage is great. Th3 bottles are not all empty. One of them has a head in it..... yours I assume.
    Happy Tday,
    Thanks for visiting,

  14. Good Morning Valerie - you have 2 cool collages today :) the first one I could imagine as a advert/poster not sure for what - perfume maybe?
    No:2 piece is lovely and cheerful, are you hiding in a bottle ? if so - hello.....
    Fab selection of photos - but I am intrigued especially with the view from your kitchen window - it looks like there is UFO outside - or is the top of some wind chimes ha ha ?
    Have a lovely day and hope you have a Happy New Year
    .....Gill xx

  15. I LOVE everything about this post Valerie! The collages are super-great perspective of the buildings on the first one-and is that a gorgeous looking pair or what? Love the colors and quote on the second one! And of course, who doesn't love going on a walk along the Rhine with you? Happy T day and a very happy New Year too!

  16. Love both collages, but your tiny face in the tea cup post is too cute. Love the stack of cups as well. You have great boats in the river, so colorful. Enjoy your day. xox

  17. Gorgeous collages and photos!Happy New Year, my friend!

  18. Your digital collages are really great. Especially love the first one. As always I enjoy your photos out and about. :)
    Happy T day and Happy New Year!

  19. I love your birds feasting on the berries. I enjoy bird-watching and enjoy seeing what kinds people are seeing in other places. Thx!

  20. Deine blaue Collage wäre perfekt für einen Modekatalog! Die Hochhäuser im Hintergrund machen sich auch gut. Die Flaschen-Collage ist auch klasse, besonders mit dir dazwischen!
    Komm gut ins neue Jahr, liebe Valerie. Mit besten Wünschen für eine gesundes, rundum glückliches 2016 - von Ulrike

  21. Happy T-day Valerie........fantastic digital always.
    I would be standing at you kitchen window, coffee in hand, EVERY morning with a view like THAT.....just SPECTACULAR!!
    Happy New year my friend.

  22. The picture from your window is absolute breathtaking. And the picture you took of the airplane and recycled is amazing. Is that you in the bottom of the wine bottle?

    1. Yes, that's me sitting in the dregs!

    2. Sitting in the dregs. Ha.
      Nice to put a face with the name:)

  23. Valerie, I have missed you and your fabulous artwork. Love the digi art and more your face in the bottom of the bottle! Love it! The photos are incredible! Hope your Christmas was wonderful and wishing you a Happy New Year! Hugs!

  24. I like your playful collages, Valerie, especially the one with the bird and bottles, and - of course - YOU. :)

  25. Wow stunning photos as well as journal pages today Valerie. Love the one with the bottles and the bird.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Two fabulous pages!! hahaa I just love the jeannie aka Valerie in the bottle!! heeheee


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