Tuesday 8 December 2015

snow, rain, cake and clouds

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT -
snowflakes, snow or winter whites.
As always, you have 2 weeks to join in the fun, and projects of all formats are allowed, as long as they fit the theme, so hope to see you there.

I made a hybrid collage of snow in New York. I spent one Christmas there, many years back, and we had wonderful snow. The background is part of a textured and crackled piece I made, and I have some people enjoying themselves in the park. I am also linking to Art Journal Journey, collage.

Tuesday is also time  for T stands for Tuesday over at Elizabeth's blog,
so a big welcome to all of the T gang.
I made a collage showing things I like, as I also want to link it to Moo Mania and More, my favourite pictures. I have tried to gather a lot of them here - the Rhine, the trees, birds, ducks, geese, Mr Umbrella man and a cup of cappuccino. And Tower Bridge. Now I know that Tower Bridge is back home in London and not here at the Rhine, I just used some digital magic to place it here to make myself feel good. The eyes have been layered on to the background for 99 faces.

And I would like to share some chocolate chip muffins with you. I baked them for my neighbour's birthday, but I saved plenty for you, so please help yourselves - careful, the chocolate is still runny!


We have had cloudy and wet weather with quite a lot of rain, so the Rhine is full again and the ships can travel at their normal speed:

The gulls are out whatever the weather:

The Canadian wild geese were out today, too:

And of course the heron was there, looking grumpy as always:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful pieces today Valerie. I am glad the Rhine is filling up again for the upcoming cruises! Your muffins looks sooo good.

  2. I really enjoyed the scene from NYC and immediately thought of Central Park when I saw the kids skating on the pond. It's an adorable collage and I loved it, since I'm very fond of NYC.

    Be careful, dear, or the duck will steal your cappuccino. It was fun seeing the Tower Bridge on the Rhine. A modern marvel of place displacement (or digital wizardry). It is a fun collage.

    Thanks for sharing your art, your digital skills, and your incredible Rhine photos with us for T this Tuesday. Everything looks so good, especially those muffins!

  3. Love both of your collages Val, both so different and still very much you! The muffins look grand, too. Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Sarah

  4. Hhmmhhh leecker muffins,da möchte ich auch einen haben :-)
    dein gesicht über den rhein sieht fabelhaft aus,eine collage die mir mehr als gut gefällt,die winterseite ist ein prachtstück,so wünsch ich mir den winter,tolle bilder hast du gemacht,heute kann ich mich gar nicht satt sehen,so ein toller post.
    wünsch dir einen schönen tag.

    hugs jenny

  5. sehr schöne wintercollage... die graue Textur ist dir besonders realistisch geglückt. hab schon gemerkt, dass der regenschirmmann zu deinen Lieblingen gehört... und ein Muffin mit flüssiger schokolade, na da könnte ich nicht nein sagen...

  6. Deine NYC Winter Szene ist wunderschön - sehr toll die Steinstruktur im Hintergrund! Deine London am RHein Szene gefällt mir auch sehr gut mit dem Gesciht und die nette Kaffeeente!! Fabelhafte Bilder von den Möven...die mag ich so gern und der Reiher passt perfekt zur grauen Farben des Wassers.
    Ich wünsche Dir toi toti toi für heute Liebes!

  7. Not one, but lots of yummy, fabulous and creative display here today. LOVE your collage and wow Beautiful creation, a special meaning to ART.xx
    { aNNie}

  8. Schöne Winter Szene, mann spührt fast die Kälte!
    wunderschöne Naturbilder, klasse!

  9. Wonderful New York page with great stand out images.

    Love the favourite things collage with your own special mix. I want to make one those now :0)

    Great muffins and my fave sort so maybe they should go on my collage- yummy.

    Fabulous photographs with the birds just waiting for you to come along so that they can pose for their picture taking.

    Thank you for sharing all of these wonders

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Great collages today. You really made New York-you caught the feel for the city, and I love the skaters! Fills it with the life the fills the city. And the idea of doing a collage of "my favorite things" is great. Are your eyes green? Are they your eyes. Yum. I am having a very blah breakfast right now and I want one of those not so breakfasty yummy muffins. Hugs!

  11. beautiful beautiful work! I love them, you learn so much about a person from collage,, those muffins looks soooo good and you hit the nail on the head Heron's look grumpy!! They do!

  12. Beautiful art and I love your photos today. Suddenly I have a hankering for chocolate! Yum! hugs :)

  13. I really love all of your hybrid imagery Valerie-you have such a clever way of putting stories together in your projects! Your walks along the Rhine are beautiful-no matter what the weather. Those cupcakes look fabulous-what a nice neighbor you are! Happy T day too!

  14. Lots to look at today Valerie. Lovely collages. Is an umbrella one of your favorite things?
    I love looking at your photos. The Canadian geese are awesome.
    Thank you for the cup-cake. Just what I needed at the moment!
    Thank you for visiting earlier and have a great week,

    1. No, the umbrella not, but I love the die cut of the umbrella man! I lways loose umbrellas.

  15. Love the collage piece and the photos are stunning Valerie! Hugs!

  16. Love the collage piece and the photos are stunning Valerie! Hugs!

  17. You really captured the essence of NYC with your collage, Valerie! There is something magical about any city during the holiday season. I enjoyed your T collage, especially the duck sipping cappuccino!Thanks for sharing the chocolate muffins today! Yum!

  18. Marvelous multi-layered pieces. NYC in all it's winter glory. Yum muffins. xox

  19. chocolate chip muffins to warm my insides :) Yummmm! I love your snow pieces.

  20. Love the art and the muffins look so yummy ♥ Great photos again and so glad that Mr Heron is still around... I'm in love with him ya know :)

  21. My favorite things - snow, rain, cake and clouds. Wonderful art journal page. And of course I love your pictures. But most of all I love it when you put pictures up of what you bake - I especially like your stews and stir fries!
    Sandy xx

    1. So do I - I am going to make a stir fry for tomorrow!

  22. Your Christmas piece is stunning, I just love everything about this collage! The second one is also amazing with great images. Yummy muffins!!!
    Hugs, Mar

  23. Fantastic collage works......as always I'm in awe of your work.
    I would so love to sit along the Rhine and watch the birds and maybe have a hot drink. Your muffins are tempting but I'm staying away from sugar and white flour these days.....
    Happy T-day

  24. Your collages are fabulous! I have always wanted to go to New York - my son went on a collage trip years ago and came back with tales of how wonderful everything was! Seeing your collage makes me want to go even more now! The skaters remind me of one of my favourite films 'Serendipity'! I love your photos today, especially the birds! Aah! the muffins look great but I am trying not to look! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Wow both collages are very beautiful the top one is gorgeous. The baking looks tasty :) Have a great day, xx

  26. Great pages, Valerie ... particularly love the 'brownstones' in the first piece. Very clever. Your walk looks great - all the gulls lined up. Water is high. It is here as well ... been raining for days. Your muffins soon delightful. Lucky neignbour. hugs, Donna

  27. Your New York collage is just amazing. I like the blue trees and the gold trees and gold bench and the happy people and the buildings, just everything is happiness in the snow.
    I always love your photographs of the Rhine, especially in duller weather.

  28. Wow Valerie, these are both fabulous collage pages, full to the brim with interesting details. Love the snowy New York scene with the people enjoying the walk. Delicious cakes as well today.
    Yvonne xx

  29. Hehehehhe - your duck sipping your coffee totally cracked me up Valerie!!! So fun!! The New York collage is really a masterpiece. It needs an award of some kind. Wow - awed by it. And the muffins - dear me - my mouth is watering... I was greedy and took all four so if anyone else wanted one - they are out of luck. Soooo yummy and baked to perfection. :) j.

  30. Love both collages, so many details to look at. Great pictures and that heron really does look grumpy. Your muffins look delicious perfect with a cup of coffee
    Avril xx

  31. OH!! I really want a muffin -- they look delicious. And I loved your collages, especially the ones with the two eyes. No snow here in San Francisco but i am visiting NYC in February and I bet I see some....nice post - thank you.

  32. I had to back up hoping there was still one of your chocolate topped muffins with my name on it. Your New York snow project would make a terrific card if reduced to card size. It is remarkable so is your collage with all of your favorite things (your photos) included. The eyes and brows of your face are a terrific highlight for a more magical piece. Love all of your faces with the green eyes.

  33. Gorgeous, festive page. I love the texture. Another beautiful set of mysterious eyes looking over the scenery.

  34. Great art and chocolate chip muffins--how perfect!
    Happy T-Day! :)

  35. Über deine Favorite-Things-Seite musste ich richtig lachen... ja diese Elemente sind immer wieder bei dir zu finden! LG Ulrike

  36. A super snowflake collage, love your picture hugs Bee.

  37. Love love your collage page. love your favorite page there is a couple of things there that I would say are my favs the umbrella man for one x

  38. Love the texture in your NY scene, so pretty. But this year has been pretty warm here. Not that I'm complaining but would love snow for Christmas. Merry Christmas.

  39. Love the texture in your NY scene, so pretty. But this year has been pretty warm here. Not that I'm complaining but would love snow for Christmas. Merry Christmas.

  40. OMG! stop it! It is still early here and now I am salivating for your yummy cupcakes! heehee
    I love your collage0 yes, much going on there-but no snow here! I guess it has decided to stay warm until at least next weekend! ")

  41. Love visiting your blog.There's always something fascinating like your art and your cookies!Happy belated t-day:)


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