Friday 18 December 2015

This and that again

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend - enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, collage, I made a page using one of the images I 'found' when I cleared off my table recently. I glued the lady in the middle of an A3 page, and made a mosaic using lots of tiny scraps that I found in the Christmas box. I painted round the edges with a warm red, and then added some gilding flakes while I was at it. This was a nice, sticky job, and I was able to empty another box.

For 99 faces I have a hybrid page, in which I combined a face, a background and a zebra (Gecko Galz freebie). I called it wild face.

More photos of my 'visitors' and the birds I visited on my walk:

The gulls are always sitting on the railing at the jetty:

And this beautiful sheep has the last word today, she looks as if she is not amused:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great idea for using up those tiny scraps! and the colours go really well together! Happy PPF!

  2. Love how you creatively used up all those colourful scraps! Beautiful face page and a peaceful looking sheep.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My message disappeared again, I think I was too eager and forgot to click the publish button. Your page touches my heart with the wonderful music from a string instrument and the bright Christmas colors. I also favor your WILD face, another marvelous take on your daily challenge.
    What is the tiny bird with a red spot on head and underbelly? Loved the photo of the other birds and, or course, the sheep.

  5. Wonderful collage, and love the wild face. great photos, too, <i love seeing your birds and the strange, long eared sheep! Have a good weekend, hugs, Sarah

  6. The sheep is the star of the day for me Valerie though all the photographs are amazing

    Love the collage page and the stunning idea of the framing with the bits and bobs of paper is genius. The gold pulls it all together as well.

    The face page is so interesting with so much to look at. I sort of thought the title might me 'A Wild Night Out' when I saw it and then I read it was Wild Face so along similar lines

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. yes, it was definitely wild. That sheep is really a beauty, so dignified!

  7. Fantastisch schöne Seiten Valerie--wow... diese kleinen Mosaike! Zauberhaft! Das Gesicht sieht wunderschön aus! Hybrid wie auch handmade gefällt mir sehr! Und herrliche Aufnahmen heute wieder - Der Herr Specht bräuchte eine größere Futterkugel - unbedingt!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen wunderbaren Tag!

    Bussi Susi

  8. Hi Valerie, beautiful artwork as always. Just popped in to send you wishes for a very Merry Christmas!! :)

  9. wow,fantastisch schöne seiten,bin sehr beindruckt.
    ich war eben einkaufen und da ist mir meine neue strumphose gerissen,zum glück war das eine für nur 4 euro.e
    danke für die schöne weihnachtsmail,hab mich sehr gefreut.
    nun noch montag einkaufen und dann ist ruhe im karton.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  10. I'm a big believer in using up my scraps, and I applaud you for using them in this simply gorgeous collage. The colors of the scraps scream Christmas, too.

    Once again, I'm in awe of how you incorporated the face into a cohesive unit. It's not just lovely, but inventive, too.

    Gotta' LOVE the sheep. She may not look amused, but she looks warm with all that wool!

  11. absolutely stunning! Valerie!! I believe this is on my list of favorites!!Just Gorgeous!!
    I am happy to see you have a freebie from Gecko Galz! Do you get the newsletter? There are always freebies and giveaways there-and you know what else? I am on the 2016 Design Team!! Yay!
    Merry Christmas my dear friend,

    1. Congratulations! I was on the DT in 2014, but I had to stop as it just got too much!

  12. The collage frame is perfect for the image and the hybrid page is very interesting, lovely photos as always Valerie. Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!

    Love and hugs

  13. Beautiful collage and hybrid pages. I love your tiled effect and the gilding around the musician. I haven't tried using gilding flakes yet, but it is on my 'someday' list. hugs, Teresa

  14. Your Lady in Red page is simply FABULOUS! Most interesting the way you have put it together. Yummy hybrid page as well ... so many things to look at. You do have a lovely variety of birds in the area. My favorite of course, is the sheep. hugs, Donna

  15. What a great picture to find on your magic table, and I really like the way you've framed her.
    Love all your pictures of birds, especially the woodpecker. We have one who comes to visit the fat balls occasionally, they are amazingly beautiful birds.
    The sheep has certainly an "interesting" expression, very haughty.

    1. My table does seem to have magical properties, as I often find things that I cannot remember having put there!

  16. What a find, the picture of the Red lady is stunning, so is the page. Loved your hybrid page, another beautiful face.
    Yvonne xx

  17. That is an awesome idea using the little pieces of paper that way to frame the picture! Ingenious! The gilding flakes add a touch of glamour which goes well with the print. Wonderful bird shots.

  18. That sheep is hilarious! I don't miss sheering sheep. Stubborn little cusses. Hehe! Wonderful and inventive designs. You are a master at these faces! Merry Christmas! ~Niki

  19. Great art again :) Love the way you blend so many different things into on piece and they all look as if they belong together always. Very nice photos and of course happy to see My Heron again. The sheep does look a bit unhappy. :)

  20. What a clever way to make the frame around that lovely lady. And the way you made the face so dreamy really gives that page an interesting feel. Great photos- but the sheet is my favorite. She has quite the matronly look on her face! Hugs!

  21. 2 stunning pieces Valerie. I love the image of the musician and the way you have beautifully framed her. And your wild face is lovely, it looks like she has dappled sunlight on her. She has a gorgeous face - love her eyes.

    Fab photos - especially loved seeing the woodpecker.

    Gill xx

  22. I love your wild face - brilliant elements! The mosaic collage is fabulous - the frame for your cellist is just right for the Christmas music she must surely be playing! Great photos once again - Bravo to the seagulls for giving us an encore and I love the dissaproving sheep! Hugs, Chrisx

  23. Zwei ganz tolle Werke wieder, Valerie! Der Rahmen deiner Cellospielerin wirkt super schön. ... und ich freu mich besonders wieder über die Möwenreihe. LG Ulrike

  24. Gorgeous image and how you brought her to life with your paper scraps is magical Valerie. Beautiful words about the goodness of music too!

  25. Both of these creations are lovely Valerie. The violin lady makes me feel like I have been to a Christmas concert! Love the decor around her - just perfectly festive in an elegant way to go with her lovely dress. And I really enjoy the face project too. Orange and zebra - perfect combo for great eye candy for Joi!!!! Your sheep made me laugh... he would be so fun to paint. You should used him in a project!!!!!! j.


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