Sunday 27 December 2015

Monday mix

Hi Everybody!

The Christmas weekend is over, and in a few days the year will
be over, too. Time flies! Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break.

For Art Journal Journey, collage and for 99 faces I made another of my 'old fashioned' faces (this is no. 3 in the series) and  then made a hybrid collage out of it. The face was drawn on recycled card and painted with water colours. I kept mostly to shades of purple, just adding some highlights in gold and white. If I have counted rightly this is face no. 44 of 99.

I digitally placed the face on a coloured and printed background and overlayed it with my bird on the branch photo. The swallow is from Itkupilli and the quote from my stash.

The morning skies have been wonderful over the past few days, with delicate colours:

The cormorant was greeting the sun again:

The pigeon fluffed herself up to twice her size:

And the robin was busy feeding off the red berries:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ahaha love the quote, unfortunately it looks like I'm going to heaven. Lovely skies too.

  2. Another wonderful post. Love the beautiful girl, with the very wise quote, the collage and of course the photos. Have a good new week, hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely, lovely face and collage, Valerie. The skies almost echo the colors you used today. Like Christine, I laughed at the quote, and fear I'm also headed to heaven, since I've been nowhere lately, except the grocery store.

  4. I forgot to ask. Are you sure that pigeon isn't pregnant? Food for thought (grin).

  5. Wow- you are really counting down the faces, aren't you? Congrats on getting so many done. I love your traditional face-in both forms. And your skies certainly have been pretty too. Happy Monday!

  6. Terrific face Valerie and I love the purple hues. It looks amazing on your photograph page great digital work on that for sure.

    Fantastic photographs and terrific to see the cormorant the one we usually see on the harbour hasn't appeared so far this year.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  7. Very mesmerising eyes on your fabulous face Valerie... the sort that follow you around. Love the colours and that great quote made me smile (and gave me neck ache trying to read it ha ha )
    Love the digital version too and your great photos - what lovely skies you are still having.

    Have a great day............. Gill xx

  8. Fabelhaft gefaced und digitalisiert und fotografiert heute!
    Ich bin begeistert wie immer!
    Eine schöne neue Woche Liebes!

  9. Another beautifully creative face and the collage looks great too!

  10. Beautiful creation, colours and image are just gorgeous. Hope you have a happy new year and a great crafting one my buddy.xx

  11. Beautiful purple face I love how she fades into the background on your collage, fantastic! Beautiful photographs as well. Seasons Greetings, Shirleyxx

  12. You have a lot of great faces to keep up with liebe Valerie.
    Fun quote too ;-)
    Happy Monday

  13. Another great face and more lovely photos. So love those early morning ones and of course we can never have enough bird photos :) It's been raining here for days. The highways are flooded and we just barely made it home from my parents. The closed the highway shortly after we passed through. We knew they would because the water was up to the roads then. Hopefully we can get to work tomorrow.

  14. What beautiful morning skies - wow. And your creative collage reminds me totally of YOU Valerie - out for a walk - there you are looking through the branches at your beloved birds... FREEING YOUR MIND... except for the joy of the sights and scenes around you! j.

  15. einfach wunderbar ist dein post heute,eine geniale hybrid collage,das mädel sieht sehr schön aus,bin begeistert.
    einen schönen abend,liebes.

    hugs jenny

  16. really great page .. love the layering effect and the quote. Beautiful walk today .. I enjoyed that. hugs, Donna

  17. Another fantastic face, and the quote is a good one. Its a super second version with bird on the branch.
    Great photos again.

  18. I love your face and the collage where she makes an appearance too! Great sky pics and of course the birds! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. An unusual and exotic looking face. I really like it in your hybrid collage.

  20. Absolutely love how you added those branches- gave a whole different look to the page! Beautiful!


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