Tuesday 22 December 2015

This, that and the other on Wednesday.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are now more or less ready with all your
holiday preparations, time is running out!

For Art Journal Journey, collage,  I have 2 hybrid collages. In the first one I used part of Blake's painting 'Newton'. I added parts of my photos - the column and the jay, some digital elements from Serif and Leonardo's Vitruvian man. The quote is also from William Blake.

The second collage is also meant for 99 faces.  The background is a photo taken on an outing, and the tower is part of a castle I visited the same day. That's me looking out of the window - with a bit of artistic license, and the eyes are from one of my face paintings.

And before I forget again, this is my tag from Tag Tuesday this week, where the theme is 'peace on earth', which would really be a great thing.

Today was a very dull day, so the lights remained on all day here:

Yesterday I visited Krefeld, a town on the other  side of the river, 
and we walked round and looked at the Christmas decorations  there.
The tree here is in the Main Station:

The other photos were taken in a shopping centre:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely work today Valerie! It's nice to see the beautifully lit up Christmas trees everywhere!

  2. Great hybrid pages! I really love the eyes in the forest with you peeking out of the window!
    Fun to see all the beautiful trees lit up also!

  3. Your digital piece is great Valerie, and your face is out of this world. Ha=ow clever! I love that cartoon version of you. I remember you have used it in other forms before. And your photos are fantastic too. Something about those older buildings you photographed that look so perfect for festive photos. I love that they aren't plastered in lights. Enjoy your holiday weekend ahead. Hugs!

  4. Your art today is gorgeous. Always love the Vitruvian Man, so that first entry spoke to me. Of course, I like the eyes and how you chose to share them using your own photos and the cartoon you used as your stand in.

    I was in awe of all the trees and how different they all looked. Some majestic, so rather scraggly, but all festive, none-the-less.

    And the photos from Krefeld were incredible. What an incredible manger.

    Forgot to mention, I really love the angels you used on your tag. Those beads really set it off, too.

    What a day I've had. I was out all day, then got home in time to crash. I just woke a few minutes ago and realized it was night not morning. Talk about being confused!

  5. Beautiful work today, love both pieces. So glad you used Blake in the first one, he's always a fave of mine. Have a nice day, take care, and thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Hugs, Sarah

  6. Oh, da lächele ich gerne, wenn ich Deine Bilder und Collagen sehe, liebe Valerie!
    Das Gesicht im Turm ist so schön und hat eine feine Leichtigkeit :)
    Auch die Weihnachtskrippen sind sttimmungsvoll und gehören einfach zu Weihnachten dazu!

    Ich wünsche Dir ein wunderschönes Weihnachtsfest im Kreise Deiner Lieben, liebe Valerie. Besinnliche Tage und einen guten Start in das Neue Jahr!
    Alles Liebe

  7. Wonderful collage pages the second one is a real fun page.

    Love the photographs with the Christmas scenes and the trees.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Fabulous pages and a wonderful tag. A fantastic post today!
    Wishing you Merry Christmas, Valerie!!!
    Hugs, Mar xx

  9. Lovely artwork Valerie - love the them both. That's a great quote on the first one. The second piece made me smile - what a wonderful photo for the background too, love the way you've captured the light through the trees.
    Your photos are making me feel very festive -thanks for showing them :)
    Have a great day........... Gill xx

  10. Great variety of work today, Valerie. I lean toward "Sometimes I think someone is watching me" .. makes me laugh. Your 'Peace on Earth is beautiful. Sorry you are having a dull day. It absolutely poured here in the night. Thought I was going to have to get the oars out! Enjoy the rest of your day. hugs, Donna

  11. Wow.. beide Arbeiten sind fantastisch und all die schönen Impressionen von den Weihnachtlichen Dekorationen sind toll liebe Valerie!
    Und Dein Friede auf Erden - Tag ist auch sehr, sehr schön! Gut gemacht!
    Einen späten Besuch heute... hab alles erledigen können ... jetzt darf das Christkind kommen!

  12. You have been busy girl!!! Three lovelies! The tag is sooo pretty and yes - PEACE ON EARTH is our daily hope. I totally smiled seeing yourcaricature coming out of the tower Valerie. I bet you would be doing exactly that if you felt someone watching you!!! So fun!!! And NOW... the question is.... Do I want to become a star??? I best not light up my face too much... I like the quiet life :) Love seeing the Christmas lights from across the river - I don't get out much so it's fun to see what you see at Christmas - thanks bunches! j.

  13. Great creations and photos. Love that nativity scene. hugs, Teresa

  14. Fabulous pages. A great quote and I loved the one with you in the tower a real fun page. Super festive photos , loved the Nativity as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Beautiful words with the Vitruvian man (that image always speaks to me!)
    Thank you for your twinklie and festive post!
    Fa la laaaa to you dear one oxo

  16. Great art today! Love d the eyes looking through the forest :) Great Christmas trees too. Wishing you the Best Christmas my Friend ♥

  17. Great collages! And I am sitting here snickering at that second one-heeheeheee!
    Your tag is gorgeous!! I love the gold foiling!!
    As always your photos are wonderful thank you for sharing- I have to admit, that huge hanging star is my favorite- I just love that!!

    1. I love the stars too, there are several placed around the town.

  18. Klasse Collagen Valerie. Deine Fotos sind auch wieder so schön, ganz besonders gefällen mir die Engel im Mond. Dein Friedens-Tag mit viel Goldglanz ist auch sehr schön geworden.
    Liebe Grüße und einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr.

  19. I love both of you hybrid pages and your absolutely gorgeous tag! The photos still have me in a festive mood!Hugs, Chrisx


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