Sunday 1 January 2017

Ring out, wild bells

Hi Everybody!

Happy New Year  2017.

We are starting a new challenge for the new year at
Art Journal Journey
and this month the wonderful
is our host. She has chosen the theme
'Every Journal page tells a story', and writes:

*My AJJ theme is a twist on a phrase that we say in the US (not sure about other places, so whether this is a universal phrase or not, I don't know). The saying is "Every picture tells a story" and I am switching it up to  "Every journal page tells a story".  I think we  tell stories all the time, whether we talk about books we've read, movies we've watched, or told someone about an adventure we've had during our day, Our stories come from our past and things we find interesting in our present. Sometimes we even tell stories about our dreams for the future. We describe people we know, those we wish we could meet  or maybe  have just met.  Our stories are often non-fiction, but they can be fiction too. So this month I want to "see" your stories and hopefully get to read a little bit about them too.*

My first page for this theme is a hybrid page, using  a part of
Tennyson's wonderful poem
'Ring out wild bells', which is about the new year:

And now for the story. Last week I actually dusted off some of my 
books - I say some, as I have a lot, too many to dust at 
one time. As I picked up this one  I thought about
my Auntie Clara, a wonderful old lady,
who gave it to me in 1964, more than fifty years ago.

It opened at this page, and thus the idea
for my journal page was born. There is even a little
Bible verse in it, which she probably got
at Sunday school  as a child.

She was an educated, kind and caring lady, and  also my God-mother,
and sent presents every single birthday as 
long as she lived. She had no children of her own,
but a huge family of  God-children.
I spent a week every summer at her house in the country, 
which I much enjoyed. She wrote a dedication in each 
and every book she gave me, and several of my 
glass treasures were also from her.
This was evidently a prize she got at school in 1914,
and is one of my special treasures:

These ducks/geese were given to me by an ex neighbour,
I do not much like them, and they sit on top of the
bookcase in the hall, and look down on people:

I just hope they don't fall on my head one of these days!

These vases are all blown  glass from Bohemia crystal
in the Czech Republic.  They are all etched with pictures of birds, plants or fish.
These lilac ones change colour and look blue in electric light, 
they have a certain mineral in them, 
but I've forgotten what it is! And they are very heavy.
Ha! I just had a light bulb moment and remembered
that it's Alexandrite glass!


This is another piece from the 70s:

The glasses from the 1930s belonged to my great 
Auntie Fanny, another very dear person:

These are from the beginning of the 20th century:

 1930's again. This colour was evidently much liked!

These are more space age pieces:

I will put more photos up when I have taken them!

Have a great day - week - month - year!
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Happy New Year! Love the journaling today, you found the fitting words and poem, and pics of London as well, just lovely. Your photos are fantastic as always.Loved the story, too. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Challenging new theme! Love the colours of the glass!

  3. Wishing you a Happy New Year! I love that your aunt wrote inscriptions in your books. How special! Also, it was fascinating to see all the various glass through the ages. Love your Aunt Fanny's glasses. :)

  4. Very cool page and the story that goes with it! You must treasure those items a lot. You've also inspired me with an another page idea! And I think you will see how great minds think a like when you see the second page I have posted today! :) And more luscious glass. I think Aunt Fanny's glasses are just beautiful. Have a Happy New Year! Hugs-Erika

  5. Oh yes- and that's a great new blog header too.

  6. Happy New Year!!!
    Let the bells ring out~Welcome 2017!
    Beautiful glass and I so agree the 70's pieces are so very very cool,like groovy man!
    Thank you so much for my lovely card, I have listened to it over and over again!

  7. Happy New Year lovely lady. LOVE your new header. I have that in Craft Artist, nice set. Beautiful glass and colours are amazing. That you for the gorgeous and generous email card it was beautiful, can you hear it? I am playing it this very moment again. Thanks for being the best blogging buddy and xxx{aNNie}

  8. Happy new year, Valerie! What a lovely memory to have of your Godmother, and what a great page it spawned.

  9. By now it's 2017 at your home. Still 2016 here, at least for a few more minutes. Just enough time to tell you how much I like both your new header AND your first AJJ entry for 2017. It's awesome.

    Some of that old glass is amazing. I was impressed that you keep so much of it. Mine would all be broken by now, I'm such a klutz. I really like the turn of the 20th Century pieces and the ones your aunt sent you.

    Happy 2017 dear, dear friend.

  10. Valerie, I lovely post--you would enjoy our "dusty" library......Helene

  11. Eine liebevolle "Tanta Clara Erinnerungsseite" und so schönes Glas hast Du... toll dass Du alles immer so schön übersiedelt hast- hängt Dein Herz offensichtlich sehr daran!
    Ein frohes Neues Jahr liebe Valerie.
    Liebe Grüße

  12. Its a fabulous page to start the new Year with Valerie, its so inspiring for the new AJJ theme. I love old books, it makes me wonder who also has read them down the years.
    Super glass photos , I do like the ones with the etching on them.
    Happy 2017 Valerie, I hope it will be a good one for you.
    Yvonne xx

  13. well you've set the bar high for 2017, Valerie. A thoroughly nice posting. I like Tennyson, I have a 1906 'Complete Works of......etc'. Love your barley-twist hock glasses

  14. What a wonderful journal page and beautiful story. I just made a page and now I am wondering if it is good enough :(

    More beautiful and artistic glassware pieces. Just amazing how many you have Valerie and they are all wonderful--yes even the arrogant looking duck--I would call him Mr Snooty.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. That's funny, my husband used to call him Mr SNOTTY-NOSE!

  15. Oh Valerie what a lovely post with such an inspiring page and poem from a wonderful poet. The glass is truly amazing and I'm sure you treasure it all

    Its great to be back

    Happy and Healthy New Year

    Hilda xx

  16. What a wonderful piece to begin the new year! I love the bells, I love everything about this. And by the way, your new banner just makes my heart sing!

    Happy New Year!

  17. I love you new blog header Valerie, it's so YOU! Lovely journal page too, and what a fab glass collection you have (and so clean, my glass is covered in 'snow' at the moment lol) Happy New Year and have a wonderful 2017 xx

  18. Great hybrid page...I enjoyed the glass collection as well!

  19. wonderful page :-)
    happy new year <3

  20. What a wonderful story about your Auntie Clara. Your art page is gorgeous. I love that old book. Happy New Year! hugs, Teresa

  21. Schön dein neues Blog-Bild von London, gefällt mir sehr.
    Das liebevoll gehegte Buch deiner Tante Clara ist ja ein echter Schatz und was du so digitaltechnisch damit gemacht hast, sieht wieder total klasse aus. Zum Glück bist du nicht so Jemand, der so schöne alte Bücher zerschnippelt, so gehts ja auch.
    Deine Glasschätze sind ja auch sehenswert, schön so eine liebe Tante gehabt zu haben.
    Interessantes Thema bei AJJ, da schau ich mal was mir so einfällt.
    Frohes, gesundes und kreatives Neues Jahr 2017.

  22. Happy New Year Valerie and thanks for all your wishes! I love your wild bells piece and fabulous words, best wishes for a joyful and peaceful New Year! xx

  23. Valerie!!! Happy New year!! Wishing you many blessings for 2017!! I am so behind in everything! Thankyou for the e-card you sent me! That was so special!! Big Hugs!!!!
    Your art piece is so cool, love it!! And, speaking of love, I LOVE your glass pieces! WOW!!!!
    The book from your God-Mother is very special!!! A treasure in deed!!!
    Take Care!!!!

  24. I love your page and the story behind it! That book is in very good condition!
    Your glass collection looks wonderful - love the etched glass especially! Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Well happy new year Valerie!! What a great new theme to begin the new year. And I LOVE your page! what a wonderful book along with the memories you have. Great glass pieces too-even the ducks:)

  26. What a gorgeous art page with the bells! The book is lovely too as are your glass pieces. I am especially impressed with the ones that change colors, how neat is that!

  27. Great AJJ piece for the start of the year (Happy New Year again to you xx )great poem and digital imagery. (oh and fab new blog header too!)
    I love old books, especially ones that have been passed down by family.
    Goodness - just how much glass do you have - a room full? - beautiful pieces again :)
    Gill xx

  28. WOW! Fabulous page - I love it. Interesting glass collection too.

  29. I can't help wondering where you keep all of your gorgeous glass and your books too! So many artistic influences around you. I love that poem and your journal page - fantastic!!
    Sandy xx

  30. Liebe Valerie, ich wünsche Dir ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr. Deine Journalseiten sind wieder allererste Sahne, Dein neuer Header ist absolut bezaubernd und die Gläser ein Traum.

  31. what a wonderful inspiring post, loved all the peeks of your stuff, and your page


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