Thursday 26 January 2017

More this and that

Hi Everybody!
This week is flying by again, and today we even have
wonderful sunshine - so nice after the grey and gloomy
days. My ribs are still sore, but I went out for a short walk today,
and it was great to be by the Rhine again.
I do not like stopping home all day and have
been rather stir-crazy these past days, but the main
things is that my barbecued cracked ribs
are healing. And it did give me lots of
time for being creative!

One of the things I made is a box canvas, 12 x 9 1/2". It had already
 been painted before, and I wanted something new. I
worked it over using scraps of paper napkins, 
torn pieces of old letters, stamps from an old
passport, and loads of paints, sprays, German glass 
glitter, crackle glaze,
various Frantage embossing powders, 
and some lovely pink and green iridescent waxes 
from Pentart. I had great fun playing with this.
I added the transparent photo of a man and his
son. I don't know who they are, let's just say the represent
all who have somehow passed through the
world, written those letters, used the
passports etc. The photo is just a shadow or 'shade'
of them all. Friday, January 27th is the International
Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Erika's wonderful theme
of 'Tell me a story', Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.
and Simon Monday Challenge, spread your wings.

The third flower is opening up on the amaryllis:

The ferry looks freshly scrubbed:

The fishing raven was there:

This boat has my initials:

Ice at the Rhine:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Magnificent canvas Valerie!! Full of rich colors and textures, and the faded photo is a great center piece.
    I'm happy to hear your feeling better and could get out doors for a short walk, but please take it easy.
    Beautiful photos, as always.....everything is so shiny and clean after the rains and the sun comes out.

  2. I bet it felt wonderful to be down by the Rhine again Valerie. Here it is too cold for me today even though we haven't got frost or fog. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better.

    Amazing canvas with the touch of sorrow but good to remember these things and hope they never happen again. Lots of terrific techniques to make it special..

    Photos are fantastic and the amarylis looks as though it have yet another bloom soon

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Valerie you have such a wonderful, artistic talent with this beautiful canvas!!! The colors, materials used and that crackle finish and other textures...all I can say is WOW!!!
    Your photos are beautiful! How cool that the boat has your initials! Love them all!!!
    Good news that you are feeling better...the best kind of news :)

    Big Hugs

  4. An amazing canvas and lovely photos ! Nice to hear that you can enjoy your extended walks in nature again- keep on your speedy recovery!
    Happy weekend ahead,Susi

  5. Your canvas is beautiful, and I love the scraps you have used, your 'little bits of nothingness' which mean so much as they are here as symbols. Really well done, and I am happy you linked it to The Schoah remembrance. Take care, I hope you didn't walk too far and came home on the tram! Hugs, Sarah

  6. The piece is wonderful.
    And I enjoyed our walk:)

  7. Happy to know you are healing.
    You have been in my thoughts liebe Valerie!
    You certainly are making good use of your "rest" time.
    Your canvas is so rich and full of beautiful details with stories to tell.
    Take care my sweet VT. I know it is hard to be patient when you are such a go go go kind of girl ♥
    Sounds like we've had similar weather.
    A BIG DARK cloud has been hanging over the Washington DC area ever since the inauguration...very symbolic and scary too!

    1. No that really is scary! We can just hope and pray that things won't be as bad as we think.

  8. A really beautiful textured canvas Valerie and love all those beautiful details you've added.
    Glad to hear the ribs are healing and hope you make a full recovery very soon.
    It's bitterly cold here at the moment and difficult to go out too unless you're really wrapped up.
    Wishing you the best.
    Fliss xx

  9. Hi Valerie and wow what an amazing canvas so much texture and so much to see love the stamp behind the mesh so poignant a memory.

    Good to read you are a tad better and able to get out a bit to take your amazing photos

    xx Hilda

  10. I really loved this remembrance Valerie. And you have inspired me to create a Holocaust remembrance for tomorrow. I love yours, because it is so unique andhas just the right colors and textures, too.

    That amaryllis is looking good, but you are looking even better by getting out for a short walk. So glad to read that you are up and out again. But, please take care, too, dear.

  11. Your sunshine is wonderful and I am jealous as we once again have grey cloudy skies. Maybe February will be sunnier-I can only hope. Just loving your canvas today. It has depth and that German glass glitter always gives such great texture. I like the crackle effect too. Perfect for the sad story it tells, but I did not know tomorrow was remembrance day. Hope the walk helped your spirits and maybe even the ribs get a little bit better-because a happy mind helps healing. Hugs-Erika

  12. Pleased to hear you are getting out more now Valerie - hope the soreness in your ribs goes soon so you can enjoy longer walks. I also had no idea about tomorrow.. I love the special and beautiful artwork you have created for this.
    Enjoyed all your other photos - the ice on the Rhine looks lovely, I hope the pavements aren't slippery. It hasn't been above zero here for the last few days and been really cold and grey.
    Gill xx

  13. Its a stunning canvas Valerie, all the variety of mediums, techniques and elements you added, I think you must have really enjoyed making this project. It is a good way to remember the horrors of the past, we will never forget those times.
    It was good to read you managed a walk today, please take care, its freezing here.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Your art is beautiful, there are so many lovely layers and details. I am also loving watching your flowers unfold.

  15. I love coming to your blog Valerie! You are right, this week has went by fast! I am so happy your barbecued cracked ribs are healing! LOL! Your canvas is amazing! So meaningful!! I love the close up pictures of it! Love the photos of your beautiful flowers and Mr. Raven! Your boat is beautiful! LOL! Big Hugs!

  16. Nothing worse than cracked ribs, even my flu was a piece of cake compared to that. Great way to embrace the crackle, so many colors and layers. Glad you got out for a walk today. Me too, finally. xox

  17. So glad your ribs are on the mend! Your page is so beautifully textured! Happy PPF!

  18. WOW! The textures and details are so rich and deep ♥♥♥♥ Love it !!!! Glad you were feeling well enough to get out for a bit. It was colder here today and it spit snow and sleet for a bit but nothing stuck!!! I low energy, lazy day for me.

  19. What a beautiful piece this is; I love the melted powders. Cracked ribs? Oh my! I missed the post about how that happened. I am glad you are on the mend. hugs, Teresa

  20. What a lovely picture, Valerie, and a poignant pairing with the scraps of passports and letters, ... I was just re-reading a novel of the Holocaust, I thank you for the mention of remembrance day.
    Glad you are healing, ugh!! Cracked ribs! I did that once, and it does hurt! If you have any cosmetic clay, that brought the best relief! I would make a paste over the ribs, and cover with a bit of tissue and flannel, it eases the pain and speeds healing! (Arnica as well, if you have access!) Xxx Nadya

  21. I'm so glad you posted about International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It was fun researching and learning more about the Holocaust, although I knew quite a bit.

  22. Amazing work here and your frantage is awesome, mine just bubbles and runs. Fabulous photos too. xx{aNNie}

  23. Did you fall and crack your ribs or what? I missed this, so sorry; just don't go overdoing things.

    Love this piece of work of yours - so much texture, narrative and imagination.

    As usual, I want to paint all your wonderful photographs!

    1. Yes, I kissed the ground - the Pope always manages it better!

  24. Hello Valerie, so glad you were able to go out for a walk. Your stir-crazyness certainly caused the creation of a most beautiful and thoughtful canvas. I love all the closeups of it too. Such detail is incredible.
    Your gorgeous flower is revealing itself ever so wonderfully! Take good care now and until next time, cheerio :D)xx

  25. I've obviously missed something the last couple of weeks - I'm sorry to hear you cracked your ribs (ouch!) and hope you're well on the mend. This is beautiful. I absolutely love the depth and texture you've created with all the different layers and mediums and the photo is really quite haunting. Great job.

  26. First off- I love the new header. Glad to hear you're on the mend and got a walk in again. I didn't know you owned such a boat:):)Beautiful scenes along the Rhine...
    Your painted canvas is stunning!! So much depth and a really beautiful piece in memory of the Holocaust Remembrance Day.And such a gorgeous amaryllis-wow-that makes me smile. Happy PPF!

    1. Now that would be something - I wonder where I could park it?

  27. I'm so glad you are feeling well enough to go walking and that the weather was perfect for it. It would be tough to leave that glorious canvas -- it's really beautiful and the meaning behind it is powerful and personal to me. It really has great emotional power.

  28. What takes place on Holocaust Remembrance Day? It would have to be a most painful day of the year. Your box canvas is marvelous.

  29. So sorry to hear you cracked your ribs, Valerie, but it's great that they are healing now.

    Your box canvas is gorgeous and a beautiful tribute to those who have passed before us. I love all the different textures and colours.

    The Amaryllis is stunning! I don't think I've ever seen a white one before.

    I loved all your photos especially of the raven and seagull.

    Enjoy the rest of your week and wishing you continued healing.

    Happy PPF,

  30. Oh my goodness, your canvas is amazing - the layers and textures are beautiful, I love it! Thanks for sharing your techniques too, it sounds like you had loads of fun creating it :-). Your amaryllis is still looking so pretty and elegant. It looks like you had a lovely walk, hope you are recovering well. With all the cold weather and high tides, we have been seeing a lot of birds on our beach walks, we saw a curlew yesterday - a first for me :-). Have a lovely weekend dear Valerie! J :-)

  31. Lovely work! So much texture, wow! I also like the idea of the people on the picture representing all who have passed through this world...

  32. another stunning project all the beautiful colours and textures...thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge...enjoy your weekend...hugs kath xxx

  33. Valerie this is such a beautiful piece of art. I love the texture and the colors are dreamy. You flowers are so pretty. The ferry looks like a fun ride. Thank you for your prayers and well wishes for us. Blessing to you as well.

  34. Gorgeous art with lots of interesting imagery hidden in it. Lovely textures!

  35. Amazing art today! So much texture, wow! Love your pics, the birds on the rocks are just lovely, and what a crazy ice formation!! have a great week!

  36. Wonderful, textural, colorful artwork this week! I love visiting your blog and seeing the pictorial journal of your surroundings! I would be painting by that river daily if I lived there!!

  37. Oh My! Such fabulous colour, texture and composition! I loVe this! Pleased to see you went by the Rhine although I did not like seeing that ice!! Hugs, Chrisx

  38. I like these details, like paintings of their own.
    Have a good week ahead!

  39. Hello! I am glad you are healing. It is not easy to sit still if you are an active person! But you did do an amazing piece this week. I love the textures and am so glad that you showed so many close ups. Happy PPF.
    ~~ Irene

  40. What a wonderful piece! I love the waxy texture! Hope your ribs are healing fast!


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