Monday 16 January 2017

T stands for This, that and TIOT

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week got off to a good start.
After my fall on Saturday I got awful pains in the 
night, so dragged myself to the ER Sunday morning.
I have 2 cracked ribs, and as well as the bruising on my
knee, I am developing a black eye with a matching
nose - I must have kissed the ground with power!
Pity it's not carnival, it would make a good
disguise....And as I am not allowed to lift anything,
or bend, or do housew**k, I am happy that there
is something positive to report.... And I have a few weeks
to read, do some crafting, watch old films etc -
'Always look on the bright side of life.....'

On Tuesday we are starting a new Challenge at TIOT -
Anything but square.
As always, you have 2 weeks to link your creations to us,
and projects of all formats are allowed, as long as they fit the theme.
I made a mixed media tag (8"), using lots of elements which are 
not square. As usual I used my clear-the-table-technique, 
AKA everything but the kitchen sink - scraps of old 
letters, paper napkins, stenciling, stitching and more:

And I have another not square piece.
I altered a Moleskine A5 journal I got
for my birthday, using a piece of my vintage, rusty linen
from the erosion bundle and an iron-on
beaded owl - quick and simple:

I am linking the journal cover to Art Journal Journey.

And today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, I would like 
to welcome all of the nice ladies of the T Gang.

This was taken on New Year's Day. People take their Sekt down
to the Rhine, use the bottles as rocket-launches,
and then leave all their garbage behind them
when they stagger home!

 I like to bake a tray of spice bars each week, they are cheaper
and better than shop cookies. These were
filled with strawberry and ginger jam - help

I had an English visitor and made 'Toad in the Hole',
sausages backed in Yorkshire pudding batter:

 And lemon cake and cappuccino are high on my list of faves:

I was fascinated to see men working at the top of the old mill
last week:

And the moon this week was really magical:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Please, please be very careful and rest, things like that are not to be taken lightly. Your art is wonderful as always, and the photos are spectacular, especially that mystical moon! Look after yourself, hugs, Sarah

  2. Lots of fascinating things on the blog today, not bad for someone with bad cracked ribs.
    I'm loving these colourful tags you are making with "the bits" and the zigzag sewing frames beautifully.
    The spice bars look yummy and your coffee always looks so pretty and ready to drink.
    Photos of the moon are spectacular - we did notice a terrific moon last week too, it had a particular brightness.

    1. This is still pre-cracked-ribs work, but I've been busy today, too. Crafting is less painful than being in bed....

  3. Oh my goodness, I hope you rest up, I'm so sorry you're in pain.... I love the tag immensely and the owl is adorable. Your photos are lovely too, the spice bars look so yummy.

  4. Oh Valerie! I'm so sorry to hear about your nasty fall which sounds so painful. Do take it easy and hope you recover very soon.
    Gorgeous artwork as always and also lovely photos.
    Sorry to be mia for so long, eye troubles again and difficulties with work to blame.
    Fliss xx

  5. Oh no. So sorry to hear about all the injuries you got when you fell. Glad to hear you are in good spirits though and art, books and movies are not a bad trade off when staying low. How recovering goes fast!
    I love the tags today. That's a great challenge a TIOT. I think my tomorrow page would work perfectly too so I get a double join up. :) And all the food looks yummy, especially since I didn't have much for lunch today.I'll take a serving of each please! Ha-ha. Happy T day and take care of yourself. Hugs-Erika

  6. OUCH! What a fall that must have been. Cracked ribs are not to be taken lightly, I had a couple two years ago, took months before I lay on my stomach. Sad to say, but I've also worn the black eye......yes I hit the ground hard I s am speaking from experience....LOL!

    Those moon photos are fantastic, lovely and spooky at the same time.

    I adore you owl journal cover and your not square tag is beautiful
    Happy T-dat

  7. So sorry to hear of this terrible fall, please take care of yourself Valerie! Your art is beautiful Valerie and you sure do eat well. The moon shots are stunning.

  8. Oh dear, you must take care of yourself Valerie and give yourself time to heal.
    Its a good thing you can still craft and read, the dreaded 'H' word can wait its turn till you are recovered.
    Love the tag, bits and pieces can look beautiful when combined together like this.
    The owl cover looks great as well.
    Now to that yummy food you shared with us, its ages since I had Toad in the Hole, I think I will be getting sausage the next time I'm at the butchers.
    Great photos as well.
    Happy T Day
    Yvonne xx

  9. Loved your unsquareness, Valerie! Pics are great too!

  10. Your spice bars and lemon cake look and sound just terrific! And I do love your art piece today. And your new banner, which I meant to mention yesterday. I'm glad you are able to do at least something with your ribs but do be careful! Hope all is feeling much better soon.

  11. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your fall-and broken ribs-big ouch!!! Please take care and rest. Love the great variety in your post. The owl is so cute and the tag very pretty. Nothing like homemade goodies-yum!
    Happy T day!

  12. What a horrible outcome. I was so worried about you anyway, and here you are laid up for several weeks now. At least you are spared the dreaded H word for awhile. Friday and Saturday it was so slick on my front porch, I slipped as soon as I stepped outside to get the mail. I never made it the approximate 10 feet to the mailbox because it was too slippery and I didn't want to fall.

    I was in awe of your rusted bundle owl. You know how much I love rust, so this immediately piqued my interest. I'm also in awe of your tag with no squares. It's amazing how quickly we use squares without even thinking. You created a lovely tag, but it looks like the sewing may be on hold a few days, too.

    I would gladly join you for cappuccino, but I'm not fond of strawberry anything unless the strawberries are fresh off the vine. I would like the ginger, though.

    My grandmother occasionally made Yorkshire pudding on Sunday when she made beef. I remember how proud she was when it raised high.

    Thanks for sharing your incredible tags, your jam bars, Yorkshire pudding,cappuccino and lemon cake, and wonderful photos from around town, including your moon shots with us for T this week. But the best part was the photo of the empty bottles at the Rhine that had been used for holding bottle rockets on New Year's Eve. That's priceless!

  13. so much to like about your post today - except for your injuries :-( I hope you heal quickly. The spice bars look and sound yummy. I haven't made toad in the hole for years, it's a nice "comfy" winter dish. Some German friends gave us a couple of mugs with your cup/plate design on for Christmas, along with all the "stuff" to make tea as they do in north Germany. The sugar rocks look so much better than the cubed sugar I am used to. I have been using the "clear the table" technique also, mostly die cuts and strips of paper left over from my Christmas card making - it is very satisfying to use up those bits, I mostly paint over them. I love your "nothing square here" tag - I do need to try a sewing technique one day I think. Great photos of the night sky and the men working on the mill. We used a beer crate to launch our fireworks - and we did clear up afterwards (well, it was just outside our house!). Enjoy your reading and crafting time.

  14. Feeling sorry for your pain. Take rest to get it cured. Beautiful tag.Love it. Yummy foods!

  15. Hope your injuries soon heal Valerie.It is nice to fit in other things but not in this way--take care.

    Happy T Day

    Wonderful tag and I do love the idea of using stuff that is cluttering up the crafty space.

    The owl on the special surface is stunning and would look fantastic in a frame or as a journal cover.

    What a mess to leave behind at the start of a New Year they should be ashamed of themselves.

    The rest of the photographs are terrific and what a great sight to see the men building the tower row by row.

    Have a restful and healing day

    Thinking of you

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Bad injuries my friend, please don't try and be the Pope again as kissing the ground is His thing.....lOVE your wonderful tag and all displayed here today...hugs to you.xx{aNNie}

    1. Good one! I'm not planning on doing it again!

  17. Oh, I am sorry to hear of your fall and you are so inspiring with your positive attitude for sure it will help you recover quicker - thinking of you and wishing you well! Your tag is gorgeous, the colours and details are stunning :-). The blue and white tableware is beautiful and I like the way the little black and white cow is peering over the top of the tray :-). Your spice bars and toad in the whole looks delicious - did you make the lemon cake too, yum! Love your owl and moon photos too and wishing you a Happy T Day dear Valerie! J :-)

  18. Oh dear. You just keep getting more and more effects from that fall.
    Love the dystopian:) photos.
    I especially love the first piece. The colors and the dragonfly(my fave).
    Did I miss your bday? When was it?

  19. I'm so sorry to hear your fall was a bit more than a kiss. Take it easy and avoid going outside in icy weather. I'm sure you can call upon a friend to do some shopping for you.
    At least you can get lots of crafting done. Your tag is lovely. I love the colour.
    Your photos are beautiful as usual. I love the mystical moon. I wonder what they are doing on the tower? I guess they are re-tiling. I think part of the tower is without tiles. (or is it supposed to be like that?) You must have a strong tele objective. What type of camera have you got? I am in need of a new camera. Partly because my old one has practically had it. and also because I would love to join the local photography club and I am embarrassed to join with such a fuzzy camera. Can you recommend one please?
    What a delicious looking tray bake! I made a tray bake this weekend. Mine was a chai spiced one with coconut icing.
    The toad in the hole looks fab. You really need a hot tray to get that yorkshire pudding that well risen. Well done you! And that with German sausages.. the best of both worlds.
    Have a good (relaxing) week and take care,

  20. My goodness, sorry about your fall. I hope you are feeling better!! Love the colourful tag and the owl. Great moonscapes!

  21. So sorry to hear about your fall and awful injuries Valerie xx Good to hear you being so positive and I hope you have fun with your lost of things to do xx Love your tag and the beautiful colours, details

    Take care
    Annie xx

  22. As, usual your post is filled with beautiful photo's. First and foremost though, I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are healing nicely and of course taking it easy.

    Your "not square" art is great. I don't think I've every come across anything like the iron on owl. Maybe I need to get to a craft store more often.

  23. Love your tag Valerie! Such beautiful colour combo! Sorry about your fall. Hope you get well soon! oxo Lula

  24. I hope you get well as soon as possible. Cracked ribs are a serios injury. Rest a lot my friend. Love your tag and your ow,; Your photos are always a lovely surprise.

  25. Sorry to hear of your injuries, Valerie. I hope you have neighbors nearby who can shop and do other things to help out.

    Your no square tag is really pretty and your zig-zag stitching is awe-inspiring to one who has trouble stitching a straight line. As always - gorgeous photos!

    I'm having a hard tme deciding between the spice bars and the lemon cake. They both look scrumptious! Happy T Day and please take it easy ;-) Hugs, Eileen

  26. My goodness Valerie that must have been some fall!!! We have to be very careful around here this time of year and not just because of the ice but the fallen pine needles.. its amazing just how slippery they can be... Take good care of yourself.. listen to the doctor... how often do you get a doctors note for not doing housework?? :) Take advantage of it. :) Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  27. Oh my dear you really did a number on yourself.
    I bet you feel each breath with those broken ribs :-(
    Definitely take care and rest (guess you don't have much choice!).
    I am sending lots of healing get well wishes your way ♥♥♥
    Your tag is lovely and your iron on owl makes such a great look too.
    Thank you for sharing so many yummy treats!
    I think I'll start with your gorgeous lemon cake...
    thank you very much.
    Happy T Day and take care of yourself Missy oxo

  28. Cracked ribs!!! Ouch! Old movies, though, will be of some comfort I hope.

    Thanks for the offer of those treats. Yummmm :) Happy T Tuesday!

  29. Sorry to read that the fall caused so much damage, how painful with the broken ribs, take it easy! Your art is gorgeous and the photographs wonderful, especially the moon shots :) Take good care, Hugs, Shirleyxx

  30. Ouch that sounds really painful, but at least no housework ;-) I don't know which I like best, your artwork or you cooking (perhaps this is why I'll never be slim lol) You either have a very good camera or you need to stop following workmen up ladders! Take care of yourself xx

  31. So sorry to hear about your accident. Gee, what some people will do to get out of housework (-; I'll keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery. It's nice to know you can keep your spirits up through art. Loved seeing your not square work. Was especially fond of the owl. He made me smile. Your baked goods are making me wish I had nice good to have on my afternoon break. I adore your blue and white dishes. Blue is my favorite color and I like the way the blue is paired with the yellow tray. Take care and Happy T Day

  32. So sorry to hear about your fall, Valerie. You need to rest now, take care!
    Your tags is fantastic with great textures and colours, and I really love your owl piece as well. The lemon cake looks so yummy!
    Hugs, Mar

  33. I would say what a fabulous post but broken ribs is not at all nice! Still…as you say …there is a bright side! I love your fabulous tag - beautiful colours! Your beaded owl cover is brilliant! It is such a shame that folk don't take their rubbish home - we see a lot of rubbish on our walks - some of it ends up in a plastic bag if I happen to be carrying one in my bag - depends on what it is and whether I can pick it up with a tissue! The tray bake looks tempting but I must say Toad In the Hole wins hands down!! Great photos of the workmen and your moon shots are fabulous! Happy T Day! Chrisx

  34. Oh Valerie!!! I was afraid you would be in more pain but I didn't think of broken ribs. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way and hoping you do get some of the fun things done during your recovery. Great photos again and the food looks so yummy and I am so hungry :)

  35. Please, please take care of yourself Valerie!!! I am so sorry!! Sending healing prayers your way!
    I love your art pieces! Both creative and beautiful!
    All the food is making me hungry! LOL! Looks so good!
    Great photos of the men working on top of the old mill!
    Love the moon photos! WOW!!!
    Big Hugs!!!

  36. Wonderful post Valerie! Love the tag, especially the dragonfly in the background. Your owl piece is just lovely as well. Great pics, your misty moon shots are amazingly eerie! Stupid people with their garbage, I swear!! Hope you feel better soon, unfortunately though, when I cracked a few ribs back last May, it took months to heal, so sore! hugs :)

  37. Hi Valerie, a bit late and I've just done a catch up, so sorry to read about your fall, I do hope you feel better soon and of course don't do any housework even if you wanted to!!
    A lovely colourful tag, and the beaded owl looks so sweet on the cover of your new journal.
    Baking looks delicious but I suppose it's all gone now. Wonderful photos, the night skies look very mystical.
    Avril xx

  38. Your tag is absolutely gorgeous!! I love the stitching and the colors!! The beaded owl is amazing, too!! I'm so happy to be guest designing with you this week!! I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you feel better soon :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


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