Friday 13 January 2017

It's weekend....

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend - have a good one!
I don't know why I always look forward to weekends,
because as a pensioner, my life is made up
of weekends - I guess it's still some
primal memories from working days.
Every day is a gift, so we need to celebrate,
try to be positive, leave negative people and stuff
off the plan and just have fun! 

For Art Journal Journey I made a hybrid piece
for Erika's lovely theme of  'Tell me a story'. The quote is from
Hamlet's famous 'To be or not to be' speech:

(Here I combined my own elements with some from Mischief Circus)
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Good weather to stay home and keep warm:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautifully done Valerie - It took me a very long time to learn to leave negative people behind and move in a world that I want to - not what others think I should. I have found a peace and contentment and feel so much gratitude.
    Love your posts.
    Sandy xx

  2. Wise words, wonderful art and beautiful photos - you make every sort of shit weather look good! That's positivism for you! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Lovely hybrid piece. Enjoyed your wintry photos today, happy PPF!

  4. Since I am retired for the work force too, all my days are weekend......but I still look forward to THE weeks end! LOL!
    Great AJJ page, and those photos look mighty cold........pretty, but cold!

  5. Eine sehr schöne Seite und tolle Bilder - die eiskalte Stimmung hast Du perfekt eingefangen!
    Ganz recht hast Du. Negative Leute sollte man links liegen lassen, die braucht man so nötig wie einen Kropf.
    Enjoy your own company - ist die beste Devise.

    Schönes Wochenende
    lg Susi

    1. Richtig! Ohne meine Familie geht's mir so viel besser!

  6. Love your journal art and the pictures!

  7. Its looks cold and wintery, but actually quite pretty. But better weather to play for certain. I love your head piece-and it is impressive with that cool Egyptian eye. :) Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

  8. I was quite impressed with your drawing and quote. I especially liked the Eye of Horus you depicted.

    I like what you said about the weekend. Although I'm not a pensioner, certain habits die hard, and thinking about the weekend being for things other than work seems important to me, too.

    I'm so glad you are not venturing out in this mess. I suspect my world will look as bad or worse tomorrow. For the first time since 2005, I'm really, really, really dreading this weekend with its predicted ice, broken branches, and power outages.

  9. Love the journal page!!! It looks cold there too... we are in the beginning stages of a big ice storm and it's already slicker than snot out there. Hoping it doesn't get as bad as predicted.... but we've got everything ready in case it is... living primitive in an ice storm is not fun, we've had to do it before. Make you appreciate electricity :)

  10. Terrific page with wonderful design and such a great Shakespeare speech as inspiration.

    It looks really cold in your photographs but always beauty to be seen in them

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Its a fantastic page to go with the quote you took to inspire you.
    Lovely photos again today.
    Your new header looks great.
    Yvonne xx

  12. such a colorful and creative piece Valerie! Lovely photos too. Happy PPF and happy weekend!

  13. Your piece is beautiful, I love how you've combined so many elements. The photographs are lovely too.

  14. Total klasse was sich auf dem Kopf da so Alles tummelt,sieht super aus, genau wie der Hintergrund. Klasse Komposition. Die Naturfotos sind auch wieder so schön, Nebel und Frost zaubern immer tolle Effekte in die Natur.
    Big Hugs

  15. I really like the vibrancy of the colors in your collage. Blessings!

  16. Love the colors in your piece! Beautiful work!

    I also love the photos of the trees against the different backgrounds. Really eye-catching.

    I adore the weekends. I try to appreciate each day of the week, but I extra appreciate the days off from my day job. :) Happy weekend!

  17. I really like your new header and your very imaginative page is lovely. hugs, Teresa

  18. Love the collage!!! Your photos remind me of here this week :) SHaring the cold weather together we are ♥

  19. Such pretty artwork Valerie! Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos! Happy PPF :)

  20. Hello... fabulous artwork Valerie and great photos:)
    Love the new header.
    Every day is a weekend for me, but for some reason I still look forward to weekends.
    Happy Saturday to you.. Gill xx

  21. As always, you inspire, delight and make one happy, great post. Yes, funny about weekends isn't it...xx{aNNie}

  22. What a beautiful piece Valerie, I stared at it for quite some time! Love your pics, looks like we are having similar weather (or lack there of) lol.

  23. Hi Valerie, your page is gorgeous and you always add fantastic words. The scenery in your photographs is beautiful, I love the frost on the plants with the sun coming up behind. I hope you are doing well, Shirleyxx

  24. Beautiful page, the feathers, stars and flower images you have used for her hair are so pretty, to me it just celebrates nature :-). It does look cold out there so best to stay indoors - I love the blue fog and frost you have captured in your photos. I'm with you the power of positivity shouldn't be underestimated. Wishing you a lovely weekend! J :-)

  25. As always, great photos.
    Your piece brought a smile to my face.

  26. Each day certainly IS a gift liebe Valerie.
    AND it is a gift to be able to enjoy your endless creativity.
    Love how nature is on your lovely lady's 'mind'
    Stay warm my friend and happy rest of your weekend (I had to smile at your explanation of looking forward to weekends ♥)

  27. Gorgeous page Valerie, I so associate it with the Universe. It might be the dark background and the skin that reminds of far away galaxies.
    It's so wise to stay in constellations that give positive energy and to avoid the draining negativity, every day is truly a gift to cherish.

    Love and hugs

  28. Ohhhhh she is mystical and so beautiful. I love all of the elements of this piece. Yes it is cold and your photos show it perfectly. LOL Have a warm cozy Sunday.

  29. Yes, we have to stay positive and leave the negative people behind! I love your art piece! WOW!!! Truly thoughtful and beautiful! Love your photos too! Big Hugs!

  30. Wow this is so pretty, love your glowing colours xx

  31. Beautiful! Why does it take so long for us to figure this out! Wish I left the negatives out of the equation in my twenties!! Oh well, now we know! The perks of an aging sage!!

    Hugs Giggles

  32. leaving negative behind is always a good plan!
    hugs ")

  33. Valerie, I've been retired for three years and I still get excited for the weekends! I think I always will, though everyone wonders why. For me, it's because others who work get weekends so I see them more often or later. Rick still works and so do many of my friends so Friday and Saturday mean we can go out or stay up late!

  34. A fabulous page - love her hair do! Strange isn't it how the weekend still feels just that little bit different? Maybe because there are more people around! Hugs, Chrisx

  35. After working for so many years, I look forward to Monday. .beginning of an Art-full week. Your art has so many stories in it. Love that. The pictures look like about where I now live. . Rather have sunshine and heat. Blessings, Janet


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