Saturday 14 January 2017

More this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today we had some crazy, mixed up weather.
It wasn't as cold as the last few days, we had 
sunshine, wind, clouds, blue skies, grey skies, snow and rain, 
all one after the other.
I went for a walk, and stumbled over a loose
paving stone, and kissed the ground like the Pope. I managed
to turn a bit in falling and landed on my 'old' knee
and not on the new one, so I was lucky, and got off with
a few bruises, a graze on my knee and a hole
in my trousers.

I spent the rest of the day safely at home, reading,
crafting and having fun. I have been making a
lot of large, mixed media tags lately, and am sharing one I
made last week. I used an 8" tag, which was painted, 
stenciled, collaged and stitched:

I am linking to Simon Monday challenge, square

And this little heart was made with remnants left over
from last week - corrugated card, scraps of serviettes, gilding
flakes, vintage linen, string and sewing:

The winter skies are beautiful:

Lots of snow showers:

And a magical night sky:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by:


  1. Love the tag, so much to see, you have a great talent for putting little bits together to make a great piece. The heart tag is very sweet, S is sitting here with me and loves it. Great photos, too, you see so much where others see nothing. 'We' are off to bed now! Hugs, Sarah

  2. I am sorry to read about your mishap. Loved the "kissed the ground like the Pope," since I can just imagine you doing that. Didn't love that you fell, but did like the image it conjured in my mind.

    Both tags are fabulous. I adore the sewn mixed media tag and of course the heart that includes linen and napkins over corrugated cardboard.

    Those are some incredible sky shots. I hope you will take them for the next few days from the safety of your balcony and NOT from a walk. Please stay safe (and warm). Have a great rest of the weekend.

  3. What wonders you created for this post and it is so good to see the sewing on your projects

    Sorry to read about your fall and hope it is all ok in the morning as bruising takes time to show itself.

    Wonderful photographs as always and I couldn't resist saving the moon one. Our weather was better than expected today and we fitted in a short walk but I am scared of the ice and was pleased to be home again

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Looks like you have had a lovely crafting time, the tags look great. love the heart . Your stitching looks fantastic and is a good way to add more interest. Wish I could sew, my machine has never seen day light in years.
    Sorry to read about your fall, I know you made light of it by saying you kissed the ground, but I'm sure it must have hurt alot.
    Take care and rest.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Lovely stitched tag and a cute little heart. Enjoyed your morning skies and the night moon.

  6. I hope you are ok Valerie. I fell in my classroom the other day when my shoe got caught in the straps of a kid's back pack, and it hurts when you go down. I'm glad the new knee is ok and I hope you don't wake up tomorrow sore and stuff. I love your art today, and one of those pretty sky photos really has some depth to it. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's hurting badly today, but sooner or later it will pass!

  7. Oh Du meine Güte! Ich hoffe Du hast Dich vom Sturz erholt ohne arge Plessuren! Das war sicher ein Schreck! Pass auf Dich auf!
    Was für ein schönes Tag und ein entzückendes Herz!
    Tolle Himmelsaufnahmen!
    Schönen Sonntag!
    Lg Susi

  8. Gosh, your heart creation is just gorgeous, and made from scraps, wowza how beautiful...Love your gorgeous page today and your photos are amazing, the moon sure look eeerie though,xxx

  9. Gorgeous tags, love them both, the little heart is so wonderful with the fabric. The sewing on both is fabulous, you make me think I should get my little sewing machine out (it just collects dust). Wow you had a cat that lived to 22! We've been owned by a lot of cats over the years and the oldest lived to just 15. I hope you are having a great day, Shirleyxx

  10. ps... forgot to say, I hope you've recovered from your fall, sometimes I wish we could edit our comments :) xx

  11. Valerie!!! I am so sorry! Please take care of yourself! I hope you are a little better??
    I love your tag! It is so beautiful! I love your heart!! So pretty!
    The sky photos are breath taking! Magical! Love the moon photo too! WOW!
    Big Hugs and like I said, please take care of you!!!

  12. So happy your fall wasn't a super bad one.. it's so hard to recover at our age. Take care of yourself . Love the tag!! Now to those amazing photos!!!!!! WOW! Some truly magnificent captures of mother nature again. That last moon shot is so stunning ♥♥♥♥ Rest up and recover and ART ON!

  13. Amazing sky photos. I love your tags. The pleated heart is darling. I love the stitching and that gorgeous little bird. Sorry about your fall, but I am glad you were not seriously injured. hugs, Teresa

  14. Das sind zwei wunderschöne Tags, einmal mit süßem Vintage-Foto und klasse Collage-HG und dann das gewellte Herz mit etwas Gold. Die Fotos auch wieder ein Träumchen, ganz besonders gefällt mir der nächtliche Mond,wow! Ich hoffe deinem Knie geht es schon etwas besser.
    Schönen Abend noch.

  15. Ouch Valerie, you'll be needing another new knee if you carry on like this! I love your pieces, especially the sewing, and your photos are wonderful xx

  16. Oh, please be careful! I love your mixed media tag, it's just amazing! The clouds are so beautiful too.

  17. oooh poor you - I hope you are ok today Valerie. I'm glad you're still in one piece and didn't fall on your new knee, things like shake you up don't they.
    I adore both of your pieces today, they are really lovely - great stitching.
    ( can you make yourself some knee pads for under your trousers?)
    Hope you're going to stay in the warm for a few days, rest up and have some more arty fun.
    Gill xx

  18. Poor old knee, hope it feels better soon. It is so easy to trip and it happens so fast.
    Your tag is seriously lovely with the beautiful colours and bits and pieces from your magic table. One day I might be able to make something like this (!), what fun that will be.
    The fabric heart is very pretty too, it could hang anywhere and be happy.

  19. Hope you don't feel any further ill effects from taking a tumble liebe Valerie. So not fun when that happens.
    The colors in your large tag sure are extra special along with your design!
    Take care Lady oxo

  20. oh, your large art tag is so cool! And I love what you did with your leftover supplies, your heart is beautiful :) I hope you're feeling well! Take good care, xoxo

  21. Just popping back to make sure you are okay, hope that fall did not hurt you too badly.xx{aNNie}

  22. Hi Valerie, I hope your bumps and bruises are better soon. I saw a lady fall over in town last week. It was quite frightening but luckily she got away with it relatively unscathed. It’s horrible to see it happening but be unable to do anything about it.
    I’m feeling very inspired by all your crafting and really must have a go at making something myself. Loving all the photos. Have a great week, Barbara

  23. Oh dear Valerie! How are you feeling now?? Mine always shows up a few days later :( I feel your pain as Saturday I was on the pond with hubby and went to kick a stick and woops legs out from under me and right down on the ice my backside went-suffice it to say, I have been laid up since- hoping to feel better today!

    That tag is gorgeous as is the heart! I do love the added stitching! On the tag, to the right, is that fabric you used?I love the look of the texture of it!

    sending healing wishes~hugs,Jackie

    1. Got two cracked ribs, so not feeling too happy. Hope you soon feel better!On the right it's not fabric, just bits of napkins.

  24. Fabric isn't something I work with but I really do love what you did and the stitching. The heart especially. And your skies, beautiful.

    Now, what is this about the cracked ribs? I've been there with just one and it was horrible -- could never get comfortable and with my lung stuff, coughing unbearable (which is how it broke in the first place). Wishing you well, my friend.

  25. Love your tags.
    You can do a lot with that moon shot come Halloween.....
    Hope you're feeling better.

  26. Your tag is gorgeous! The collaged embellishments and the stitching are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

  27. Sorry to hear of your fall - I went through a phase of tripping over a few years ago so please be careful next time you are out! I love both of your beautiful tags! Good that you wren forced to rest and craft! Hugs, Chrisx


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