Thursday 19 January 2017

Another new Journal

Hi Everybody!

I've just been watching the sun rising, and although I
watch it very often, it's a new miracle for me every time
I see it. I am feeling a tad less achy, too, for which I
am very thankful, and really slept through the
night - another miracle!

I Have been working on this journal for 2 weeks now, and it
is finally finished, with a little help from my neighbour, as
I can't use the paper cutter or bind-it-all alone just
now. It has 20 sheets of A4 water colour paper inside, and
I am looking forward to filling it.
The covers were made from the backing of a
pad of paper, that thick cardboard is always too
good to waste! After pasting it with tissue paper to give it texture,
and adding some bits of string which were flying about
on my table, I gave it a coat of thick gesso and then sprayed
it with some home-made colours. After that I built up layer on layer of scraps, stamps, gilding flakes,  various glazes, including some
crackle glaze in
parts, then some stenciling and doodling:

The reverse side, which made the inside covers,  was
painted white and then covered with some lovely
handmade and embossed paper:

It opensflat which makes it easy to work in:

Here some detailed shots:

This is how t started out after pasting the first tissue layer:

I like this stage, too, before it got collaged:

Here it's on it's way:

 This was the back cover before it got it's final glaze:

I am linking to Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme 
of 'Tell me a story', and to Paint Party Friday, and to
Simon Monday challenge, chill out, as this sort of
work is my art of chilling out.

And I just have a few balcony shots today, as I stayed home
these past days:

My Amaryllis is progressing, too:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a wonderful cover Valerie with so many beautiful colours and ideas to inspire and admire.

    So pleased you are feeling better and that you managed to have a good night's sleep. I wouldn't want to go far at all if I had your wonderful balcony view and even a balcony that you always fill which such wonders.

    Wishing you a good day today

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. This is a wonderful art journal, and very much Valerie-style, I LOVE it, well done. I hope you are staying home again today, it seems to be doing good - be sensible, for once! Lovely photos, too. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

  3. Your amaryllis will be gorgeous soon. At this time of year flowers like that are wonderful. I'm loving your journal. The texture is great-adding the string was a brilliant addition. I haven't made a spiral bound journal for a while-I love being re-inspired about older techniques and tool by seeing other people use them. We can all use some inspiration. Glad to hear the pain is lessening and you are improving so quickly. Hugs-Erika

  4. Love those flowers, and your journal is awesome as always....x

  5. Your new journal is a work of art, what can I say. Why would you paint the inside cover then glue the lovely textured paper over top? Just wondered.

    So glad you are improving. Take care on your walks this winter. My friend S skates over the ice patches at age 59, what a girl.

    1. I was intending to leave it white, but then decided that the paper fitted better to the covers! I will NOT be skating over ice patches in the next days!

    2. makes sense now, I have done stuff like that to improve things.

  6. OMGosh look at that sunrise. It takes my breath away.
    That's a wondrous cover.
    Soooo glad you are feeling better. Woo Hoo.

  7. All die tollen Effekte auf dem Deckblatt sehen so für sich schon genial aus, aber nach der Bearbeitung ist es zur Kunst geworden, megaklasse. Bald ist nun auch deine schöne weiße Amaryllis aufgeblüht und wird dich erfreuen. Ich mag diese Winterblüten auch sehr.
    Alles Liebe

  8. Sorry to hear you've been achy & painy with sleepless nights - much sympathy from a fellow sufferer.

    Quite technical this mixed media seems -love it - such wonderful textures and colours.

    Terrific photos of sun-rises. We've had fantastic moonlight here. I had a triple clock as a Chrissy present, which tells the time, tide and moon! :)

    Stay warm,stay home have lots of warm Rose-hip drinks (fortified with dark rum and brown sugar is nice - hic)

  9. Your drink sounds good - perhaps I'll just leave the rose-hips out and take the rest!

  10. what a beautifully layered journal cover Valerie! I just want to run my fingers over it:) I know it is going to fill quickly with lots more fabulous art. Glad you're feeling better, and that you have such a good neighbor to help you too. Lovely scenery from the balcony.

  11. I really like this Valerie, your crackle is to die for! Lovely photographs too, it looks very chilly. Hope you're feeling a little less achy painy now xx

  12. The book covers are gorgeous, our computer screens should be touchable. I am sure the texture will have a wonderful feel to it.
    Love all the details you added and all the super photos of the process in its making.
    Glad to read you had a better night and the pain is subsiding.
    take care.
    Yvonne xx
    p.s. Super balcony photos again today

  13. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better! The journal you created is amazing. I love the textures and layers. Your photos are lovely too. I sometimes see sunsets, but almost never sunrises...

  14. Gorgeous page. I love all the scrumptious texture and really liked seeing the different stages. I'm sorry you have not been feeling well and hope you are well on the mend. hugs, Teresa

  15. A fabulous cover and it was good to see the stages of your layering.
    Glad to read that you're feeling better.
    Avril xx

  16. WOW! I am totally in love with your new album and you did such an amazing job on the cover ♥♥♥ So glad you feeling a bit better and able to sleep through the night. At this rate you'll be out and about before you know.... but don't rush it.

  17. I love the variety of pattern and textures!!! What a fabulous beginning!!

  18. Your journal looks amazing, nice work! I watch the sun set almost every day but I haven't been watching it rise for a while now. You've inspired me to get up earlier tomorrow!

  19. This is a marvelous beginning, Valerie. I adore it. I'm so glad you had help with the bind-it-all, a product/tool I have wanted for awhile. Your neighbor is a gem.

    I adore the cover because the string reminds me of eye glasses. It's like we will be able to see what's inside as a result. And that texture is something I'm going to try soon, too.

    All in all, I'm delighted to read your pain is starting to subside and you slept through the night. And remember, it's still too soon to do housework!

    1. The string droppped onto the page while I was working on it, and BINGO! I left it there.

  20. Awesome journal cover! I have yet to try making a journal like this with the binder spine! It looks good for working in as it lies flat.

  21. You'll have great fun working in this journal, with such an inviting cover. Love all the texture. And what a lovely view from your balcony! I love these frosty winter days. My amaryllis is already blooming, they're lovely for adding colour in winter, aren't they.

  22. Such a wonderful cover.
    so many different textures, its intriquing !
    This is my
    Warm greetings

  23. Wow what amazing texture you have created in this wonderful journal Valerie.

    Love the colours you have used and all the bits and pieces I am sure you will have lots of fun filling it.

    How kind of your neighbour to give you a hand with the binding. Good to read that you are a tad better now

    Take Care xx Hilda

  24. Dear Valerie, I can see all those layers - it's wonderful to also see how you progress through your work. The journal cover is incredible, so textural and rich in colours too.
    I love your photographs - you have idyllic balcony views. Happy PPF :D)

  25. happy PPF and have a good, restful weekend!

  26. Good to hear you are improving Valerie albeit slowly.
    All your photos are wonderful and your journal is absolutely fantastic.
    What a nice neighbour to help you with the binding.
    Loved seeing all the various stages and close-up photos showing all the lovely details.
    Take care... Gill xx

  27. Love all of your beautiful textures!

  28. Lovely journal, beautiful cover and great pictures, Valerie.
    Nice to see the work in progress. :)

  29. Wow, that texture on your cover is amazing.... Beautiful!

  30. Your journal is beautiful! Love the colors and texture! I, too, love sunrises and sunsets - if only I were more available to paint them!! :)

  31. Awesome share; luv the Monalisa

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today

    much love...

  32. I am sorry about your pain, Valerie. Hope your recovery is swift. The journal cover is beautiful. Love the colors and textures.

  33. I love your journal cover! Great job and I also enjoyed seeing the process of creating. How did you bind the pages together? Was it done with a tool or machine? It is so beautiful! Your pictures off your balcony are beautiful also. Seeing the sunrise and the day as it progressed is so pretty. I love where you live in the way of scenery. You are going to have one awesome flower when that bud opens up. Isn't it like a surprise every time a bloom pops open? I find that miraculous! Big hugs and it was great popping by and visiting, like always. Rasz

    1. I used my bind-it-all machine, quick and easy and the pages lie flat.

  34. Valerie I laughed at the miracle of sleeping through. I always say a prayer of gratitude when that I read it to my daughter she says, "Oh great that's what I have to look forward to!"insert another laugh!! Love your impressive journal and all the progress pieces!! Love the wonderful texture such a good job!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. I think if we don't usually sleep well, a whole, good night is really a mriacle!

  35. your journal cover is so full of LIFE!!! so much texture, color, beauty, so much eye candy. it will be a real pleasure to fill this with artful treasure i am sure. hope you are feeling better every day. xo

  36. I've just finished my first bind-it-all watercolour paper journal. I loved it! Filled it so quickly that my lovely hubby bought me enough beautiful paper to make three more :) I hope you have as much fun with yours as me.

  37. Your collage page is stunning Valerie. Again with the amazing texture, I enjoyed seeing the process page so I could get a glimpse of how you put this together! I've been staying in this last while as well. It's not cold here, in fact, it's just the opposite. The weather is too warm for this time of year and I find the brown world completely boring! lol. have a great weekend, hugs :)

  38. Seeing the cover transformations is so inspiring. Thanks for all of the pictures! I am glad you are feeling better and got sleep. That sunrise!!! Spectacular.
    ~~ Irene

  39. The Amaryllis is looking good - a bit ahead of mine! Glad you are at least getting some sleep! The journal looks good and glad your neighbour could help you! The first page looks fabulous and it was great to see the stages of it's making! Hugs, Chrisx

  40. Beautiful journal cover and that's so nice of your neighbour to help out too :-). I have had crackle glaze on my wish list for a while now and after seeing your page I think it's about time for me to finally buy some. Your Amaryllis is a real beauty and looks so serene and elegant :-). Have a lovely weekend! J :-)

  41. What a process - it must be heavier now fear that wind would take away :)
    Can't wait to see how you'll fill it...
    Have a good week ahead!

  42. Fabulous journal pages, which you've packed full of so much wonderful texture! Thank you so much for sharing and for playing along with us over on the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge...

  43. Your covers on your new journal are beautiful! So much work, so many layers! I love some of the stamps you have Mona, etc.:>) I hope you get to feeling better. I know the flu bug is going around here.

  44. You've inspired me with your journal! I really love it! AMAZING!!! I would love to make one for myself. Something very special! Please take care of you! So happy you are feeling better! Love your photos! Big Hugs!

  45. I am late getting to visit this weekend but am glad I got to stop by and see your work this week. This journal cover is amazing. Such rich color and texture! Glad you are feeling better.

  46. Well, first of all I'm glad you are feeling better. And sleeping -- what a gift. I hope that's kept up.

    I'm late checking in due to travel but really love your journal. It's gorgeous and functional. Lots of work here, and skill, too. Very nice indeed!

  47. Glad you were able to sleep at night. . .love all the things you did to the journal (recognized one of the stamps I have too) Balcony pics are great. Wonderful view. Blessings, Janet


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