Friday 20 January 2017

Nearly Weekend

Hi Everybody!

It's still cold and frosty here, but we have had
sunshine and blue skies, and that's always
something to be thankful for. My ribs are still very
sore, but definitely a bit better than last weekend -progress!
I was out shopping today with my nice neighbour,
so I have all I need and he even carried it for me.
 I struck lucky to find such a good neighbour!

Today I am sharing a mixed media 12" tag I made. Once again I
put down loads of layers of paint, scraps and fibres, added a metal key-
which just happened to be on the table, some little texture balls etc.
I printed out one of my men, crackled him, and then outlined
him with brown pastel chalk. The tag was then sewn to
a corrugated background:

I started off by gluing a strip of torn cardboard to one side,
smeared it all with gesso and stamped into it:

Here the layers are growing - a lot is hidden when it is
finished, but that's good:

I added the stenciling using 2 new ones from Annette.
The little balls are mixed with embossing paste.
The hardest thing was twisting the top off the jar, and they 
shot all over the floor, which caused my exclamation of
'Oh b*lls', and this time it wasn't even swearing!

My man is in place, just needs to be stenciled over:

Detailed views of the finished piece:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, More mixed media challenge,

These photos were taken from my balcony this week:

And my amaryllis keeps on getting lovelier day by day:

Here's wishing you all sunshine and flowers in your lives.

Take care, have a great day,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, love your masculine tag, and it looked even better in real life, as I was able to see yesterday. We're on the way home now, P is driving like crazy. No surprise, huh? Your amaryllis and other photos are gorgeous. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Nice to read you are feeling a tad better, yes we have fabulous neighbours and some are hard to find. LOVE your tag and I think this girl may do a bit of mixed media tomorrow..Great photos too...night from me.xx{aNNie}

  3. Such a great tag. I love all the texture and different areas of interest. Hope you are better real soon. great sunrise photos.

  4. Gorgeous tag!!! I love the layering and the different textures. can see all of the thought that went into this! Stunning photos also~

  5. Your work is very pretty and it was interesting to see how you did it! Stunning sky photos too. The white amaryllis is a wow. Happy weekend!

  6. Ein sehr schönes Tag!
    Schönes, erholsames Wochenende für Dich!

  7. That flower has to be so cheery with the cold weather. Especially if you aren't out walking as usual. Hope the rib pain improves ASAP. Your tag has lots of rich texture. It is interesting to see how you made it. Hope the weekend starts off in a good way for you Hugs-Erika

  8. Incredible textures and details on your beautiful tag Valerie.
    I always love seeing what you have created close up so thanks for showing that.
    Your flower is pretty, love the green in the centre.
    Enjoy your weekend.. Gill xx

  9. Love all of your beautiful texture! Happy PPF:)

  10. A really amazing tag with such wonders. It is something so different for sure with the many textures.

    So pleased you are feeling better than last weekend and it is wonderful to have the marvellous neighbour.

    Stunning photographs aS always wIth the very beautiful skies and also the amarylis is that has raced ahead this week

    Love Chrissie xx.

  11. Megaschön, diese vielen Strukturen sehen genial aus und mit den Schmetterlingen ist es so schön frühlingshaft. Gefällt mir sehr.

  12. Your tag is amazing, the layers are incredible. I love the butterflies and the key especially. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Your photos are lovely, I am amazed by your flower...

  13. you sure managed to get so many elements on this small surface-gorgeous Valerie! Glad you're beginning to feel better. That beautiful flower just begs to be painted:) Happy PPF!

    1. That's why I like working on large tags - this one is 12x6", that's larger than some journal pages!

  14. Wow, fabulous textures and layers , your tag looks so touchable and it has so many beautiful details.
    Pleased to read you are feeling a bit better and having a good neighbour must be a huge help.
    Loved the photos the amaryllis looks lovely.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Loved seeing the progess on your page, beautiful work. Wow your amaryllis is blooming, how lovely. Enjoyed your photos today.

  16. Another beautiful, inspiring, post. Thank you.

  17. So glad to hear you are mending now and able to move around better. I love the tag ans love that you shared the whole process with all of it's layers. The sunrise photos are amazing again and so happy that you have a good neighbor that takes care of you ♥ Have a great weekend!

  18. love the close ups of the texture, and that you showed how the tag layers progressed. I often take photos of my work at different stages, but not close ups of texture - something for me to think about. The snow is still firmly stuck to the ground here, thanks to the below freezing temperatures, but it is so nice to see the sunshine, and the lovely dawn sky. I always like to see where I am coming to you from with your map. Today it is Altrich, the other day it was Trier - I do get around!! Enjoy the weekend, and take care if you go out and about. Theresa

  19. I am so glad to read that you are feeling better. Every day you rest, you will get better. You have a fantastic neighbor. I've been lucky, too. My neighbors are so good to me and would help me if I needed help. Thankfully, so far, I haven't needed help from them, but you never know, just like you didn't realize you would be in your situation.

    I guess you know why I'm so late visiting today. I adore that beautiful tag. I was so pleased to see the close up photos and your detail shots. They are gorgeous.

    Your amaryllis is beautiful. You have so many flower stalks on it, it could be blooming through February. Have a wonderful day, dear friend. Hope you don't overdo it now that you are feeling a bit better.

    1. The pains are really bad again today, so I'm not likely to be overdoing anything! I'm planning on laying low like Brer Rabbit!

  20. Wow, your mixed media tag is brilliant! I love the butterflies and all the different textures you created! Wonderful sky shots as always, and wow, your flower looks so beautiful!! hugs :)

  21. Happy to hear that you are getting well:) Beautiful tag. Many hand work is on it. Beautiful photos:)

  22. Your amaryllis is almost as lovely as you.
    That tag is truly a work of art.
    And isn't the sky beautiful with the golds and roses in it.

  23. You have a wonderful neighbor but I imagine you are a great neighbor too.
    I wonder what you will cook for him as a thank you!
    This is my new favorite make - I want to read you steps over and over again. For some reason I hate to cover up anything just as I hate to get rid of any of my crafting goodies.
    What a beautiful amaryllis - I know you have enjoyed watching it bloom.
    Gotta go back and read! I spent all day yesterday at the Inauguration of our new president. On television of course - so once again I fall further behind!
    Sandy xx

  24. It's good to hear you are feeling better and have such caring neighbours around you.
    You're detailed photographs show just how intricate your designs are. Fantastic photos as usual especially with the sunsets. Your amaryllis is a sight for sore eyes as they say. No wonder you have enjoyed watching it open daily. It's stunning
    Happy PPF to you

  25. Wow! What a fabulous tag! Glad you got some shopping done - we have been lucky with our neighbours, although we haven't had to call on any of them for help! Your sky photos are simply wonderful! I am going to have to talk to my Amaryllis! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. So glad you lucked out in the neighbor department and that you are feeling better.

    What a tag! I love seeing how the layers are done and seeing what is hidden and what is revealed in the final product. My eyes were really drawn to those butterflies. Beautiful work!

  27. I am so happy you have a good neighbour!
    I love your tag so much! You made me laugh about the balls! LOL!
    Gorgeous photos! WOW!!
    Big Hugs!

  28. Wow gorgeous textured collage on your tag, love it ! Happy Sunday xx

  29. So glad to hear you are mending and that you have a good neighbor to take care of you in the meantime! And what a treat to be able to see that your physical trials have not stopped your creativity from flowing! This tag is stunning and the detail shots were especially lovely. Each textural element was its own little masterpiece. I love the silhouette in particular and think this came out beautifully. Good luck as you continue to mend and thank you so much for sharing your photography and artistic skills with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  30. Your tag is just fabulous and I really appreciate the step-out photos. It's fun to see how it all comes together.

    I'm so glad you have a good and helpful neighbor and are getting around better. What a relief. And those sunsets (or were they sunrises -- I forget) -- well, I just know they were even more breathtaking in real life than in the beautiful photos!

  31. Wow, what a lovely lot of texture on this project, love seeing the process too. Thank you for joining us at Altered Eclectics.

  32. I would never have guessed that type of cardboard would look so good. Fantastic art. Blessings, Janet


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