Saturday 7 January 2017

Tell me a story

Hi Everybody!

It's cold and icy here, but is supposed to get better soon.
I stayed home today, I don't want to risk falling on the ice.

For Art Journal Journey, Erika's lovely theme of
'tell me a story', I have  a hybrid piece made using
old photos. The background is a photo from the beginning of the 20th century,
placed on a grungy paper using a mask. I added some of my torn paper fragments. The lady on the right seems 
to be the shopkeeper, and the scowling boy perhaps an assistant? 
In the shop doorway there is a lady, half hiding. 
and on the left side is a man's face in the window - 
I think he didn't want to be seen.  
My Mum has been placed on the step, and is looking at the 
world around her. And Mr Umbrella Man? I think he is a time

(typewriter image from Mischief circus)

 Last week I showed this page, and asked people to tell the story,
and got some great answers!

Here are those I liked best:

ErikaThe first idea that popped into my head after seeing your page is that she is the head raven in a sci fi world where the ravens are magical spies. They report back to her and she gets to decide where they go, depending on what gossip she wants to know. :) 

SarahMy story is that it's lady Gaga in disguise as she's fed up with paparazzi, and thinks she won't be recognised!

YvonneI am in overdrive to think out a scenario for the page. However, I think she is wondering about the smell of the birds, how dare they enter her space. Don't they know that someone who is as beautiful as herself has a sensitive nose for these things, even if they have tales to tell, they should a least wash first.

Chris: "Darn it…here I am all dressed up and my specs STILL keep falling down my nose!"

CJ Kennedy: very steampunk. very cool. the four blackbirds with their serious expressions, maybe body guards for the queen. She has a crown so I assume she's a queen. All the senses are represented in your piece. Large goggle glasses to see, a hand for touch, a hand covering the nose, maybe not so pleasant smells, birds for sound, and the hand coming from the mouth for taste and comfort as in sucking one's thumb to self-soothe.

Donna: In the "House of Daybreak, Midday, Eventide and Twilight", the Ravens of the Sun operate a secret society. They travel by starlight, incognito, saving lost souls. Last evening, just after sundown, they stumbled upon the old Dowager Queen of the Forest whose heart has turned to coal. She can no longer speak or see and wanders in darkness, lost and alone. The Ravens lift her by the goggles high into the night sky. In flight, under the new moon she glides back to their House of Restorative Magic. Special twigs, logs and herbs are set alight in the mystical place of fire. A most beautiful ornate chase lounge is brought where she is laid to rest, covered by the golden blanket of stories. Gently, the goggles are removed and to their astonishment ..... to be continued.

Sheila: The four birds, who look rather naughty, are her servants and I am a bit worried about what she wants them to do next.

Gill: I think the hand is replacing her tongue which extends a bit like a Chameleons one..very useful for eating and as a weapon. The crows are her spies and are invisible to all non believers of her power.... the end.. :)

Sandy: recovering from plastic surgery on her nose - The Princess of Nonsense decides to go to the ball in disguise. "Nevermore quoth the Raven"!!!
And I say -- never let the raven poop on your parade!!

Thanks a lot for joining in the fun!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Please stay inside and stay safe.
    Your journal piece looks like a page of history.
    You got some great responses. Lots of creativity flowing.

  2. Love the journal page with the added photos, so many details inviting us to take a closer look. Fun responses to your great journal page, too! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Fantastic new page and fantastic stories to the fun page!
    oxo Susi

  4. Wunderbar das alte Foto und der Umbrella-Mann als Betrachter. Ich stelle ihn mir als Zeitenwanderer vor. Mir gefällt sehr, wie du das schöne alte Foto bearbeitet hast,tolle Seite ist das geworden. Bleib schön im Warmen, es ist kalt und glatt im Moment. Mach weiter so schöne Kunstseiten. Bald soll es wieder wärmer werden, dann kannst du wieder raus und uns mit tollen Fotos beglücken.
    Schönen Abend und liebe Grüße

  5. Lovely hybrid page and creative stories!

  6. A fabulous page with the old photo and for last weeks piece the stories are wonderful
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  7. Am I too late to add (I've changed the lyrics to suit)

    Sing a song of sixpence,
    A pocket full of rye.
    Four blackbirds,
    Baked in a pie.
    When the pie was opened
    The birds began to sing;
    Wasn't that a dainty dish,
    To set before the king
    The king was in his counting house,
    Counting out his money;
    The maid was in the parlour
    Eating bread and honey.
    The Queen was in the garden,
    Hanging out the clothes,
    When down came a blackbird
    And pecked off her nose.

  8. Fun to see what the picture inspired everyone to write. :) Love the variety!

    Also- your photo for this week looks fantastic. I like the umbrella man being a time traveler. The torn paper fragments on the top right look like a ladies arms picking up something. Cool effect!

  9. Your art is so wonderful and imaginative! I love the stories you tell and I enjoyed reading the stories of others about your raven piece.

  10. Its a great vintage page Valerie and of course Mr U. is a time traveller, that allows him to visit everywhere he wants in time.
    The responses to the story were great, glad you liked mine. It was a super post to read.
    Stay safe and warm
    Yvonne xx

  11. I love how you posted all those stories. They are all so good. :) And your latest entry is another good one. I think the old photo really blends into the background so well that it doesn't look at all like you seamed the 2 together. It almost feels like a few front built off of some Middle Eastern ruin. :) I also like how you added in the vintage family photos. Hugs-Erika

  12. Smart move to stay inside :) We don't bounce as well as we used to :( Love the journal page and the stories to go with the other page are a hoot!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  13. The stories from your followers are interesting, I think Imissed that post. Love today's page x{aNNie}

  14. ooh wie schön deine seiten sind,der umbrella mann ist für mich so eine art männliche mary poppins,und er reist durch die zeit.
    bei uns ist es auch kalt und glatt,ich bleibe erstmal zuhause wenn der frost weg ist,dann kannst du ja auch wider raus und schöne bilder machen.
    ich bin gut ins neue jahr gekommen,hab mir am wasser bei uns das tolle feuerwerk reingezogen,das war klasse.
    ich wünsch dir auch ein gutes neues jahr 2017,bleib so wie du bist,kreativ,gesund und glücklich.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  15. You have created such a nostalgic page and with personal elements, too, it is beautiful.
    Haha - love your previous creation and the stories your readers came up with - great idea! Happy New Year!

  16. Great picture, Valerie, and I like how your mother is standing there, looking at us. I'll bet she is saying "Who are all these people?". Just a question - why have they thrown out that typewriter and is it waiting for uplift? Is it because it is throwing its ink around? Just wondered.
    The stories about your previous picture were hilarious. These four birds are definitely bad boys.
    Walking on icy paths - no, no , don't do it.

  17. great stories frm your friends! I must admit Erika's is my favorite, maybe because I can picture her telling it! Great old photo in your new page. Everyone needs a time traveler in their art I think. Take care on the ice. xox

  18. The stories are wonderful, you really sparked everyones imagination :-). Lovely grungy artwork too! Stay warm and cosy with the cold and icy weather you're having and have a great week! J :-)

  19. Your art piece is fantastic! I love how you created it!
    I'm so happy you stayed home! We are suppose to be getting bad weather in the middle of the week.
    I love the stories you got! Everyone is so creative!
    Big Hugs!

    1. Yes, I always think it's fun when people take the time to join in and play!

  20. I so enjoyed reading about this latest piece you created. It was so nice that you used your mother in the entry, too. I enjoyed reading about the interpretations people gave to your drawing and the various stories they came up with.

    I'm glad you decided to stay in where you are safe. I know you like to walk, but you would not like to land in hospital again.

  21. Valerie, I love this more than any piece you've ever done -- the photo one at the top. I know I've said this before but every time I mean it. You just top yourself!

  22. Love this Valeris, it's amazing how Mr Umbrella Man fits in perfectly everywhere xx

  23. hahaaaa great story lines indeed!! Love the last especially!!
    Your page is beautiful- the sepia is so earthy and organic and Umbrella man fits in beautifully! hugs

  24. Love your special AJJ scene, and when you mentioned about the umbrella man could be a time traveller - it made me think of one of my favourite films 'the time machine' (Jules Verne of course) as that had the shop front that kept changing through the years.
    Gill xx


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