Sunday 10 July 2016

Yellow flowers

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend went well, here we have had 2 warm and mostly sunny days,
really amazing. I didn't need my wellies, raincoat or umbrella!
I wonder how long it will last?!

For Art Journal Journey, in my garden, I made a flower page with sunny colours.
I have been trying to do flower paintings in under 10 minutes,
just using a brush without drawing outlines, and  adding some lines with black ink when it is dry. There is a lot of room for improvement, so I want
to keep trying. I added some sprays and the text, which is not quite free of mistakes, those who actually try to read it will notice what happened!
I added the frame digitally.

This was the painting before the frame:

And before I forget again, here are my tag Tuesday tags from the last 2 weeks, which I forgot to show:

Today got off to a good start:

The Window of the bike shop is always filled with a rather
strange display. I seem to be on display, too:

More hollyhocks:

Most mornings I have the world to myself:

 Our grill/fire corner has emerged from the floods again:

A long queue of young people about to board the ferry:

There are still some islands, but the water is almost back to normal:

Have a great day and a good start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I think your flower painting is lovely Valerie and such a great idea too. Great tags and lovely photos too.
    Have a great week next week.
    Fliss xx

  2. The painting is gorgeous, I would be more than happy if I could manage something like it! Love the softened edges you gave the journal page. Lovely photos as always.Hugs Sarah

  3. Fantastic page Valerie and I love the technique you used

    Terrific tags and both so different

    Nice variety of photographs again. Tje old wall so beautiful

    Sleep well

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Interesting technique with the flowers, love how fast it is but it looks good. Nice words and tags too. Enjoyed your photos today.

  5. Amazing lady. Your flower page is just GORGEOUS, love it and would love to use it as a background on one of my cards.....of course directing back to the artist, you. Love your tags, in particular the nautical one. And of course the photos, make my day brighter as it's been so cold, dull, wet and dreary. Who would think of taking such photos, like the goods in the window and the timber...but they look fabulous....hugs to you .xxxx {aNNie}

  6. Adore your splash of yellow!!

  7. Yahoo for sunshine. Maybe it will last. I love all your pieces today including the 10 minute flowers. It is actually quite stunning. And I always love seeing your photos. Have a great start to your new week. Hugs-Erika

  8. Eine sehr schöne Seite - bezaubernd schöne Tags und herrliche Aufnahmen- so kann die Woche künstlerinsch beginnen - klasse!
    Schönen Montag Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  9. Wow, 10 minutes, this page if I could have attempted to do it would have taken me hours. It looks beautiful Valerie. Fantastic tags and photos. I hope you haven't put the wellies out of reach, but its good that the weather is much improved.
    Yvonne xx

    1. The wellies and brolly are still by the door, I like to be on the safe side....

  10. Superschönes sonniges Blumenbild!
    Heute ist auch meine (einzige) Vogelfutter-Sonnenblume aufgegangen. LG Ulrike

    1. Meine is gerade verblüht, und dient jetzt wieder als Vogelfutter.

  11. A stunning page Valerie, the flowers are beautiful. Love the tags especially the second one. Have a great day.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Gorgeous floral piece Valerie, and the photos you used for your tags are amazing! Wonderful shots today, seems we;re still opposite though. We took a trip to the marsh this weekend, and it is almost completely dry!! We were walking on bridges over rock beds instead of water!!! hugs :)

  13. Love your page and it's almost unbelievable that you did it in 10 min or less. Bit then it is you so it's very believable ♥ So glad your river is going down and your favorite spots are reappearing. Beautiful photos of all.

  14. Yellow flowers are gorgeous and you did a fantastic job in a very short time. We all love to experiment and your painting is just the beginning of future pages. I am so inspired! Happy you could walk on a clear day to share lovely photos. The hollyhocks are so perfect where planted and make an unusual corner outstanding. Thanks for the photos today.

  15. Hello my dear friend. Sorry for my absence from blogging recently. Beautiful yellow flowers Valerie, love the technique you used as well. I must try and have a go at this. Hope your well. Love as always your wonderful pictures. Hugs Rita xxxx

  16. You made the most of those ten minutes girly!♥!
    I like the philosophy of the Amish when they make quilts they intentionally put a mistake in each one because they believe only God is perfect.

  17. That 10 minute floral page is stunning, my friend. Blessings!

  18. I love your yellow flowers -- keep it up - I do not think they need improving at all!!
    sandy xx

  19. Your flower page is fabulous. I really have never thought of that -- making the background and then a few lines to make the subject. I may have to experiment -- it's a wonderful technique and looks so cheerful in the yellow.

    Loved that window shot especially but all give me such a feeling of where you are.

  20. Ten minute art is practically unbelievable. But I sure like it, and the colors of red, yellow, and pops of black are so warm and inviting.

    Your tags are fabulous. The sea one is adorable, even though I am so tired of water (grin).

    Our river crested and is now headed south. At its peak, it was rushing 6430 cfm (current force per minute). I can appreciate how good you must feel now that yours is nearly back to normal.

    Loved seeing you in the window, too!

  21. i think your yellow flowers are marvelous! (and everything else as well!) xo

  22. Missed this! and those beautiful cheering yellow flowers and the wonderful statement. The sunrise photo on the tag is glorious as well. XOXO

  23. Wow, such beautiful flowers and only in 10 minutes, now that's a challenge ... sounds like fun :-). Love your tags especially "Seaside Fun" and that you finally have sunshine, Happy Days! J :-)

  24. I love your loose, dreamy flower painting. Sweet tag too. hugs, tEResa


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