Monday 30 May 2016

T-Day Mix

Hi Everybody!

Today is the very last day of Erika's lovely theme, journeys, at Art Journal Journey. Many thanks to Erika for being an extra super hostess this month.
Don't forget to come by tomorrow to learn about the new theme and meet the new hostess! I made my by now traditional collage of all my pages to end the month:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all of the T Gang. I have decided to give you a glimpse into my photo album to show my fave photos. Can you guess what I'm drinking?

We had a loud night with scary thunderclaps, lightning and torrents of rain. And then in the morning the wind started blowing again and then we had a real downpour. Other places were worse hit, and had bad floods and lots of damage. The storm should move to the East tomorrow, but will probably come back by the end of the week, so I'm keeping my wellies ready!

And you still have  week to join in our challenge at TIOT, I can hear music!

Today it rained.....

and rained.

The little stream was almost full, although normally it is just a trickle:

There were lots of big puddles and I wore my wellies to get to my physiotherapy:

The flowers looked pretty with their raindrops:

And my feathered friends were all soaked and hungry, so they got an extra feed today:

Have a great day, happy T-Day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It's been very wet here, too, some houses in a parallel street lost their roofs! It was scary! Love your monthly collage and the photo album celebrating coffee! Have a nice day, stay dry, hugs, Sarah

  2. Once again, I am in total awe of your wrap-up collage. It is wonderful and very inspirational, too.

    Goodness, Valerie, is there ANY place in the world that is not getting rain? Your area looks much like mine, only today we actually had SUN! I couldn't believe it. Muggy and hot, I fear mold and mosquitoes are by products of all this rain.

    Your poor birds. They needed all that extra food today, that's for sure.

    Of course, I simply adore your journal entry for T. Let's see if I can guess what you are drinking. Is it . . . OK, don't tell me, let me guess! Seriously, I know it's cappuccino with a biscuit on the side. Lovely digital representation of the book.

    Thanks for sharing your very wet day, your AJJ collage, and your wonderful cappuccino book with us for T this soon to be Tuesday.

  3. rain keeps things nice and green! Lovely collage, another month gone by already! Your coffee looks delicious!

  4. Oh those poor wet little guys. We need some rain, so you can send it my way. I always love your collages to celebrate the month. It was a good one. Thanks for the invite-I had a blast and really enjoyed my hostess time. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  5. Eine tolle Collage ... und so süß der arme nasse Kerl... der Regen ist angekommen auch hier bei uns.... heute Wellies T-Day!

  6. As always, love the collage you do at the end of a challenge. Your 'cup of happiness' is splendid. Perhaps you might think about selling it -- the world could use more of that. Enjoyed your rainy photos - something beautiful about storms as long as you don't have to be out in it and there is not too much damage. Stay dry. hugs, Donna

  7. Amazing collage of your AJJ pages for the month Valerie. Best so far I reckon there is such variety . The birds you drew standout for me and have made me want to try drawing birds.

    I bet you are drinking your usual and the mix of biscuits looks very tempting as I am trying to give them up:(

    What a lot of water! Love the way you captured it on the flowers but the poor birds don't look too happy with it all. Rain forecast for here today but just very strong winds so far.

    Hope today is better weather for you

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. aus deiner Collage lacht mich der blaue vogel mit dem gelben schnabel so wunderbar an! der Eichelhäher auf dem Foto sieht ganz schön verregnet aus. sind ja so schöne vögel, die sich von mir leider nicht fotografieren lassen...

  9. We've had an awful storm too. But here is is without rain and normal sunshine. Weird! The weather is so nice that you want to eat out on the terrace, but your food blows away by the storm. We had to bring all the furniture inside! That's a lot as we practically live outside.
    Your collage is lovely. I recognise nearly all of them.
    I love the photos of the flowers with the raindrops. And your feathered friends, all wet and soaked, are so sweet. They deserved their extra feed.
    Happy T-Day,

  10. STUNNING pHOTOs, so vibrant in colour and love your collage too. Now while you are drinking your coffee and having your snack, think of me fasting for surgery

  11. I''m sure all the plants enjoyed their big drink! Jammie Dodgers, Bourbons, Licquorice Allsorts - a woman after my own heart! Enjoy your day! Xx

    1. Ah, always good to meet a kindred soul - those things are staple diet!

  12. Wirklich beachtlich ist deine Monatscollage wieder!
    Am besten finde ich aber dein Foto vom ganz nass geregneten Eichelhäher, den man am liebsten trocken rubbeln würde... LG Ulrike

  13. Gosh there seems to be lots of wet weather all around this spring.
    Wellies and an umbrella were a very good idea.
    Raindrops often make me think of diamonds on pretty petals.
    Your monthly mosaics of your lovely creativity are such fun to see liebe Valerie!
    Your T Tuesday collage has made me hungry and thirsty...oh to have a cucumber sandwich. As it happens I do have a nice buttery quinoa and spelt scone waiting here for me this morning ;-)
    Happy T Day oxo

  14. your collage is awesome Valerie!!Oh my that looks like an awful lot of rain but the photos are so pretty nonetheless. I wish you were able to join me for a coffee and scone but for now a cyber visit will have to do. Looking forward to the next theme at AJJ. Happy T day and have a great week!

  15. Eine tolle Idee so eine Monatscollage!! Hoffe es waren keine Schäden zu beziffern, soooo viel Wasser :-( Hier in Süddeutschland war auch Land unter. Aber nichts schlimmes passiert.
    Had to join in on the fun one more time this month at AJJ :-)
    Take care,
    Michelle ♥

  16. Now who in the world could possibly guess what you were drinking. Now I would have to have a tea with my scone and clotted cream. I love it when you make a collage of all of your work. As always enjoyed all of your pictures.
    I love good dark thunder storms with rain all day. We really haven't had one so far this year. Everything looks so pretty and green. Your pictures of flowers and birds are always so amazing to me.
    Sandy xx

  17. So much to look at in this post. What a great drawing for T Tuesday. The rainy pictures are really amazing. Hope it doesn't fill that stream up anymore though.

  18. I love the Happiness quote on your cup :)

    It's raining here today, too! So wet!

  19. Wow. You did get some serious downpour. Looks like the flowers were the main ones that enjoyed it.
    Perfect morning photo, with your drink of choice:)

  20. So much goodness here Valerie this T day! You have to tell me... what kind of bird is that??Poor little think is soaked. You don't know this but i'm a Petunia Girl!!I find alot of people dislike petunias but they are one of my favorite... especially the one that smell..... Thank you so much for showing us your photo album. Thats really cool.Happy happy Tday!! Hugs! deb

  21. Hi Valerie, what a wonderful post filled with so many special photos. Your collage of the month of pages is stunning. Looks like you are having a lot of rain too. We sure are and ready for some sunny skies soon. Love the flowers you share along with the "rain" birds. Have a great new week. xo

  22. Wow! you created so many wonderful pieces this month. We've been in a rainy weather pattern as well. Raining again today.
    Happy T day!

  23. Wonderful post Valerie!!
    So here I sit in dry southern California dreading todays temperature of 106' (F) HOT!!! So your wonderful rainy day photos helped cool me down...*grin*

    Thanks you for all the comment you have left on my AJJ posts, looking forward to the June challenge.

    Happy T-day

  24. Happy T day Valerie, will catch up at the weekend when we get home. I will have time to read through the posts I have missed.
    Yvonne xx

  25. a fabulous collage! and love all your photos...the bird photos at the end are amazing...I assume you used a zoom lens? great detail...even in the rain! happy T day! ♥

  26. What a great array in your collage, so much varied art with so many different styles. I must go and look at the ones I missed.
    I wondered if you were having the German rain, love the rainy photos and the flowers do look good with the water on their petals. Our flowers are jealous as it is bone dry here and set to be for another week anyway.

  27. It is nice to see your journey of art for the month. May went by so quickly for me. I'm glad your area did not get much damage. That poor little bird looks so sad and pathetic with his feathers all drenched. He must be glad of a friend like you.

  28. That is a lot of rain but look at the wonderful flowers you get from it and the bird visits

  29. We are forecast rain for tomorrow but it hasn't rained here (apart from a few spots) for over a week. Your AJJ pages are fabulous - I haven't found much time to play this month, hopefully there will be a few less demands on my time for a while, although most of today we have been giving number 2 son a hand! Love those rain kissed flowers but oh dear me! the poor Jay …what a sight! Hugs, Chrisx

  30. Wonderful line up this month again Valerie. Beautiful photos too, I just love the look of the world when it's covered in rain! hugs :)

  31. Happy Belated "T" day. I missed it this week have some personal stuff happening right now. I love the flower photos with the raindrops. One of my favorite ways to photo-shoot flowers. We've had rain forecast all week but most of it has missed up and we need it :( Have a good week !

  32. Oooh I always love your collage day Valerie, those blues look fab in the middle, and I'm guessing cappucinno lol. Those flowers look lovely in the rain, but you have to feel for the bird. They say that wellies are the new heels :-) xx

  33. The collage is a WOW piece. You sure are getting lots of rain. We are in a dry spell for now.

  34. Your collage for the month is wonderful. Did you know there are sites where you can have gift wrap paper made of your paintings? Wouldn't that be a great gift wrap if each month you had a paper made of your artwork! The flowers do look beautiful, but the poor birds!

  35. it's lovely to see all your journal pages together like that - such a feast for the eyes! I hope you've managed to avoid the flooding - I saw some parts of France and Germany that have had flash floods and it looks awful - poor people.

  36. Wonderful journal pages. So much to take in when you've been this busy.
    As I'm looking through your work it's pouring down with rain. Bouncing off the paving! Hmm... perfect June weather!
    Happy PPF to you

  37. Wow, your collage is gorgeous and very impressive. Congratulations to you on completing art everyday. Don't flowers look beautiful wearing raindrops? Happy PPF

  38. Wish it were raining here. It's in the 100's and over. Great collage and awesome flowers.:)

  39. I love seeing each and every collage picture. Blessings, Janet

  40. Lovely photos of your flowers and the rain. Fantastic collage, they all look great.

  41. What a fabulous collage of all your journal pages! Great idea! It is so impressive when we can step back and see all of the pages as a collection. it feels so encouraging and successful, doesn't it?

    Rain does make everything beautiful in spring, except for that poor bird. We have been lucky to finally get several days of rain here last week. It has been a very dry winter here, so we were all hoping for rain. We have had several fire bans in our province because of horrible forest fires, so any rain is welcome.

    I hope it doesn't rain too much, but just the right amount!


  42. My goodness that little bird looks soaked through and through! You are right though, the droplets on the flowers are so pretty! I hope you get a little sunshine soon! Wonderful collection of journal pages!


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