Sunday 1 May 2016

Journeys for 2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Today is 'Second on the Second' at Elizabeth's, so I am showing a 
piece I made 4 years back, to which I have made some additions to make it fit the theme at Art Journal Journey, Journeys, too. One journey I would like to make is one that would take me back through time to visit France and watch Vincent van Gogh painting his wonderful art. His life- journey was relatively short, definitely not easy, and very intensive. I copied his painting here using acrylics, and added a poem about our journey through life from birth to the grave which I wrote some time back. Mr Umbrella Man has made the journey to see where Vincent painted.

Here  the text is easier to read:

We all get born when we are small,
It would be hard if we were tall!
Then we start out on our way
Through life which takes us many a day.
At first we cry and bawl and scream
Get fed and washed and rubbed with cream,
With powder and I know not what,
All babies seem to get the lot.
Then come the teeth and baby ills,
And weight-control and potty spills,
We start to laugh and talk and run
A toddler's life is lots of fun.
The years at school go by real’ fast
We learn that nothing in life can last.
Then comes the time to learn a job
Now we are part of the working mob,
Doing lots of work for little money,
On the whole not always funny.
And then we fall in love and wed
Kids are born and must be fed;
The days go by like a flash of laughter
Running after son and daughter.
And they grow up and then leave home
Start on families of their own.
And we get older then and older,
But have no fear, old age makes bolder,
For we don’t care what others say
And spoil our grandkids every day.
And then, perhaps, an old age home
With senior games and never alone.
And sooner or later, the game is over
And we get buried under the clover.
What comes after that, is yet to be seen,
Perhaps an eternal Halloween?
But as we don’t know, enjoy it now,
The journey through life till you take your last bow,
When the curtain falls for the very last call,
Till then, enjoy life, and have a real ball!

My lovely tulips are now opening and still look

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your 2nd on the 2nd page, and that your umbrella man has become a time traveller. Yes, it would be good if we could go back and visit people. The poem is fantastic, you are a clever clogs, and those tulips just gorgeous. Hugs, Sarah

  2. lovely page and wonderful touching poem, so true. I think tulips are becoming my favourite flower! Yours are gorgeous.

  3. Sweet moments of a life. Xox

  4. Love your 2nd look....and your poem.....such wonderful words! The tulips are gorgeous! Package arrived and posted! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. A beautiful page Valerie, including Mr U. The poem is fantastic, a wonderful reflection on life.
    Yvonne xx

  6. I just LOVED reading your poem was really enjoyable. Great art with your work!! Love it! Wonderful compilation! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Ain't that the truth? Beautifully said and depicted.

  8. Interesting thoughts and well done creatively.

  9. That is a great page. Mr. Umbrella man looks wonderful behind the fence. I think that journey would be wonderful, wouldn't it? I think I would go watch Matisse, maybe as an older man cutting his figures from paper. That's a great poem too. Happy New week. Hugs-Erika

  10. DRATS! I hit the wrong button and lost my message. I wanted you to know your poem for a journey to France to be with Van Gogh is marvelous and one we mothers can relate to. The colors you used on the page are so pretty. When I first viewed your bouquet I didn't realize the blooms were tulips. Opening they have transformed the bouquet into a glorious bouquet to enjoy for another week. Your photos are special, even in the rain.

  11. Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists, and I also would love to walk where he walked. In reading your poem, I was struck with the beauty you created until we take that final bow!

    Tulips are a favorite of mine, and these are stunning. So great your neighbor gave them to you because they have not only brightened your day, but also mine.

    Thanks for sharing this incredible journey with us for a second look on the 2nd. Unfortunately, it's still the 1st here!

  12. So very true. Great piece. Love your flowers - beautiful. hugs, Donna

  13. Wunderschön Dein Gedicht und Deine Seite!
    Einfach schööön!

    Einen feinen Tag Dir!!

  14. Love the page and the wonderful poem. Nice that you could add something so it became a journey for AJJ as well.

    The tulips look amazing don't they. It must br great to be bale to see them all the time as they open up. Thank you for sharing them with us.

    Have a good day and take care.

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. A brilliant page and a wonderful poem - beautiful tulips too.
    xxx Hazel.

  16. Fabulous page and that poem is brilliant, wise and funny all at the same time!!

  17. What a great poem, Valerie, sometimes amusing and very true. I like the idea of "senior games", maybe not so much the idea of an "eternal Halloween".
    Your Val Gogh is lovely with Mr. Umbrella Man having a little rest by the fence.
    Hope you have a good day and that you have or had good weather for your walk.

    1. I had first hand experiences of the 'senior games' when working at the old people's home - I think I would definitely prefer Halloween!

  18. Absolutely heart warming poem, love the meaning of it which ever way it is read...great page..xx{aNNie}

  19. A really lovely poem Valerie, I'm at the running after son and daughter phase, more so the daughter! Hope you are keeping well and your knee is getting back to normal. Take good care xx

    1. Thanks! My knee is getting better slowly by slowly, but we're getting there!

  20. The colors in this piece inspired by Van Gogh are glorious... very pretty flowers too. Blessings!

  21. Wonderful art piece Valerie and I sure do love your tulips! Just playing some catch up today, looking forward to seeing all the posts I missed! Hope you had a great week last week! hugs :)

  22. Hi Valerie! Beautiful art, so inspiring..colorful..magical..very Van Gogh! Wonderful tribute to this beautiful soul! and yay, gorgeous brightly blooms, a perfect way to start my day! Thanks for sharing your lovely world!!

  23. Great art ! I love Van Gogh too and you did a good job on the painting. Love that poem ♥ Your tulips are beautiful.

  24. I have been a fan of Van Gogh since I had to study his works in Art History. Your page is really a great tribute to him and his short life.
    I adore the poem.
    Beautiful tulips!!

  25. Your tulips are gorgeous! That poem says it all.
    I hadn't seen that Van Gogh. I like it!
    Have a good one.

  26. Wow, this is so beautiful, both words and artwork! And your tulips make me smile, thank you!

  27. What a fabulous poem Valerie! You are so clever and talented!!
    Your tulips are just gorgeous! these would brighten any gloomy day! hugs

  28. Oh I love your page Valerie, and you poem is fab, I just wish that I was nearer the start of it than the end lol. Your tulips look beautiful xx

  29. Beautiful page and poem about the journey of life as you see it.

  30. Beautiful Poem Valerie - you are multi talented that's for sure. Your journal page is wonderful and as you know Van Gogh is my very favorite.
    Sandy xx

  31. What a wonderful poem; so fitting for this theme and the simple image on the page is perfect. I really love the way you've represented this month's theme Valerie.


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