Saturday 7 May 2016

Mothering Sunday

Hi Everybody!

Today Is Mothering Sunday, so here's wishing all Mothers a great day.
I made a double page in my new Journal, showing my Mother with me when I was about 1 year old. My Mother would have been 100 this year.

This is the card I made for her back in 1951, when I was not quite 5.
I know I have showed it before, but I still like it! I added the name of my brother as he had forgotten about  making something,  and he went out and picked some flowers for her.

Today I stood and watched the horses for quite some time, it's a very calming pastime. There are 2 old bath tubs there, which are always filled with fresh water, which was very popular today as the weather was really warm:

The hawthorn is blossoming just now:

And as I walked home, the cottony seeds of the poplars were floating through the air like snow. Lucky I'm not allergic.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Awwww! So very sweet that you still have the card you made your mum. Your layout is so cheerful and sunny, she would have loved this design as well. Great memories! TSF! Hugz! ~Niki

  2. Love the journal page you made for your mum, and the card is a little treasure. Gorgeous photos. Have a happy Sunday and don't overdo things! Hugs Sarah

    1. You don't really think I would do things like that, do you????

  3. its wonderful you still have the card you made, and what a great photo of you and your mum,, you have her eyes,

  4. Love how you added in that photo to your page, and the card is fantastic. Isn't it great to have those things? I found a Christmas book my dad and I made back when I was about 7, and it is one of favorite possessions. Your page is wonderful for Mother's Day. And how green and beautiful your photos are. happy Mothering Sunday to you. :) Hugs-Erika

  5. I love your little card you were a smart little girl very impressive Valerie! The horses look beautiful. Coincidentally I am watching the movie 'secretariat' right now.

  6. Wonderful card Val. Love to watch horses myself. Very peaceful.

    Hugs and Blessings

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    wundervoll ist deine Seite zum Muttertag, absolut traumhaft schön. Deine Zeichnung für deine Mutter ist berührend. So kenne ich es auch von damals. Geniale Fotos von den Pferden bezaubern mich ebenso. Ein rundum wunderschöner Post, der zeigt, was für ein besonderer Mensch du bist, hab lieben Dank dafür.
    Herzliche und sonnige Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  8. Happy Mother's Day. It always seems strange to see this in May as we had ours back in March. Love the pages you made and the beautiful photograph of you and your Mum. Nice to see what you made way back in 1951 and that you were kind enough to include your brother as well.

    Beautiful peaceful photographs of the horses and the blossom in the sunshine.

    Have Lovely Day

    Chrissie xx

  9. Happy mother's day to you my friend. I just adore your photo, I love these older photos and your page is stunning and you made your first card when I was born... Love the sentiments and as I am an emotional person it brings back the memories of our loved one being a grand age [in your case if mum was alive] xxxx

  10. Great post today Valerie. Love your art piece and the horse photos are amazing. My fav is that flowery hawthorn tree. Gorgeous!! happy weekend :)

    1. Mine too! And it smells so gorgeous as well!

  11. Beautiful journal page with the photo of your Mom. And how wonderful that you have a card that you made when you were just a young child. It's beautiful! As always your photographs are also wonderful. Have a great day, xx

  12. Mother's Day here too. What a sweet card you made for your Mom. And wonderful journal page. A journey back. xox

  13. Was für weine wunderschöne Muttertagsseite Valerie! DIe Karte ist echt ein Hit und Deine Fotos sind himmlisch!

    Bussi Susi

  14. This Mother's Day spread is gorgeous. I love all the embellishments you used in addition to the beautiful photo of you and your mother. What an amazing way to honor her and all mothers today. As for the card, you were an artist before you were 5, so now I know you were probably born with that talent.

    I had some friends stop by on Friday right after I'd mowed. We got to talking about rhythm and one lady said she thought all kids must be born with rhythm. I said that simply wasn't true because I know people who couldn't keep a beat if their life depended on it. I believe that's true with drawing, too.

    Simply adored the horse photos today. And those flower photos are simply incredible.

  15. A beautiful tribute to your mom. Such sunny and cheery pages.
    There sure is a lot of green grass for those horse. A great place to be to relax and simply enjoy - I am sure. Good for you that you are not allergic, I cannot say the same of me. Happy Sunday!

  16. Valerie, a beautiful spread honoring your mother. How wonderful she kept the Mother's Day greeting you made for her as a child. The horses are gorgeous in your marvelous photos. I hope you are having a happy day.

  17. A beautiful journal spread ,a wonderful tribute to your Mom and to mothers everywhere with those heartfelt words.
    Awesome photos, its been warm here today as well.
    Yvonne xx

  18. Nice pages and wonderful way to remember and honor
    your Mom - I am not surprised that you have always been an artist. I have you by a couple of years and my mother is still alive - she will be 92 this year.
    Remember you on this day and really Valerie - most every day seeing
    you post everyday!!!!! LOL
    Sandy xx
    Sandy xx

  19. Such a beautiful page created for mothering Sunday. Your sweet little drawing from when you were 5 is so lovely. What a wonderful keep sake!

  20. A beautiful page with such joy filled colours yet at the same time, it is so touching.
    Valerie, you were such an adorable child. Such sweet card you created for your mother.
    So glad I managed to visit this post, this evening.

  21. Beautiful journal page, Valerie! I can't believe you still have the card you made your mother so long ago!

  22. Dein Kinder-Zettel zum Muttertag gefällt mir total, man sieht in deiner Zeichnung schon dein künstlerisches Talent!
    Gute Woche von Ulrike

  23. Was für eine zauberhafte Seite zum Muttertag! Wie schön, dass du deine Muttertagswünsche von damals noch hast ... eine schöne Erinnerung! Deine Fotos sind auch wieder herrlich ... für mich immer wieder ein kleiner Spaziergang!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  24. Lovely art today and I really love that you still have the card you made all those years ago :)
    Beautiful photos again... the horse all look so happy and content. Have a good day!

  25. Those horses look so serene and well cared for. I can't think of a better place to spend a day than with horses.
    I love your Mother's Day cards, past and present. You and your mom looked so happy. Good memories.

  26. That's a very touching photo with your mother, I think I had a smocked dress like you did and of course they were hand-made.
    I love the card you made.

  27. YOU - dear Valerie - were a BEAUTIFUL baby. That photos is soooo special. Thank you so much for sharing it and your bright and happy creativity on Mother's Day. And the card you made her is very sweet - totally made me smile. I have a little brother that I 'shared' with too!! We don't have Hawthorn here that I know of - so I loved seeing yours - it's gorgeous. And the horses - so peacefully lovely. I enjoyed this post bunches!! Sorry I have been lax in my messages lately but rest assured, I read your posts and am thinking of you. Hugs. j.

  28. What a wonderful spread for Mothers day! I love the card you made for your Mum and the memory of your brother picking flowers! The farmer down the road used to let us buy bunches of snowdrops from his orchard that we would pick ourselves for my Mum's birthday! Love seeing the horses! Chrisx

  29. Your journal page is really fab Valerie, I love the picture of you and your mum, and the card from you (and your brother) is really sweet xx

  30. I am so happy you shared the card again- I just love it as well!! How wonderful Valerie!! And how special you were to add your brother's name!
    I just love the photo of you and your Mom! Look at how darling you looked!! What a sweet picture to bring back sweet memories! Thanks so much for sharing these Valerie- huge hugs,Jackie


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