Sunday 1 May 2016

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.
Today is May 1st, so wish you all a great month, 
and hope that the weather here will soon be worthy of May!

Our hostess for this month at Art Journal Journey is Erika, aka
BioArtGal. Her choice of theme is


Erika writes:

' Your journeys might be creative, spiritual or historical. They might be an actual trip you took or plan on taking. Or maybe your journey is one of love, over coming some obstacle  or  personal growth.  Whatever journeys you are on, I can't wait to see where you are going and where you have been.'

This is a wonderful theme which gives us lots of scope, and I am also looking forward to seeing where your imagination and flights of fancy take you.
I decided that every journey begins in the head. I made a hybrid piece using 2 of my paintings, a seascape and an abstract, cut the head to shape, and added the ship and compass digitally. The anchor is one of my photos. I glued it onto the first page in a new A4 Journal which will be just for challenges, and painted round the edges with metallic blue before adding some stenciling.

Today was cold, wet and windy, and the skies stayed grey all day.
In winter coat, cap and boots I went for my last April walk.
I love the tender green of the new leaves:

The Basilica was reflected in the puddles:

The Basilica and town are celebrating 1300 years:

I love this wall and little lane between the Basilica and Market Street:

The red beech makes a wonderful background for the 
cherry blossom:

And the fresh leaves of the ginkgo tree look almost luminous: 

Have a great day, and a good, new month. 
Take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another lovely post, great challenge and love your journal page. Wonderful photos, too. Have a good new month, hugs, Sarah

  2. Love your take on the new challenge, a great page. Wonderful photos from your walk. Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  3. Love your take on the new challenge, a great page. Wonderful photos from your walk. Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  4. What a wonderful theme, and I know Erika is going to be a fantastic host for May. Your first entry is wonderful, and I am in awe of how you came up with journeys in your head.

    I remember what you suggested several months ago to gather all the stamps for the theme at the beginning of the month. Although I'm not much of a stamper, I am taking this to heart.

    Your beautiful photos of the Basilica and the springtime trees and plants are all lovely. So glad to see them from your daily walk.

  5. Lovely page for your new theme! 1300 years is a long time for your town and still the trees bloom as they always have. We are also having a cold spring so far but next week promises to be in the double digits!

  6. I think you made a great page for the start of a new challenge. And I agree. All journeys do start in your head. And I LOVE your heads. And 1300 years is quite a journey too. Thanks for the opportunity to a month- I am really looking forward to it. Happy may Day! Erika

  7. What a fantastic page Valerie! Tolles Thema - wir werden sicher wieder viel Spaß haben!
    Fabelhafte Aufnahmen!
    Ich hoffe Du hast gut in den Mai geschlafen! Schönen Sonntag Liebes!

  8. I am almost speachless each time I visit your work and photos are so incredibly gorgeous.xx  {aNNie}

  9. Terrific page Valerie always great to see you doing your own writing which looks wonderful on your pages.

    Love the photographs showing the area where you live. So many things to see and such beauty surrounds you.

    Have a nice day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. A fabulous start to the Journeys theme!I love your photos! Your pages hadn't arrived on Friday and we were away on Saturday - the postman was going to leave them with someone else if they arrived then! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Your page is wonderful Valerie and the photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Klasse umgesetzt, deine Seite gefällt mir. Und wie immer ist es eine Freude deine Fotos anzuschauen.
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Sonntag.

  13. Great piece for Erika's fine theme this month Valerie!
    Some journeys end in the head too ;-)
    I missed AJJ last month and look forward to playing again in May.
    Happy May Day oxo

    1. Well, that's true - my journeys always start and stop there!

  14. Love how your journey began in the head. Thats where the best plans are made and only we know if we kept to the plan. Its a fabulous page and a super new theme. Wonderful photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. So much eye candy today!! Super gorgeous journal page....and then all the beautiful photos from your walk.....breath taking!!

  16. I would dearly love to be in your town as they celebrate 1300 years of history!!! Wow!!! It is no wonder you can take such fabulous pictures - well your artistic eye helps too!
    Great journal page with one fantastic sentiment -- Will have to keep that quote in mind and it is perfect for a journey!!!!
    Anytime I make anything it is always a journey into the scary side of my brain!
    Sandy xx

    1. I know what you mean, my brain has a lot of scary sides!

  17. Love the colors you selected for your page today. You have so many ideas stored in that head of yours so May will be a fun one for all of us. I liked Sandy's comment about a scary journey?
    Lovely photos even in the rain. May Day as a child was so much fun threading the streamers around the May pole. Shortly after WWII, when hubby was stationed in Nuremberg, we were told to stay off the streets as Rusia was a concern at that time. Now we have ISIS. Way off topic..have a great
    Journey this month.

  18. Gorgeous page. I like the ship and orange in the background. hugs, Teresa

  19. Wieder eine so schöne wie klug gestaltete Seite liebe Valerie. Auch deine Fotos,wie immer, klasse. Ja dein Wohnort ist schon sehr fotogen mit den alten Häusern und Gassen und der Kastanienallee zum Rhein runter. Jetzt im Frühling ist das Alles besonders malerisch. Hab einen schönen, kreativen Mai.
    Liebe Grüße

  20. Another interesting topic for the month and you have started off well. Love the writing you chose. Your photos are lovely for such a dreary day :) We have much the same weather today. I had planned to plant flowers but I think I'll just stay inside and play :)

  21. Omgosh- I love that Gingko tree!! Beautiful!!
    Very cool theme I always love the silhouette of the head! hugs

  22. I love you artwork today Valerie, your writing always makes it special xx

  23. I love this journal page Valerie! The colors and they way you put it all together... Wanderlust fällt mir ein ;-)
    Wishing you a wonderful and creative time,
    Michelle ♥


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