Wednesday 11 May 2016

Seeing the world through new eyes

Hi Everybody!

Recently I was looking for a map in an old atlas, and discovered an old Max Factor advertisement from 1967 in it.  I cut the lady out and used her for a mixed media/ collage journal page for Art Journal Journey, Journeys

I enjoyed my walk again, and there is always plenty to see along the Rhine:

 This ship is called 'Quo Vadis', and last week I made a journal page using this quote:

And here one of the 'work' ships was moored at the jetty. They go down and up the Rhine doing measurements and making sure that the waterways are safe.
This one is called Quirinus, who is the patron Saint of Neuss, a town  on the other side of the Rhine not all too far from here:

Today was Market again. The young man on the right is putting asparagus into a peeling machine, a free service that a lot of customers use to save having to peel it  at home:

The window decoration in the book shop is also decorated with a 'journeys' theme:

This man and his tractor were busy eating the daisies away:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fantastical and surreal artwork, love it immensely! Gorgeous that bird/duck? beautiful! Have a beautiful day my friend!!

  2. Ha ha, this is a funny one, love those eyes. Wonderful page! Love the photos, too. Is that bird a cormorant? Hugs Sarah

  3. That is a great journal page today. What luck to find that ad. I remember Max Factor. I wonder if they still make it, since so many brands seem to come and go. Love the image though. Great photos with a journey theme too. Have a fantastic night- if you are up now, and if not, of course have a great day tomorrow.

    1. Max Factor is still on sale all over Europe!

  4. nice to see all the outdoor activity! Lovely page too, those old magazines are fun.

  5. Love your art piece! and so true! may we all travel and see the world with new eyes. Love the photos as well.

  6. I was really impressed with the spread you created for AJJ. The woman and those EYES! Incredible. Of course, I had to check out the stamps, too. Those are what make this spread so precious.

    Your photos along the Rhine are so enlightening today. I had no idea they needed to take measurements to assure the waterway is safe. I suspect since it's such a busy river, those things need to occur, though.

    I've never heard of PEELING asparagus. Something new to me!

    Have a super day, dear.

    1. The water depth and quality needs to be regularly checked so that boats can pass safely etc.

  7. Was für eine geniale Arbeit! Sieht super aus Valerie und fabelhafte Impressionen lieferst Du heute mal wieder!

  8. Great ideas on the page today with a wonderful image from way back when that inspired you.

    Love the photographs with such a great mix to choose from. I like the idea of the asparagus machine. Such fascinating things you find along life's way Valerie.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Fabulous piece today, her makeup is really something else!! Love your photos. have a wonderful day Valerie. hugs :)

  10. Brilliant work love the colours and that gorgeous image...xx  {aNNie}

  11. This post made me smile with those popping out eyes, super! Great pictures, looks like you too have been enjoying some beautiful blue skied days.

  12. I LOVE the art today!!! Those glasses are WILD ♥ Beautiful photos :) Have a pleasant day !!!

  13. Sehr lustige Idee mit deiner Journalseite heute! Lg Ulrike

  14. Fantabulous and fun image you crated with those awesome sauce eyes! Wonderful design. Your pictures of the water and boats are splendid! Hugz! ~Niki

  15. Wow, those glasses look amazing. Its a fantastic page and she was a good advert for the makeup. Super photos, I couldn't believe what I read about an asparagus peeler, it takes no time at all to do the job.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Another clever page, Valerie. It is amazing how sharp and gorgeous your photos are every day. I can just imagine how wonderful it is to walk through the area and view the changes from day to day. We don't peel our asparagus. We just break off the tough part at the bottom and cook the rest so that it is not mushy but firm and delicious. It is a pretty day here too.

  17. Are you lookin at me :-)
    How fun to find a "vintage" image like that and you used it so well.

  18. What a great image to find! I love your page -the stamps make a brilliant background! Great photos once again! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. Valerie, what a cool page! I love those "googly"eyes! Great makeup as well! The stamps added were a great choice for this theme!


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