Monday 30 May 2016

T-Day Mix

Hi Everybody!

Today is the very last day of Erika's lovely theme, journeys, at Art Journal Journey. Many thanks to Erika for being an extra super hostess this month.
Don't forget to come by tomorrow to learn about the new theme and meet the new hostess! I made my by now traditional collage of all my pages to end the month:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all of the T Gang. I have decided to give you a glimpse into my photo album to show my fave photos. Can you guess what I'm drinking?

We had a loud night with scary thunderclaps, lightning and torrents of rain. And then in the morning the wind started blowing again and then we had a real downpour. Other places were worse hit, and had bad floods and lots of damage. The storm should move to the East tomorrow, but will probably come back by the end of the week, so I'm keeping my wellies ready!

And you still have  week to join in our challenge at TIOT, I can hear music!

Today it rained.....

and rained.

The little stream was almost full, although normally it is just a trickle:

There were lots of big puddles and I wore my wellies to get to my physiotherapy:

The flowers looked pretty with their raindrops:

And my feathered friends were all soaked and hungry, so they got an extra feed today:

Have a great day, happy T-Day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Sunday 29 May 2016

Balloons and birds

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, journeys, I have a last page. Strange really, as it was the first page I made at the beginning of the challenge, but it is the last one to come out of the file. I combined various photos of the Rhine, the plane and the wild geese, and added a vintage balloon image (from Wikipedia). I found a stamp with a similar balloon in my stash, and added some cancellation marks.

And more of my visitors. The woodpecker is very athletic and hangs itself sometimes in strange positions to get at the food:

The jays love my balcony snack bar:

A little tit was sitting on the edge of the flower pot, and flew away as I pressed the button:

And Mr Blackbird likes the food too:

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Saturday 28 May 2016

Star trek revisited

Hi Everybody!

Star Trek journeys would really be the ultimate way to travel
and see new planets and galaxies. My hybrid piece for
Art Journal Journey, journeys, links back to this unforgettable series
with a famous quote - 'Beam me up, Scotty!', used so often in the saga by Captain Kirk. I made a hybrid piece, using a hand-painted background, overlayed with an old document. I added a photo of the houses taken here, and added some of  'my' faces in the windows. And one of 'my' heads had to stand in for Captain Kirk with his famous message....

You still have 2 days to join us and take part in Erika's lovely challenge!

This is one of the newer Rhine boats, and is advertising Christopher Street Day, which is taking place in Düsseldorf this weekend.

I wouldn't mind a little boat like this:

Today I watched the ships looming out of the haze:

There are lots of flowers along the streets of our little town:

And this is evidently not a window box but a door box!


My finch spends a lot of time on my balcony:

The young jay still looks rather scruffy:

His favourite spot is right by the fat balls:

Have a great day you all, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!

Friday 27 May 2016

Weekend post

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, Journeys, the lovely theme chosen by Erika, I have a mixed media  Paris spread made in my 'new' journal, which is almost full! 
You still have a few days to join in the challenge!

The magpie pecks at the food so quickly it is hard to get a clear photo:

There are now 5 jays coming to feed:

The little tit (chickadee) likes to be fed:

I'm glad the cormorants don't expect me to supply them with food:

And the horses always seem to be happy.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!