Monday 13 November 2017

Music, dancing shoes and hot coffee

Hi Everybody!

On Tuesday we are starting a new challenge at
This time our lovely Michele is hosting, and has
chosen music as her theme. As always, tags of all
formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to
join in the fun. And Michele has generously
offered a prize to one lucky participant, so 
pop on over to the blog and find out all about it!

I have a hybrid tag today, as I have been keeping my bed
warm these past few days:

For Chris' '101 ways to keep warm' at Art Journal
Journey I have another suggestion-
keep dancing! I wish I could still wear those lovely,
strappy shoes!

And I would like to remind you that you still have a week
to enter the 'Home, sweet home' challenge
at TIOT.
Hope to see you there!

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so here
a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of
the T Gang.
 I have a 'pig's ear' on offer - flaky pastry baked with lots
of sugar and dipped in dark chocolate:

My drink is Cappuccino:

 Some more pictures from the old steel-works in Duisburg.
It was amazing walking through those cavernous halls
and trying to imagine what it must have been like
when it was being operated:

A chimney raven:

This is the spot where the giant sand castle stood in August:

It was eerie walking through these dark halls:

In this corridor there were windows looking down to the old
halls and machines, which were illuminated in bright colours -
more tomorrow!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice pieces and photos ! Happy T-Day!

  2. Both pieces are beautiful, I think you feel like dancing! It's certainly a great way of keeping warm and fit. I would love a pig's ear, you have inspired me, now I can't get the thought out of my mind! Love the photos of Duisburg, I would so love to visit there! Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  3. Pretty ballerina so focused on her music. I'm feeling under the weather too so trying to dance as fast as I can to keep up. With all the machinery going, it must have been a noisy place. With no one around now, it looks very spooky. I'd love a pig's ear. Feed a cold as they say. Hope you're feeling better.

  4. wundervoll dein Tag mit der Ballerina und wunderschön dein Journal zu chris Thema da wirds einen warm beim tanzen!
    Lecker dein Kaffeeset!
    Tolle intressante Fotos hast du wieder gezeigt!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  5. The old builing photos are so gorgeous, great contrasts! And. as usual, loving your art pieces. Take care!

  6. I love your pieces. But nothing to new about that:)
    I'll be right over for a bite of that pig's ear:)
    What an amazing place to spend time at.
    Take care of yourself.

  7. wow love your pieces to..and your really catch the contrasts and focal points.

  8. Beautiful hybrid tag and a lovely dancing themed page for AJJ! Your warm drink is comforting. Thanks for sharing the steelworks photos.

  9. Stunning. The beauty of your ballerina and the movement she portrays is stunningly amazing. Great coffee, food and as always the most interesting photos.xx[aNNie]🎄

  10. wonderful tag and page Valerie, and a great new tag T theme! I love that ballerina. Your cappuccino looks especially inviting as our weather has finally taken a turn-COLD!Loving your fabulous photos from Duisberg. For the life of me I cannot think of what your pig ear pastry is called in France, and it's not dipped in chocolate...
    happy T day!

  11. Both of your art pieces look fantastic. Love the ballerina one especially.

    You really take such beautiful photos. The raven against the sky looks great. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are feeling better.

  12. Such a pretty tag!
    I am loving your pigs ear. I have seen these but never dipped in chocolate! Yum! And that cappuccino looks delicious. Makes me hungry just looking at these goodies.

  13. You do hybrid beautifully. Most impressive, and a great tag, too. Of course, I absolutely adore the shoes, although not my style, that DO look like they have been dancing a few times. Beautiful AJJ entry.

    I'm still loving those rusty areas, and the old machinery is so beautiful in all its rusty glory AND for the fact it once was a working factory. You may bring me here ANY time.

    I've seen these pastries before, but never knew they were called pigs ears or that they came with chocolate. I'll gladly share half of one and an entire cup of cappuccino with you for T this nearly Tuesday. Thanks, too for sharing the photos and the awesome art work.

  14. The tag with the ballerina is beautiful, she looks so graceful.
    The page is also fantastic, great shoes, but I don't think I would get further than my chair wearing those heels.
    Great photos and I love the rusty ones and old machines.
    It looks a yummy pigs ear, i could happily eat one of those today.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better, stay safe and warm.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Such a beautiful tag, I love your dancing ballerina and autumn leaves! Putting on your dancing shoes to stay warm is a great idea and those strappy dancing shoes are perfect - they remind me of the Strictly Come Dancing TV programme which is coming to Blackpool this weekend 😁. The pastry with the dark chocolate looks so yummy and perfect to have with your cappuccino! Great photos too 😁. Wishing you a Happy T Day too! J 😊

  16. Hope you are improving in the health department Valerie. Love your new art today. Music is a fun theme. I think dancing would feel good right now-feeling like I need a bit of exercise. And it does warm you up, which is also good. But don't you go dancing until you you are better. Ha-ha. I do like the views of the old factory. It is quite the industrial complex. Looking forward to see more. Happy T day. Those pig's ear look yummy. I've never seen them dipped in chocolate. Hugs-Erika

  17. Great tag, and page.I can still wear strappy shoes as long as I don't have to walk in them !! Love the spooky photos, what sort of camera do you use, all your photos are fabulous. As I am now pre diabetic, I'll have a coffee but not the pastry. :(. Hope you feel better soon.
    Hugs Wendy

  18. I hope you are feeling better now. I have been in bed all week too. I still have a cough, but am back into the swing of things.
    Lovely tags. Especially the hybrid one. Music is a good theme.
    Thank you for the pig's ear. Here they call them 'palmitas'. I like them too.
    Oh those halls are so eerie and spooky! I would be a bit apprehensive walking there. I hope you were not alone. Looking forward to seeing some more tomorrow.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. I was there with 2 delightful young men as bodyguards and companions!

  19. The abandoned factory is gorgeous in all of its rusty glory. Your photos are amazing. I'd have loved to walk around there with you.
    Great tag as well. Happy T day!

  20. Lovely art-as always-your treat and cappuccino looks soooo delicious I enjoyed the visit to the steel mill a very interesting place with all the different architecture
    Happy T Day Kathy

  21. Perfect timing - I need afternoon coffee right after this visit...
    I wouldn't walk around there alone, too spooky!
    Hope you're feeling better!

  22. What a beautifully served drink! And yes, I can see why that would be an eerie walk. Fascinating but a little strange. Love your little ballerina!

  23. So glad to hear you are till resting Valerie!
    I love your ballerina piece and yes, I agree about those shoes, i too would love to wear them- sexy! heehee
    sending warm hugs and get well wishes,Jackie xx

  24. What a lovely cup!

    I like your photos of that industrial setting. We don't see ravens here, but we do see crows. That'll have to be close enough, I guess.

    Happy T Tuesday

  25. I'll bet it was an eeerie place to walk thru but interesting and fascinating at the same time... AND what an absolutely PERFECT silhouette of a raven you captured..beautiful! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  26. LOVE the silhouette of the raven too!......kind of spooky looking, just like the old steel works building.
    Yes, I wish I could still wear those cute little strappy shoes too. Really liked both tags.
    Happy T-day

  27. You already saw and commented on my Swan Lake post (thank you ;-), so you won't be surprised to know that I love the new Tag Tuesday theme as well as both your dance-themed tags, Valerie.

    Seeing more of the innards of the old steel-works in Duisburg, I'm surprised people are allowed to walk through. Wonderful pictures as usual. I'm glad you made it safely through and didn't cut yourself on glass shards or fall off a catwalk - lol.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  28. Oh your tags are lovely, I especially love the one with the dancer in it. It does look like a fascinating place to visit, thanks for sharing your photos.

  29. I love your tag and I smiled to see your strappy shoes - definitely a 'those were the days' moment for me!! I will be dancing along with you to keep warm soon! Thank you for this wonderful entry at AJJ! It is quite sad to see the steel works - all the men that must have worked there, the noise, the heat, although there is certainly beauty in the colours and the plants growing now! I hope you are feeling better and ready for a walk and a cappuccino soon! Hugs, Chrisx

  30. I hope your feeling better! Both your art pieces are so much fun!! Love them!
    Save a pig's ear for me! LOL!
    Great pictures! I find this place to be so interesting!
    Big Hugs!

  31. Your hybrid tag is beautiful! I love the music notes background and the lovely sprig tucked behind the ballerina! The shoe piece is so much fun! That really is an eerie spot, seems like a good location to shoot a creepy ghost movie! hugs :)

  32. Hi Valerie, Love your music tags - both remind us of that happy feeling music brings. Great photos!

  33. Yes, keep dancing or moving to the music!
    I love it.

    I do hope you are feeling better now.

    All the best Jan

  34. I love your ballerina tag - it's so beautiful!!!

  35. Stunning Tags..and awesome photos..I love the mechanical type photos..they would make some fabulous backgrounds...x


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