Thursday 2 November 2017

Flowers and more

Hi Everybody!

For Paint Party Friday, hosted by Eva and Kristin, I am sharing an 18 x 24"
paint pouring canvas made a couple of months back. I was
intending to alter the red flower on the left, as I wasn't
happy with it, but haven't got round to doing it yet.
Perhaps I will alter it one of these days, who knows? I added some
micro-beads to the centres of the flowers:

The moon was surrounded by an icy halo yesterday evening:

 Pastel colours to start the day:

And a visit from Mr Heron:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the paint pouring flowers, so vibrant! As always, your photos are fabulous! Love the sunsets!

  2. Wonderful post Val! I think those flowers are wonderful! Great photos, too! P. is feeling better, now the kids are sick....heeeelp! Hugs, Sarah

  3. Beautiful poured canvas. Enjoyed your moon and sunrise photos and the blue heron.

  4. Your paint poured flowers are stunning. I like that the canvas background is black because it allows the flowers to pop. This is simply stunning.

    I also enjoyed the various moon shots and the heron that looked like he was freezing in that water!

    1. The heron always looks bad tempered, perhaps he has got cold feet....

  5. Inspiring paint pouring, they are gorgeous!!! And as usual I adore your photos, magnificent!!!

  6. The texture of your painting looks great! Beautiful flowers. :)

    I also love your moon shots. The moon and its halo look so pretty. The heron comes to life in your photos!

  7. Your paint pouring looks amazing Valerie and love the textured effect it gives yur beautiful flowers.
    Wonderful dawn pics too and the heron looks very handsome.
    Have a good day tomorrow, Fliss xx

  8. Hello Dear Valerie, and a Happy Paint Party Friday to you!
    I love your paint pouring - those flowers are gorgeous and the addition of the microbeads is such a great idea.
    Beautiful moon shots and lovely sunrise scenes - the sky changes so quickly doesn't it, and you've caught so many of them wonderfully.
    Lovely Heron too.
    Enjoy your weekend :D) xx

  9. The poured paint flowers look beautiful, the black canvas l shows the vibrant colours to perfection.
    Super photos and it was good to see the Heron again.
    Yvonne xx

  10. These flowers are just amazing. Thanks for the close ups too. Wonderful night photos and who doesn't like Herons?

  11. I love your paint poured flowers - such a lovely blend of colours on them all! Aren't Herons the most wonderful birds -how did you get hime to pose for you? I love the sky photos…and that moon!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. wie wundervoll dein Bild ist,diese Art die Farben verschmelzen lassen ist intressant die Technik. Herrrlich ich liebe es, Valerie!
    Der Mond ist klasse und der Fischreiher o so schön nah. Die Abendstimmung ist so romantisch getroffen von dir!
    So jetzt gehe ich ins Bett genug gewerkelt!
    Schlaf schön!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  13. Those flowers have so many wonderful colors in them. I love the way you added micro beads. Beautiful!

  14. I think Mr Heron should be renamed to Mr Poser, he is enjoying his photo taken. Beautiful shots of the sky, beauties of nature and the most glorious painting ever. I so love this and I wouldn't alter it in any way. The micro beads add even more beauty. hugs.xx

    1. Mr Heron is a poser, he can stand for ages on one leg, and always looks grumpy, like some runway models!

  15. Those flowers are outstanding. The colors really pop off the black background. Wow. Your heron photos are amazing too. Does he walk over towards your does your camera have a good zoom? Those morning pastel colors are so pretty. One thing about these short days is you get such colors and get to see the sunrise. hugs-Erika

    1. I was standing about 10 yards away, and I have a great zoom, so don't need to disturb him.

  16. Luv the flower close ups; yes it would be interesting to see the red reworked. Thanks for that gorgeous moon photo too
    Happy PPF

    much love...

  17. I had to go and Google pour painting, wow that's fun! Your flowers turned out so beautiful, I just love the bright colours! Wonderful sky shots, that moon looks so cool with the halo! Love the Heron, they are such amazing birds! hugs :)

  18. The poured painting flowers are fab Valerie!! Love the added beads in the centers. This technique seems to be trending lately. Gorgeous photos -the scenery is just beautiful, and I love Mr. Heron:) Happy PPF!

  19. Love your gorgeous flowers, they have a very van gogh vibe about them, beautiful! And that heron is the sweetest soul, I am in love. Fabulous moon pics!
    Happy PPF

  20. I don't know why you would want to alter the red flower. All the flowers are beautiful. I love the additional dimension of the bead centers.

    An old wives tale is that a halo around the moon means snow. Too early for that. Love your photos especially the close-ups of the blue heron.

  21. Each flower is beautiful. Always love close ups of each. Great shot of moon.

  22. Love what you have done with your pour. The flowers are lovely. Happy PPF

  23. Your pouring control is amazing, and I really like the bead addition. I say go for glitter! Isn't it amazing the colors the universe gives to us each day in the sky above and the wonderful creatures on our earth! Have a good week.

  24. Wow, your paint pouring canvas is amazing! I love the texture and patterns the paint has created on the flowers - beautiful 😁. Mr. Heron is so handsome and you have captured some fabulous photos of him! Wishing you a Happy November! J 😊

  25. Wow! Gorgeous flowers ~ I love the red ~ don't change it ~ both are wonderful and fantastic and creative photography ~ ^_^

    Light and love,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Wow - I think your paint-poured flowers look amazing. It's something I've never tried, though I got very addicted to the youtube videos of paint-pouring a while back. Your moon photos are beautiful - your skies are always magical - and the heron posed beautifully for you, didn't he?!
    Alison x

  27. Valerie, these paintings truly do take my breath away. They are stunning, so filled with life and energy. I love the red, too.

  28. Oh those flowers are so pretty! I've never tried pouring, you've done it so beautifully! I love your photos too, that bird is so lovely.

  29. Really gorgeous flowers, and your pictures are amazing! Happy PPF!

  30. Wow! Your paint poured flowers are stunning, such vibrant and gorgeous colours.
    Nice to see Mr Heron and your moon photo's.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  31. Hi Valerie, I like your flowers. The black background and green glass beads add a nice contrast and really pop! The sky, moon and pastel colors are marvelous!

  32. I love the painted flowers, especially the contrast of the red with the blue. I love your photos of the heron too!

  33. An amazing canvas, I love the flowers, I’ve never tried paint pouring, I think I’d get into a bit of a mess. The photos are beautiful, have a lovely weekend.
    xxx Hazel

  34. I like the way the flowers came out. The swirl of colors are very pretty.

  35. I love your flower canvas painting! Love the colours! Gorgeous moon photos! We had a beautiful full moon last night! Hi Mr. Heron! Big Hugs!

  36. Your flowers are wonderful. I haven't tried paint pouring yet, but I have watched lots of videos. It looks like fun. hugs, Teresa

  37. Oh that heron is so beautiful! And so is your flower painting!
    +5 greetings from up here :)

  38. Interesting technique! Gorgeous photos!

  39. Gorgeous pour Valerie!I just love those marbling blues!! Great idea to add the microbeads- I love the added dimension!


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