Thursday, 23 November 2017

Lots of snow....

Hi Everybody!

Happy Thanksgiving to all friends in the USA,
enjoy the time with family and friends.

Once again I am inviting you to look inside my head....

I am linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always by 
Eva and Kristin.
And this hybrid piece is meant for Chris' lovely challenge,
 '101 ways to keep warm' at
I used elements from Mischief Circus and me.

Yesterday I went on a trip with my buddy G.
We visited an all-year-round ski resort in
the neighbouring town of Neuss. It's inside a huge - 
and I mean huge - building made specially to enclose
the ski-slope and the little mountain resort. 
More than a million people visit yearly.
You can see more here.
This is the entrance hall:

We went into one of the cafes there for some cappuccino
and cake, and enjoyed sitting in the warm,
and looking through the window at the people
outside who were skiing and snowboarding etc:

This little guy was all togged up and ready to go:

It was all a bit surreal, to be suddenly plunged
into an alpine resort on a relatively mild
and sunny autumn day....

More photos to follow, including some fun views
of the bathrooms there....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Amazing art, digital and handmade and a super fun indoor wintersport resort - just amazing - looking forwrd to see more photos!

  2. I love the look of that resort, what a great idea, the kids would love to go there, I must start nerving P....Great journal pages, both beautiful in their own way. Love the funny faces in your head! And you have made me very curious about the bathrooms! You are a tease. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. wonderful photos and wow there is a lot going on in your head, all those faces, happy dreaming of nightmares? hugs.xx[aNNie]🎄

  4. Loved this head art too!
    Your Singing in the Rain lady is delightful - such a happy vibe.
    Wow what a huge complex... I think I'd really enjoy having coffee and cake and watching the skiers! Always a great experience to see your excursions. Thanks Valerie xx

  5. dein Kopf ist phänomenal ich find ihn immer grossartig was da alles so drin ist!
    das Journal fürs chris Thema ist wunderschön!!!
    Nah und Neusserskihalle wenns da richtig los geht an den Tagen da wird gefeiert was nur geht und Ski und Skatebord gefahren. Mein Sohn war begeistert.
    Klasse Fotos hast du mitgebracht von dort und mit dem kleinen süssen Jungen.
    Die einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  6. Wonderful art! The happy faces are fabulous and what could be better than singing in the rain 😉. The ski resort looks fabulous, what an amazing place and I love the Christmassy decorations 😁. Wishing you a lovely day! J 😊

  7. Fun journal pages. The faces made me smile. And the girl with the umbrella has given me an earworm to sing for the day. Thanks a lot. =^,.^= The indoor Alpine ski resort is Wow! Love the architecture and even though a little too early, the Christmas decorations. No skiing for me. I'll just sit in the cafe and have a cup of tea with strudel. Have a great day.

    1. That's exactly what I did, I like watching people in the snow, but that's where it ends!

  8. What an interesting resort! Nice look inside your head for PPF and a lovely warm page for AJJ.

  9. Nice new header and perfect for the upcoming holiday. :) Love today's head art. It is another unique one. Your muse must be busy. :) And I really like your little faces in it. That indoor ski area though is amazing. I have heard of these but never seen one. And I do love the very traditional German decor. I bet those die hard skiers just love this place in July and August. Let's them keep in shape for the winter. You've been to some really interesting places lately. Have a great day. Hugs-Erika

  10. Wonderful photos Valerie, and beautiful art as always!
    Alison x

  11. Two fabulous art pieces Valerie (and I love the new blog header)! And oh my goodness, what an amazing place there in Neuss, fantastic photos, though yes I can imagine it must have been a bit surreal, but it all looks so cosy, would love to visit there one day.... Looking forward to more photos!

  12. I love what's in your head today Valerie!! Of course you must sing in the rain - my singing is more to take my mind off the rain but your lady has such a cosy glow about her! You have beaten me to it - we haven't been to the ski place near us for ages - we used to pass it on our way home from work and call in for coffee sometimes! It doesn't look quite as Alpine as this though! The Neuss version looks very welcoming ! It's still fun to watch the skiers and snowboarders though! Hugs,Chrisx

  13. There are alot of interesting people in your head today Valerie, I hope they all get on well together and are a quiet happy bunch of folk and don't give you a headache.
    The girl with the umbrella looks very happy out in the rain, its another fabulous page.
    Neuss looks a wonderful place to visit, You can see by looking at your photos why people are attracted to go there. Watching the folk on the ski slope while having a coffee would be a plus for me as well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I just love your new header, it's great!

    This looks such a good place, you've shared some lovely photographs again.
    Look forward to seeing some more...

    All the best Jan

  15. We don't have any snow in the valley. But it sure is raining in North Idaho.
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Coffee is on

  16. I love that you always give us a glimpse of your world!

  17. Hi Valerie. I love your great card. It is really very clever image. I am glad you had a lovely time, my friend. I LOVE snow! Kisses!

  18. I like your beautiful new header and these photos are wonderful.
    Wishing a happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

  19. Amazing photos.

    Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Love that head and your quote is quite true. People nowadays never stop. They run around at one hundred miles an hour and often miss what's right in front of them.

  21. Wonderful piece, I so agree with the quote you used! Your hybrid piece is fantastic! Love that ski resort, wow! So festive and grand! I've never seen a place like this before, must have been a great experience!

  22. Great art this week, Valerie. I especially love the piece you did for "101 ways to warm. The colors are warm and wonderful. I had never heard of an indoor ski resort before. I will click on the link to read about this. Happy PPF.

  23. Love it... from top to bottom. Thanks to your line in the first artwork, I now have a great excuse for those days I simply want to relax and smell the proverbial roses. I'm not being lazy; I'm merely pausing to let some more worthwhile things catch up with me. :)

    The singing in the rain artwork is very cheerful and a terrific reminder of one of my all-time favorite singing-and-dancing movie scenes.

    The indoor ski resort is really cool. The only one I'd heard of before is in Dubai, which struck me as rather strange, considering the climate there. Not too far from me at a place called Stone Mountain (Yeah, I know. Not very original...) is an outdoor snow area. The day they started creating the artificial snow for it this year was eighty degrees. Having grown up in a place where we saw more than enough snow, we've never visited this fake winter wonderland, but with our mild winters, I imagine that snow must be really wet.

    Have a super weekend!

  24. I am not sure I could paint what is in my head!! hehe

  25. What a wonderful spread. think my favourite is the 'keeping smiling' collage. Happy PPF

    much love...

  26. Wonderful Post! I particularly like your portrait. Such a clever idea, very well done. Happy PPF

  27. Wonderful and creative art work and delightful and fun photos ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  28. a delightful post! Great sentiment on the first project. And I love the happy feel of the second page and singing in the rain. Happy PPF!

  29. Wonderful and magical post..I am smitten with "the singing in the rain", fabulous and beautiful art! Gorgeous!
    Have a magical wkd

  30. Our heads can definitely be busy places, it's a wonderful painting. I also love "Singing in the Rain." What an amazing place to visit as well.

  31. wow great art and pictures, they have a ski hill similar in Dubai, see I don't need to go all the way there, I can just come there, love the collage as well

  32. I rather like this journey inside your head! And the market! Your new header looks great. Happy weekend!

  33. Interesting look inside your head! That lady in the hybrid piece certainly looks like she's enjoying the rain ;-) Happy PPF!

  34. Hi Valerie. There is an award for you, my friend, on my blog! Kisses!

  35. Hope its not too noisy in your head and they take note of the quote. Love the singing in the rain page. The ski centre looks fantastic, especially if you can sit and watch and be warm, while drinking your coffee .
    Avril xx

  36. Wow- love both of your pieces. I like getting to peak inside your head. :) Great quote!

    The ski center looks like a great place to visit. Lots to see and do!

  37. Haha! I am loving the look inside your head. It totally made me laugh.

  38. WOW! Really? They have enclosed the whole ski area?? I would like to see an outside photo as well- that is just incredible!!!
    Hahaa Great pieces of art Valerie!! I love all of the people in your head! But have to ask, what is that silhouette boy doing? I could not figure it?
    Love the singing in the rain as well!
    Jackie xo

  39. Both art pieces are wonderful! I love them! The words you used on both pieces touched my soul! Thank you!
    I want to go to this inside ski place! WOW! It is really amazing! How cool!!!!
    Big Hugs!


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