Wednesday 28 December 2016

The sky disc of Nebra

Hi Everybody!

Our challenge, light and darkness, at 
Art Journal Journey is drawing to an end - thanks 
to all who entered in spite of holiday preparations
and general stress.

I have a hybrid piece today, showing the Nebra sky disc - 
an ancient disc made of bronze and gold, and the oldest depiction
of the cosmos, dating back to 1600 BC.
It was found in Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt, by treasure
hunters, and after being illegally sold several times
for astronomical prices  it was brought into state property after
a night time raid on dealers who were about to sell it again.
You can read more details here
The background was painted with black gesso, the stars are from 
Mischief circus and the image courtesy of Wikipedia. I am
also linking to Paint Party Friday:

This morning we had a wonderful sky with the pale yellow
sun rising through the clouds:

Ad now for some more of my glass, hope you  
 are not all bored to tears by now.
First some small pieces; the largest one at the back is about 3" high.
I made these,  too, at the glass blowing course, 
and as you can see I did not get them straight:

This is an antique jug that my husband bought for me many years ago -
I love the patina:

This little flask is made of glass which is made to look like
stone, and is called stone glass:

This vase is very tiny, less than 2 inches tall and made of very thin 
speckled glass, and was also a present from my husband:

One of my visitors asked if I still had my first bird -
yes, here it is:

These are elegant cut glass vases, but not really my faves:

This speckled and very thick glass vase is from the
1970s, they made a lot of cool stuff:

This was another wedding present, and again, not really a fave:

More wedding presents, and we got 24 of each sort.
Also not my faves! 

These tea glasses were a present from a Turkish student,
and I love the colour:

More small pieces:

And more vases from the 70s again, rather huge, and standing on
the top of the book shelf, which explains the strange angle:

This is a fun piece with nice colours:

There's still more to come, but not today!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh, I would love to see that sky-disc in real, it's wonderful, as is your journal page.
    Great photos, too, you really do have a fantastic collection. I love those little pieces
    that you made, too. Have a nice evening, hugs, Sarah

  2. Oh how beautiful your art piece is, I love it! Your glass collection is impressive too. I love that you've created some of them.

  3. I've never heard of the Nebra sky disc how interesting as is your beautiful piece! Enjoying your glass collection so interesting.

    I didn't see your regular comment on my blog this morning which made me realize I had messed up the posting time, thank you for being a regular visitor!

  4. I;m not sure I've heard of the Nebra Sky disc. There's a little tickle in my brain but nothing is really screaming at me that I know this. Your piece is great. And I love learning about it. And I LOVE seeing your glass. Even your not so straight pieces you made are gorgeous. I love how organic they feel. I'm with you-the free form is prettier than the cut glass. Can't wait to see more of it. Its like a museum trip from home. Happy day. Hugs-Erika

  5. I've never heard of the Nebra Sky Disc before, so I learned something new tonight. It's a beautiful entry, in addition to your detailed description.

    Oh all that glass. You have some wonderful pieces. I love the crackle vase from the 70s. I think it would make a fantastic digital background. I also like the pieces you made. They remind me of pieces you would find in a dig. Not perfect, but useful and functional.

    I was at a garage sale a few years ago, and picked up a couple of those 70's bottles. Don't ask why, I just thought they were cool. Thanks for sharing more of your collection. BTW, those blue tea glasses were AWESOME, as was your first bird.

  6. Wonderful post today with the very beautiful old map. I almost didn't get past 'astronomical prices' it made me laugh so much--you have such a great sense of humour. Just to say that at the moment we can see Venus really brightly in our little bit of the sky- Vic has an apt that tells us what is where that is how I know.

    Now to the wonderful glass. Such an amazing collection with stories attached as well. They must mean so much to you Valerie and thank you for sharing them. My favourites are the wonky ones you made as they are unique.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Thanks Chrissie. Venus is on my header, just above the left cherub's head. Last year we had some wonderful clear early morning skies with the moon and Venus.

  7. Eine tolle Idee hast Du da gehabt mit der Himmelsscheibe! Einfach wundervoll Deine Glaskunstsammlung! Und nicht zu vergessen himmlisch schöne Sonnenaufgangsfotos!
    Schönen Donnerstag!
    lg Susi

  8. Thanks for the suggestion to use picasa. I went to their site, and learned I have to download it. Since I don't have any security software on my computer, I'm hesitant to do so. Also, at Big Huge Labs, even though they apparently don't have the ability to size my photos, I don't have to store it on my computer. I'm trying to stay away from Google as much as possible, which is odd since I'm on Blogger.

  9. That sky disc looks fantastic, I also learned something new today here on your blog.
    Wonderful glassware again, the small pieces look lovely, but today I was drawn to the shapes and colours that last piece is a stunning colour.
    Yvonne xx

  10. I, too, have never heard of the Nebra sky disk. How very beautiful it is.

    Here's to a new year of art, photography and learning delightful new things!

  11. I learned something new today - Nebra Sky disk - who knew? Not me that's for sure. It's beautiful though as is your glass collection. Where on earth do you keep it all?

    1. Good question . the glass is on those shelves that aren't filled with books or crafty stuff!

  12. Hallo Valerie, da hast du ja selbst schon fast ein kleines Glasmuseum, diese Vielfalt ist beeindruckend. Die rechte Vase ganz oben auf dem Regal mit den kleinen Kügelchen drauf, habe ich auch vor vielen Jahren mal auf einem Flohmarkt erstanden. Ich mochte diese Farbe so gerne. Deine Journalseite mit der tollen Scheibe von Nebra gefällt mir gut, ist ja auch ein sehr dekoratives Objekt. Hoffe dir geht es soweit gut.
    Bin gespannt aufs nächste Thema.
    Ganz liebe Grüße

  13. Your art this week is so magical and beautiful. I love it!! Hey I can never get tired of looking at glass. Thank you. Wishing you a very wonderful 2017

  14. Thanks for an entirely wonderful share throughout the year, Luv your visits and comments
    In your share today, I luv that exquisite glass bird

    A bright and prosperous 2017 to you and yours Valerie

    much love...

  15. Oh your journal entry is so fabulous!!

  16. Super cool post! I love your sky! Fabulous color and composition! And WOW on that glass! I have never done that bit would love to! Keep up the awesome, creative work! Happy New Year!

  17. Super cool post! I love your sky! Fabulous color and composition! And WOW on that glass! I have never done that bit would love to! Keep up the awesome, creative work! Happy New Year!

  18. WOW! I am totally smitten with your magnificent glass collection Valerie.
    You have a museum of brilliant pieces there and some extra special beauties from your husband. Your hand blown pieces are wonderful and WOW too ♥♥♥
    Your collage is heavenly ;-) and you had me at "astronomical prices" *ggg*
    Tom Hanks quote speaks for me too. Off to check out your Nebra Sky link.

  19. I enjoyed your wonderful and varied post this week. The first photo of the sky is magical as is your Nebra disk. Happy New Year!
    ~~ Irene

  20. Where in the world do you keep all this wonderful glass. I absolutely adore the antique pitcher - that is absolutely gorgeous. I do love old glass. Really old glass.
    When I first saw you journal page I right away started singing - When the moon hits your eye like a big a pizza pie that's amore.
    Thinking of you and hope all is well - have a good rest my friend.
    sandy xx

  21. Interesting post. First time I've heard about the moon disc. Love those glass works!

  22. Thanks for the history and image of the ancient cosmos piece. I'm glad it finally got to where it belongs and out of the hands of thieves. I love all the glass you have. You have some really special pieces. I have several cobalt items plus lots of depression glass (are you familiar with that term?).
    Happy New Year, Valerie.

  23. Just nipping in here Valerie to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year and all the best for a creative 2017. Thank you for sharing your artwork throughout the year, helping inspire and leaving lovely positive comments on my blog :D
    p.s. I haven't had time this last week to create any artwork, so I thought I'd just visit everyone instead.

  24. Absolutely brilliant work. Happy New year and Blessings, Janet

  25. A very impressive glass collection indeed Valerie! You must have a separate house for it all! teeheeehe
    The Nebra piece you made is quite beautiful and when I was scrolling by it, the background stars seemed to twinkle making it all that more magical!
    thank you for sharing!

  26. Happy new year and many thanks for sharing your wonderful art and photos this past year and hope that you will continue to do so in 2017 and beyond. Love the London banner!

  27. Your art piece is stunning Valerie!!!
    Love your photos!!! And, I love your glass pieces! I love the ones you made and I really love your collection!!! Stunning! I love glass!!! So happy you have kept this pieces!! They are truly wonderful! Big Hugs!


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