Monday 12 December 2016

Morning sunshine in a cup

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday so I
would like to extend a warm welcome to all the 
😉nice 😏ladies in the T gang.

At TIOT our theme is 'celebrations', and you still
have a week to join in!

My hybrid journal page for Art Journal Journey
light and darkness, also fits the drinks theme
at Elizabeth's. I used a page overlay from Mischief circus. And as you surely know, my morning cup of sunshine is always coffee or cappuccino:

I love watching the daylight grow and the changing colours
of dawn and sunrise:

The crows always wait patiently for their breakfast:

I did a lot of baking this week. I've been practising for Christmas.
I don't celebrate Christmas or anything else for that matter,
I see no point in celebrating on my own,
but I do like baking!
This batch of oat cakes was made with mixed spice, ginger and raisins, which I 'disinfected' with some cognac:

The second batch had the same spices, but almond flakes instead of raisins.
And the squares are shortbread, yummy!
Help yourselves to what you fancy!

While I was walking along the Rhine 'Oxford' chugged by.
I looked long and hard, but neither Lewis nor Hathaway were on board:

This raven really cracked me up - it was fishing!
I have never seen a raven doing that before, it seems to be learning from the gulls and ducks:

If you would like to see the Christmas Market photos from yesterday just follow the link.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the idea of a morning cup full of sunshine, just great. Lovely pics, as always. Off to bed here, had a long day, hugs, Sarah

    1. And I would gladly help you eat those wonderful biscuits! xxx Sarah

  2. oh my-what a stunning piece of art Valerie!! Love your bird silhouette and of course the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Good for you to be baking so much.Haven't begun holiday baking here ...yet:) It all looks SO yummy-and I like your choice of disinfectant! Hoping to get back into the swing of things soon. Happy T day!

  3. A cup of morning sunshine - what a lovely thought and you have created just that on your page! I love the light burst - beautiful! Your cookies look great, I'll have a disinfected one please ... lol :-). The crow fishing made me smile too - how funny! Happy T Day! J :-)

  4. Your oatcakes and shortbread look so good! I have been baking for much of the day and the house smells so good! Very clever pairing of T and your art journal page!

  5. A fabulous morning sunshine page, the face is wonderful and I'm sure the coffee smells good.
    Its late for me tonight, but your cookies look so inviting that if I wait until the morning they will be all gone, I don't mind taking one that needed disinfecting either.
    That crow was a comic, I hope he caught something he could eat.
    Happy T day
    Yvonne xx

  6. What a great way to combine T day and the Light and Darkness theme. Love the sun in the cup. Very clever. And so many people have been busy baking these plates of yummy looking treats. My cookie supply has dwindled to nothing so maybe its time for me to bake a little bit. :) happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  7. Lovely page today. You are such a good baker, yum! Enjoyed your photos today, interesting about the raven.

  8. All those yummy goodies on show here, and your fantastic shining sun from the teacup...xx{aNNie}

  9. I'd gladly take a cup of sunshine, especially if it's laden with caffeine. I think the AJJ entry is especially lovely.

    I was thrilled that you baked all those goodies. I'm just not in the mood for some reason. I can't get in the swing of things, although last month I was so eager to start the holiday. Now I could care less, and I haven't even set out 1/2 the stuff I normally do. I haven't even hung my stockings for the boys. What can I say? I would gladly come and bake along with you, though. It would be fun if we could share the goodies together.

    Thanks for your lovely combined AJJ and TSFT entry this Tuesday. It's a lovely piece of art. Of course, the cappuccino is pretty special looking, too.

  10. Your sunrise photos are great, and I love the idea of sunshine in the cup :) Your baking looks so tasty, I can almost smell it! Happy T Tuesday

  11. Brilliant Deine Kaffee bringt Licht in den Tag Kreation! Super!
    Deine Kekse sehen absolut verführerisch aus, Du solltest nochmal und die dreifache Menge machen - unbedingt!
    Was für herrliche Aufnahmen von Sonnenauf-bzw. Untergang!
    Vielleicht waren die beiden Kriminalisten ja in der Kajüte?!
    Oh menno das wär was gewesen wenn Laurence Fox auf dem Schiff gewesen wäre! Der ist toll!
    Krähen sind soo intelligent- Wahnsinn!
    Ich nehme jetzt also den Cappu mit Herz und Keksen...danke!
    Happy T-Day!

  12. Terrific page Valerie paying homage to your favourite drink. Yummy bakes as always you really should write a cook book.

    Terrific sunrise and the wonderful birds we just seem to have nagpies and crows at the moment and they are so noisy.

    Happy T Day

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Hah - that is great, Val! I am reading this as my cup of coffee is dispelling the darkness of night, but it is not glowing quite as nicely as yours :)
    Aren't sunrise and sunset colors the best?! Love the looks of your cookies, too.

  14. Love the art!!!! My morning would have no sunshine if it weren't for the coffee :) Great shot of the raven.... adaptation is the way of survival :) You certainly have been doing some baking and it looks so good. I'm hoping to get to that this weekend.

  15. Oh yes, I do wish we lived closer so we could do a cookie swap. I never thought about disinfecting them.....LOL! Might have to try that next time.
    You AJJ page seriously depicts my mornings, although my sunrises aren't as grand as yours. There is just too much in my way to get a look at the full sunrise, but I still go out and enjoy what I can see....with my coffee.
    Happy T-day

    1. I think we NEED to disinfect fruit etc, we want to keep our families healthy!

  16. I certainly enjoyed my visit today. Your morning sunshine page as well as the sunrise photos are beautiful. And the cookies look really yummy. I love oat cookies. A fishing raven? It must be very intelligent to copy the gulls. Hmmm, I would have loved to see Lewis or Hathaway too. I used to love the chemistry between those two.

  17. When you're hungry you are hungry and that fish looks mighty tasty and so does your plate of treats! I will take the whole plate thank you. What good is cookie dough unless you disinfect it I say! Boy your cappuccino sure looks good. I have never had one. Just as your morning coffee lights up your world - so does your journal page.
    Sandy xx

  18. What a fun post! Love your art!!! You are brilliant! Great photos! Love the sky photos and the crow one! The raven made me laugh! The crows and the ravens are such smart birds! I'm coming over for some treats!! Yummy! Big Hugs!

  19. 'disinfected' with some cognac, LOL!

  20. Your journal page is wonderful. I don't drink coffee, but tea starts my day the same way. I love shortbread and would be happy to try oatcakes with raisins disinfected with cognac. I suppose for the crow, "when in Rome". Happy T Day

  21. Another fabulous journal pages, I don't function properly until I have my morning coffee, so I understand why it's your morning sunshine.
    Baking looks delicious, like the sound of the disinfected cookies.
    Avril xx

  22. Oh oh wenn ich diese Kekse sehe, möchte ich sofort vorbei kommen,ich bin nämlich ein Krümelmonster. Ja und der Capuccino dazu wär auch nicht schlecht. Deine Seite mit der Leuchttasse sieht wieder richtig klasse aus, genau wie die schönen Fotos. Ich mag Lewis und Hathaway auch sehr gerne, Oxford ist eine fantastische alte Stadt, sicher sehr sehenswert.
    Liebe Grüße

  23. What a fabulous phrase and page! Your sunrise photos are gorgeous and the others are fascinating as well. Oat cakes disinfected with cognac - brilliant - and I bet very tasty. I'd like a shortbread one please ;-) Happy T Day, Valerie!

  24. Love your pictures..Those goodies look soooooooo yummy, put a pot of tea on and
    I'll be right over.....tee hee


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