Thursday 15 December 2016

Friday art

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness, and for
Paint Party Friday I have another hybrid/ mixed media  piece. The background has been painted and collaged, and the figures painted with a home made template. I used a fancy mask to add it digitally to a water coloured background.

I am sharing some more pictures taken at the K20 museum
for art of the 20th century.
I love the spacious, white rooms. That climbing frame is 
supposed to be art, too....

Ellsworth Kelly:

 Jasper Johns:

 Kenneth Noland:

 An assemblage from Robert Rauschenberg called
'Inside out'

 Sam Francis:

Some general views of the room taken from the stairs:

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A really stunning page Valerie, great pics of the artwork too.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Fliss xx

  2. Love your people in the light piece, great colours. I'm enjoying seeing the museum photos, my fave today is the collage by Rauschenberg. I would love to go to a museum again.... Hugs, Sarah

  3. Your art is so wonderful!! So meaningful!! I truly love it!! Never stop creating!!
    The art pieces from the museum are so cool!
    Big Hugs!!!

  4. Your page is fantastic Valerie and has such feeling.

    The artwork today is a bit difficult to understand as a lot of looks so simple. The door one is fascinating

    Thank you for sharing them

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Amazing page with fabulous effects, Valerie! I really like the fantastic art from the galery, thanks for sharing. Hugs, Mar

  6. A fabulous page Valerie, and I love the quote. Wonderful pictures and it looks a lovely building.
    Avril xx

  7. Very creative page for AJJ. The 20th century art is intriguing to say the least.

  8. I like the border with the dandelions, and very cool image you created. I really liked the assorted textures and distressed pieces in the wheely art. Its an amazing collection and assembled really well. Stay warm,it is brutally cold here. Happy Friday. Hugs-Erika

  9. ooh, love the silhouette in your piece and the rich background. the museum pieces are quite inspiring. xo

  10. Your AJJ entry is beautiful today. I'm a big fan of silhouettes, so this piece spoke to me, as did the sentiment.

    I'm in LOVE with that Rauschenberg assemblage. It is stunning. I would love to make something that intense. I am also a BIG fan of Jasper Johns, and was so glad to see this piece. Thanks for sharing these latest pieces with us.

    1. I was thinking of you when I saw those pieces, I knew you would like them!

  11. Love that dandelion background. It looks a little like fireworks behind the couple.

  12. Beautiful meaningful piece today, I love the wording you have chosen! The art work is fabulous, I love the modern and contempory art - the "Inside Out" is so clever and everytime you look at it there is something else to see :-). Going back for another look :-). Happy Friday and weekend! J :-)

  13. I love the drama of the light surrounding your silhouettes! Also love the gallery assemblage by Rauschenberg.

  14. Wow eine tolle Seite liebe Valerie! Schön gemacht!
    Die Exponate heute sind ja interessant , "supposed to be art" passt auf alle - hihi!
    Happy PPF! Happy Friday!

  15. Fabulous silhouettes Valerie and love your unusual photos.x{aNNie}

  16. Beautiful piece today Valerie. Love the high contrast with the silhouettes! hugs and happy weekend!

  17. beautiful, beautiful page Valerie!! Fascinating variety of art and styles in the museum. Happy PPF!

  18. I love these light/dark pieces you are doing! There's so much drama in the contrast - sort of like real life... ;-) Happy PPF and Happy Weekend!! xoxo Silke

  19. Beautiful AJJ page Valerie,you light and darkness pages have just been fa-nominal.

  20. love your journal page and the art gallery with jasper johns one of my favourites happy ppf

  21. A great page Valerie, love how you framed the silhouette figures and surrounded the piece with that lovely quote.
    Thanks for sharing more super photos of your gallery visit.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Wunderschön gestaltet deine Seite, diese Pusteblumen-Optik ist so schön.
    Die moderne Kunst ist mir zu simpel, da gefallen mir deine Werke besser.;)
    Liebe Grüße

  23. I really love your artwork today Valerie and wonderful words.
    Beautifully created and I love the glow the page has.
    More fab photo from the museum but I just don't understand works like the ones by Ellsworth Kelly.(always leaves me baffled)
    Hope you have a great weekend and its not too cold where you are.
    Gill xx

    1. I think a lot of us don't understand such works!

  24. How wonderful your piece is and I love the Robert Rauschenberg piece as well.

  25. Wow! What an amazing exhibition. I want to visit. Love the Jasper Johns.
    Your art work is very strong. Love the blue and yellow.

  26. I really like your lit-up silhouettes and festive looking frills around them.
    Like most today I like the "Inside-Out" piece the best. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  27. Great mixed media piece! I love the color behind the figures. Fun to get to "visit" the museum through your post! Happy PPF!

  28. I am loving your art and words...the writing peeking out so perfectly with the yellow and blue is stunning. So enjoyable are your wonderful photos!

    Hugs Giggles

  29. Your work has such depth and thought behind it...and lit beautifully!
    The museum adds much to those of us who don't get to see anything like it! Thanks!!

  30. Love your hybrid/ mixed media piece and the museum tour is an added bonus.

  31. Luv your "faith" share and the blue/green shapes from the museum serving is my favourite

    Happy Holidays

    much love...

  32. The light and darkness piece is very expressive of the idea. The photos of the exhibition are fantastic. Happy PPF.

  33. LOVE your piece!! It is full of intrigue - so James Bond-ish! :)

  34. Your piece is radiant and beautiful.
    I love that museum piece with door and wheel too.
    Happy Holiday.

  35. I'm not sure my comment took so I'll say again that I loved it and also found the museum extremely striking. The art really shows!

  36. A wonderful page, a beautiful quote, and I love those silhouettes. Especially the woman reminds me a bit of the Avengers. Great images of that exhibition too. Maybe a bit too modern for me, but it looks definitely worth visiting.


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