Saturday, 10 December 2016

More light than darkness

Hi Everybody!

For art journal journey, light and darkness, I have another hybrid/mixed media piece. The background was stenciled using diluted black paint over kraft paper.
The centre is a cut out photo of mine taken last year, and showing the church with the wonky spire and the tower in the Altstadt here. I changed the dreary background of the photo and used a photo made of the underside of a rusty tin. I added some grungy corners digitally (Serif). And if you want to know if the whole thing is meant not to be straight - well, I'm not telling....

The sunrise lured me out onto the cold balcony again this morning:

And here are a few more paintings from the Kunstpalast, all from
 the early 20th century:

 Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, 1919

  Emil Nolde, 1908

 Wassily Kandinsky, 1909

 August Macke, 1912
(A copy of this painting always hung in my classroom when I was teaching)

Franz Marc, 1913

Paul Klee, 1919

 Lionel Feininger, 1916

I will show more next time!
Have a good day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh how beautiful your art is! The colors and the forms speak to me, I love the choices you made. Gorgeous photographs too!

  2. Another wonderful post - your own art with the Altstadt is wonderful, as are the sunrise photos and the pics of the treasures from the museum. I love it all. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Such a beautiful quality of golden light emanating from your page :-). The grunge vintage feel is lovely, it looks like an oil painting. Loving the paintings too, especially the abstract foxes - gorgeous! Have a lovely weekend! J :-)

  4. eine tolle seite und schöne gemälde,und tolle himmelsbilder wieder.
    ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  5. Gorgeous piece for AJJ! Beautiful sunrise and the paintings are lovely too.

  6. I agree, you've created a gorgeous journal page, I have no idea how you put the hybrids together. The sunrise is very beautiful and so are the paintings, I have a couple of favorites (the August Macke & Franz Marc) well also the Emil Nolde.... they are all fantastic :) Take care, Shirleyxx

  7. Beautiful journal page today and as always you are so inspiring. Loving the gorgeous photos as always. xx{aNNie}

  8. Your AJJ entry today is remarkable, partly because you chose to grunge up the background. It gave the image something quite unique and special. It really spoke to me, and this may be my favorite AJJ piece so far.

    Your photos of the various art works at the K20 Museum are fantastic. I especially liked the Franz Marc, the Kandinsky, and the Lionel Feininger (who I had never heard of before). Surprisingly, I was not impressed with the Klee, although I normally like his art. Thanks for sharing these and exposing me to some really gorgeous new art.

  9. Terrific page--underside of a rusty tin--your ideas get better and better.

    Wonderful sunrise and I am sure it would lure me out of bed earlier to see that sort of scene. Still darkish here with a hint of grey creeping in.

    What amazing paintings yet again.I have seen quite a few of them on postcards or in books but to stand in front of them in real life must be a wonderful experience

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Wonderful page and great photos! Happy Sunday!

  11. Wunderschöne digitale Kunst - toll wie du die verschiedenen Fotos vereint hast!
    Diese Sonnenaufgänge sind wirklich phänomenal!
    Sehr interessante Museumsbesuche, danke dass du uns mitnimmst :)
    Ich habe mir auch deine vorherigen Posts angesehen, sie gefallen mir alle sehr!
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  12. Love the grungy-vintage look to today's fabulous page, lovely to see one of your own photos for the central scene.
    Lovely photos, its dull and grey here, normal I think for us in December.

  13. WOW! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE your hybrid project made for the light-darkness challenge. The light is just amazing on your beautiful work of art. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. Thanks also for creating this wonderful challenge. I hope to get a chance to participate this month! Hugs to you, my friend!

  14. LOVE your artwork Valerie - the glowing light on the scene is really beautiful. So many great ideas!
    Lots of lovely photos today.
    You see such beautiful skies from your balcony - I can understand being lured outside to see them.
    Hope you're having a good day.. Gill xx

  15. Eine fantastische Seite und richtig tolle Fotos des Himmels und herrliche Kunstwerke sind das auch - einfach toill dass Du das Museum so schön nutzen kannst jetzt!
    Liebe Grüße

  16. Gorgeous image Valerie - love the sky pictures and look at that plane taking off in such a beautiful sky!
    I really enjoyed seeing all the art work today - my favorite one is the August Macke one. But I also love that red fox too!
    Sandy xx

  17. Your Hybrid piece is beautiful ♥ Love seeing the art from the museum too. Yesterday we went to a mall shopping and there was a art studio with 2 of our local artist working there. One I absolutely love and it was a joy to watch her paint and chat with her a few minutes. It was better than a trip to the art museum ♥

    1. Yes, there's nothing better than a personal meeting and chat!

  18. What a fabulous background for you churches to sit one. Love the whole look of this page.
    Your 4th photo of the sun rise would also make a gorgeous background.....just saying...LOL!
    Glad you like my sun rise page, thank you for the lovely comment.

    1. I will add it to my backgrounds folder, thanks for the hint!

  19. Your photo-painting is just spectacular and the background of rusty tin - megawow!
    The skyscapes are just wonderful, you are a very fine sky photographer.

    1. Thanks! The sky is so fascinating, I would just like some heating on my balcony in the cold winter months!

  20. First of all, how cool to see the actual painting that you had the copy of. You must have been excited to see it. Loving this style art. I like on your beautiful art how you have the photo on metal. :) Great new header too. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

  21. Those skies are magnificent and I really loved the pieces you showed from your museum visit. Lots of color! And the light in your piece today -- spot on! very beautiful!

  22. Fabelhaftes Bild, liebe Valerie! Mir gefällt, wie du diese sehr verschiedenen Techniken anwendest und ein so tolles Werk schaffst. Ganz wunderbar sind auch deine Himmelsimpressionen. Schön, dass du uns einen Einblick deienes Museum-Besuches zeigst! Ein wunderbarer und inspirierender Post!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  23. Wunderschönes Foto genial bearbeitet, mir gefällt das Blau zu den Rosttönen sehr gut. Deine Morgenhimmel-Fotos sind wieder total klasse, aber auch die Museumsbilder sind sehr gelungen,toller Querschnitt durch die Kunstszene der 20 er Jahre.

  24. I love your art!!!!!
    Gorgeous nature photos!!
    The paintings are amazing!
    Big Hugs!

  25. Your photos are gorgeous- what a beautiful sky.
    I so the pieces by Franz Marc and August Macke!


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