Wednesday 7 December 2016

Looking at the moon

Hi Everybody!

I'm not quite sure what day we have today, because
yesterday (or was it today?) I thought it was Wednesday,
and then Susi wished me a happy Friday....
So if yesterday was Friday, today must be Saturday, 
or perhaps we have just slipped down a big rabbit hole with Alice and
are at some other place and time.
Just in case, I wish you all a happy Christmas
and a good New Year....
If you think I have gone completely nuts, you're wrong. 
I've been this way for a long time, but
mostly I keep it under wraps.

Anyway, whatever day it is, I have a hybrid piece for
Art Journal Journey, light and darkness, and I will also link it
to Paint Party Friday if and whenever we get a Friday this week.
I combined a background from Serif, with one of my own moon photos, and a face drawn some time back. I know some people think there's a man in the moon,
but the Egyptians had a moon goddess, who also took the form 
of a cat - Bastet.  Her job was to watch the moon at night to make
sure the rats and mice didn't steal it. She was also a goddess for women and dance, a lovely combination. The stars are from Mischief circus, Bastet and the pyramid are from my stash.

The day started off again with a beautiful dawn sky:

Yesterday I walked through Königs Allee to get to the K21 museum, which shows art from the 21st century.
The canal through the middle is frozen over:

This is one of the big shopping arcades, but not one of the
places I like to go into:

Some people were busy cleaning the windows:

This chap made a great sand sculpture:

The light arcs across the bridge are new Christmas decorations -
but this part of the canal is surprisingly not frozen:

The architecture in the K21 museum always takes my breath away:

There will soon be a new exhibition in the steel net under the roof - 
courageous people can even walk around there:

I will show more photos of the other art I saw next time.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. You poor thing with your muddled days..time passes by so quickly and if you don't go to work the name of the days don't seem to matter. It will be Thursday tomorrow,with a bit of luck and a following wind.

    Love the peaceful page and all of the photographs with the frozen water and the amazing blue sky. So many places you visit and all really wonderful

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Oh my, this made me laugh so much I nearly spat my tea on the keyboard! Love your art too, and the photos are wonderful, as always. I always used to look forward to your photos in the GZ, wonder who does them now? Thanks for the fun today, hugs, Sarah

  3. nice bright moon piece and lovely architectural photos of the museum!

  4. I think I need to go visit your part of the world I just love the pics I see Valerie...Fabulous page and love the quote.xx{aNNie}

  5. Ha, ha, I can usually keep track of what day it is but not the date! Your photos are stunning and your moon has a beautiful face. It certainly looks chilly with you, we are have had it very mild the last couple of days but I think it's about to change again! Enjoy your day. Xx

  6. Love the Egyptian theme on your journal piece today. Its so exotic! exotic is good at this dark and cold time of year.The canal is beautiful frozen over and lit up with those pretty white lights. Have a great day. Hugs-Erika

  7. Smiling at your post today and just worked out what day it is myself by looking at our weather machine.... and it might be quite fun to have slipped down the rabbit hole with Alice :)
    Your journal page is fabulous and I learnt something new from that - thank you.
    That certainly is an awesome museum. I'm really enjoying see all the photos from your various trips.
    Have a great day - Thursday :) Gill xx

    1. I so wish I could find the entry to that rabbit hole, I'd be down it in a flash!

  8. You are right, the time is flying by! I can't believe this year is nearly over. Anyway, whatever day it is, your photos are gorgeous as always and your Egyptian piece looks great. Love the moon with the beautiful face.

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet message.

    Enjoy the Advent season!

  9. Arme Valerie und ich bin schuld!!!
    Dem Glücklichen schlägt keine Stunde!
    Tolle Seite ist das und die Impressionen sind wundervoll!
    Schönen ...lass mich kurz nachdenken: DONNERSTAG!


  10. Now you sound like me. I am usually confused on Wednesday because my Tuesday T post goes live on Monday in my world. Whether you have gone down the rabbit hole or chased the moon, your art for AJJ is fabulous.

    As a scientist, I was intrigued by the river, part of which was frozen, part not. Of course, the bridge and lights were the star of the photos.

    The K21 Museum is quite lovely and very modern and stark looking. I hope you aren't silly enough to climb onto the roof exhibit when it goes up. I would have to turn away from looking, because I'm so afraid of heights and am subject to vertigo.

    Have a super rest of Thursday. Like Susi, I am also looking forward to Friday and the weekend.

    1. I would love to climb around under the roof, but don't think I will be able to!

  11. LOL! Well, it is Thursday morning here....oh, let me double check my calendar........yep! It's Thursday! I hate to have days move around on me!

    Love the AJJ page....your rock!!

  12. I really, really, really like this page and the quote ♥♥♥♥ Your photos are beautiful and the lights on the arch is magical. That's is one of the things I do miss about living in town ... I love the Christmas lights everywhere ♥ Don't worry about knowing what day it is ... happens to me all of the time too.

  13. I love your great Egyptian page, Valerie! Fabulous photos! I really like the Christmas decorations of the bridge. Mar xx

  14. OMGosh, so many wondrous pictures. They make my eyes light up.
    I love Bastet. And I appreciate all the information you put out there on her. Wouldn't she make a great fantasy novel.....hmmm.....
    Schooch over, I'm headed down the rabbit hole.

  15. The quote on your piece -- those are very good words to remember. I loved all the photos here. Lots of wonderful angles. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas EVERYWHERE!

  16. We can't make it happen which is how I see your quote, it's all so organic. You must be colder there about now to see that canal frozen. Petty views. Xox

  17. The minute I saw your page I started singing - "I'll be looking at the moon but I'll be seeing you" !!
    Sandy xx

  18. Na da hat dich Susi ganz schön verwirrt hihihi. Aber deinen Fotos hat es nicht geschadet, die sind wieder sooo genial. Gefallen mir sehr. Deine Journalseite mit der Mondfrau ist auch sehr schön. Ich lebe auch meist zeitlos glücklich und weiß oft nicht welcher Tag gerade ist, außer wenn Termine anstehen. ;)
    Liebe Grüße

  19. I love your journal page with the pyramid and the background information you added today. The photos are wonderful, I have said this before, you have so many amazing buildings to see and galleries to visit. It must be the bonus of living beside a large town. The sand sculpture really appealed to me as well.
    What day of the week it is, has not been on my list of priorities since retiring. Every day is a bonus and a joy, how did I ever have tine to work.
    Yvonne xx

  20. So many interesting things to see. I really like the dog sculpture.

    Creative page. I like the face in the moon.

  21. Such a gorgeous journal page! I would love to visit your museum. The architecture is gorgeous and I can imagine the contents are as well. Happy PPF

  22. I love the pyramid with the moon goddess and cat! The cat and the moon are two of my favorite symbols. The photo of the Christmas arch over the river is lovely!

  23. Oh Valerie, I can relate so much with your words as I rarely know what day it is now, especially as my hubby is here every day and they all run into one!
    I have to check the calendar far more than I should.
    Your photo's are great. Beautiful blue sky's, architecture, and that sand sculpture is fantastic. Have a wonderful weekend :D

  24. Love the message with the pyramid cat!

  25. These are stunning: your art, the light of love, the museum pieces, the photos; thank you for sharing

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  26. Girlfriend you are not alone on the day thing....there are many more of us out here!! Wonderful artwork and breathtaking photos! Love the decorations just gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. Bastet always looks so very elegant, perfect quote, speaks to me a lot.
    How weird that part of the canal is frozen while another one isn't. Must be some warmer brown water? Architecture is amazing or it can be, no matter if old or modern. Being here in the US, I do miss the old stuff though.
    Wünsche einen schönen 3. Advent!

  28. I never know what day it is! I am always so behind in everything! LOL!
    I love your art piece so much!!! Wow, it really touched my heart! Thank you for creating such wonderful, meaningful pieces!!!
    Your photos are amazing! Love them!
    Big Hugs

  29. Your moon is very beautiful. And, such a meaningful message, too. Thanks for sharing them with us.


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