Friday 9 December 2016

A candle in the dark

Hi Everybody!
It's weekend, enjoy!

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness,
I made another hybrid piece combining a mixed media background with a candle photo and a quote of Mahatma Gandhi. I love being able to combine
art and photos:

We had a wonderful sunrise again, and then the sun
disappeared behind the clouds:

 On my last visit to the Kunstpalast museum I spent time viewing 
the works of modern artists, including  Gotz, 
Wassily Kandinsky, Oskar Schlemmer, Yaakov Agam,
 Günther Haese and others.

I am enjoying my repeated visits to the museum, 
visiting one room at a time.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. How amazing your art is! I love the combination of elements too. Your sky photos are gorgeous and I am enjoying seeing the museum through your lens.

  2. Wonderful art, love the colours,and the quote. Your photos are superb as always, I am so glad you're enjoying the museum's. Look after yourself! Hugs Sarah

  3. Thanks for the intro to modern art. Lovely piece for AJJ and beautiful sunrise!

  4. I love your art!!! I love the quote!!! Beautiful and so meaningful!
    Gorgeous photos!!!
    The modern art is cool!
    Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  5. I LOVE how you used hat beautiful background with your photo. They really work together! And the background really makes the candle photo pop. And you did see some great modern pieces. I always find modern art interesting but not sure I get it all. Me being to literal and logical I guess. Glad you shared your photos though. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. I know what you mean - they are all fun, and interesting, but I'm not always sure what they are!

  6. Stunning artwork...I love this piece so much! I really enjoyed clicking on each photo to get the yummy details of your museum trek! Beautiful pieces too!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Your candle in the dark is amazing. I like the background, the Gandhi quote and the candle. It's gorgeous.

    Of course, I was really in love with the paintings. I want to be able to make art like that! Those were out of this world. I recognized the Kandinsky because his work is SO notable, colorful, and often includes geometric shapes.

    I also recognized a couple of Schlemmer's works (mainly in the background). I was mesmerized and took a long time viewing each piece. Thank you for showing these wonderful pieces today.

  8. The page is wonderful with a standout flame image and great quote. I like the blue drips a lot.

    Beautiful sky and such a shame that the sun didn't stay for you to see and feel it--same here as well.

    More terrific artwork you have seen and all with a tale to tell I'm sure. I recall seeing something similar to the one with the white dots in an exhibition in Liverpool. I said out loud that it didn't make sense to me and a helpful curator came and told me all about it. I have been careful what I say in galleries since then.

    Thank you so much for sharing the things you see Valerie

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. EIne ganz fantastische Arbeit wieder und die Kunstobjekte sind immer so toll! Großartig! Schönen Samstag Valerie!

  10. WOWZER love that flame and it would be one I would have animated how love love those pics again, they are just amazing.xx{aNNie}

  11. Love your candle piece Valerie, and your sky photos are brilliant, wow!! I guess I'm a bit more traditional when it comes to art. Although I can appreciate the creativity, I still enjoy a good old fashioned painting of a waterfalls or mountains. lol

  12. Your page is just stunning! I really like the colors and texture in the background. And the abstract art is just wonderful. Thanks for taking the photos and posting. Very inspiring for me.

  13. Your page really resonates with me today. Yes, it's the time for the one candle (and then more and more till the world is bright).

  14. My daughter and son in law would love to go through that museum.
    The sunrise is amazingly beautiful.
    And your contrast between light and dark is perfect!

  15. The candle really stands out on your lovely journal page, fabulous backkgrounds for it and quote. Loved the photos the colours in the sky looked amazing.
    Super photos of the modern art pieces, not sure it is my thing, a bit too modern, but you cannot help but admire the creativity of the artists.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I love the art today and it's message may I share it with my facebook family? The art from the museum is wonderful too. We have a great museum in St.Louis which is about 50 miles from me and I'm trying to get my hubby to go there soon. ♥

    1. Of course you can share it! Get your hubby moving!

  17. Your journal page is gorgeous Valerie -
    Sandy xx

  18. WOW! Such a gorgeous AJJ page! and a new header too!??
    If our sun rise looked like yours, I'd never get anything done, because I would be out doors looking at it.
    Modern art is fascinating, and no I don't get most of it either.....but I like to look at it. I would say there are many people in the world that would say the same thing about our mixed media art......after all it is modern art too.

  19. Tolle, beeindruckende Kunstobjekte !
    Aber deine Arbeiten mit der Kerze gefallen mir ganz besonders gut.
    Ich liebe diesen Stil !
    liebe Grüße

  20. Ooh, that sunrise photo is lovely. Great photographs of the artwork in the museum, also. Happy PPF. :)

  21. These photographs of the museum art have given me so many ideas. I was especially taken with the dots that are coming off the canvas (as seen in the sideways view), but much of this modern art is so inspiring. I always enjoy your museum visits but this one seems extra special somehow.
    Your own art with the combination of your candle photo and your art is also very special.

  22. Gorgeous sumptuous artwork Valerie, I could almost feel the warmth of that beautiful candle. I always find candles mesmerising and relaxing.
    I don't know much about modern artists but the photos you have shared are quite fabulous and intriguing.
    Gill xx

  23. Your hybrid is stunning Valerie!
    Another fabulous museum visit!! Thank you! xx


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