Thursday 8 December 2016

Friday Mix

Hi Everybody!

For Art Journal Journey, light and darkness, and for Paint Party Friday, I have a mixed media piece. The background was painted with black and blue acrylics and stamped to give more texture. I added some perfect pearls in iridescent colours to brighten it a bit. The Men were drawn with pastel chalks. 

Here I did a digital colour change, and I think I like this version better:

The cold, dry weather gave us some wonderful skies again:

By hanging over the balcony I managed to catch the post office tower,
which is about 12 kilometers away:

Only half of the moon was visible:

And 'my' crow was hungry, as always:

In the K21 museum this week I visited the basement,
a huge, open space:

My faves this time were these glass and fabric puppets:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I always love it when your men put in an appearance. The background looks like folds in curtains, very clever. Great photos, they get better and better if that is possible. Hugs Sarah

  2. These irridescent colours are tremendous, love what you did with them and the figures too.
    Gosh, you got awfully near the moon, what a photograph.
    I do like the empty space in the K21 which allows the objects to breathe, and the long corridor, all so very bright and clean.

  3. What a wonderful piece! I like it even better with the blues, but then, I'm partial... Lovely photographs as well, the moon is gorgeous.

  4. I need you to do my backgrounds, lovely skies and enjoyed today's tour of the museum!

  5. I like both versions of the piece but then, it's tough to decide when both are nice! And your crow in silhouette -- very nice!

    And I loved seeing the marionettes!!

  7. I love your art so much!!! Magnificent! Both ways are amazing! Love the quote!
    Love your moon and crow photo!!
    Love the puppets too!
    Big Hugs!

  8. You and Chrissie made some glowing people and posted them at just about the same time. :) Your page came out great. Interesting figures! And you've seen some great inspiring art lately. What a great way to spend your fall. There's a lot of art museums in your general area. How cool! Hugs-Erika

  9. I love how you used the acrylics and perfect pearls to add magic to the background. I prefer the first way, I think, because it is shiny and sparkly.

    LOVED The moon shot and the basement of the K21 Museum. It is indicative of the minimalist view I like so much. I like the glass and fabric puppets and the black sculpture. You have access to some incredibly gorgeous art in your town.

  10. Oohh oohh oohhh I love this piece. There is something magical about it. Love the photos too.

  11. I loved your Walk in the Light!

  12. Lovely and interesting art you make, and thanks for taking us through the gallery with you as well. I haven't been to one in a while so I enjoyed the experience. Wishing you another creative week ahead.

  13. I like your new header. And all the art you've posted.
    That exhibition seems to be up-to-date...depressing but realistic. Peace!

  14. Beide Versionen sind spitze und die Fotos sind wieder ein Genuß!
    Einen wunderschönen Freitag -- diesmal wirklich -lol!
    oxo Susi

  15. The chalk drawing on your page is amazing--I find chalk hard to do much with at all.

    The museum looks fascinating and I am so thrilled to see the puppets. They are just amazing. I used to make puppets when I was a young teenager and they were like real people to me at the time. I think it is because they could move if I worked the strings. Such wonders you find to share Valerie--thank you

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Perfect pearls made this, fabulous work of art. Love the pics..xx

  17. Gorgeous post! I love your original walking in the light. It's beautiful. And with your permission that crow might just appear on one of my backgrounds. The silhouette is perfect for that. Happy PPF

  18. Beautiful painting (I like the original the best, but both are great). The figures are perfect. Beautiful photos as well. I hope you are having a great day, Hugs xx

  19. Hi Valerie, I must say I love the first version the best. It has more interest in that background. Your work is beautiful always. In the museum I am fascinated by the marionettes, and all their pieces.

  20. So much to look at in your week!! Your painting is very pretty....I like them both ways! Have a great week ahead!

  21. Beautiful piece, and perfect for the light and darkness theme. That picture of the moon is amazing!

  22. I think I like the colored one best. There's something rather magic about your color combinations.

  23. I really liked both versions of the journal page, if I had to choose it would be the second on. It looked atmospheric to me with all the wonderful tones of blue.
    Super museum photos, those puppets looked great.
    Yvonne xx

  24. I think your "walk in the light" is fabulous, in both versions. I really like your original one best with the background looking like a curtain. Neat crow silhouette! And your photography is so beautiful. Love the header sunrise!

  25. Fantastic journal page. The background work is beautiful and I love the chalk drawings.
    Those puppets reminded me of some wooden puppets I used to have when I was a child.
    Great memories...and I had a little giggle to think of you hanging out of the window for that photo.
    Thanks for sharing your great photos. Happy PPF to you

  26. Star light - Star bright -- I wish on the first star I see tonight.
    I wish I could be as productive as you!
    Sandy xx

  27. Walk in the light.. Good message. I love the puppet display too!

  28. beautiful piece, I like both versions, I love the crow too.

  29. Wonderful..I love your chalk men drawn in with all the texture behind.. such a cool affect.

    Hugs Giggles

  30. Walk In The Light is overpowering. So wonderful.

  31. Such wonderful inspiration! I loved your Walk in the Light piece! Truly beautiful!! And thanks for taking us along to the museum - always a treat! Especially since we can't get there in person... xoxo Silke

  32. I love the glow you achieved in your Walk in the Light pieces, Valerie.

  33. I liked the first version of your Walk in the Light the best. Everyone just has a different eye, though.

  34. Good afternoon Valerie - I'm sitting with a cup of coffee and a slice of fresh baked chocolate brownie while catching up on your pages :) ( I need one of those transporter things from 'Star Tek' so I could deconstruct the brownie and send it to you ) ...talking of sci-fi .... your fabulous artwork definitely has a sci-fi feel to me and they could be astronauts or aliens.. cool artwork - love both versions.
    The museum looked so empty it looks like you had the place to yourself. That basement looks huge and cold... not sure I got the artwork here - my least favourite of all your museum visits...but I do like the puppets and wondered if they are old or modern?
    Happy Sunday... Gill xx

    1. The basement is reserved for young artists who are, as yet unknown. The puppets are also modern. Keep going with your steampunk and find out how to beam a brownie over to me!

    2. Thanks for answers :)
      As for the brownie - if the 'beaming' not possible - I was thinking of a Steampunk air balloon with back up clockwork mechanism or maybe a 'drone' of some kind(they seem to be very popular at present) or I could always train a carrier pigeon :) G xx

  35. Hello Valerie, As I scrolled down your post, each image was more beautiful than the last. I love your Men, the first landscape photo and the puppets. Thank so much for your full sharing!
    ~~ Irene

  36. Ooh pastel chalk over acrylic, I would never have though to try that. Very cool.

  37. Hello Valerie!
    I must say, even though I like the hybrid, I believe I am more fond of the original- but both are beautiful!
    wow, such cool puppets- i agree, favorites! How clever is that artist!

  38. Sorry it's taken me so long to get round for a visit! I really like how you've painted those men - it's very ethereal and looks like the northern lights in the background.


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