Monday 15 August 2016

T Day this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at TIOT - book pages. I started out with a photo I took of one of my old books from the 18th century, a bound copy of the 'Thespian', a theatre magazine, which I placed onto an old indenture. Reading, or being between the pages of a book has always been my greatest pleasure since I learnt to read at the age of 3. I added some  figures (Mischief Circus), and my  flower painting. I made the images partly transparent, as the images we get when we are reading grow out of the words themselves  in our imagination.
Projects of all formats are allowed, and as always, you have 2 weeks to link to us, so I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, I made a page using 2 photos taken recently - the clouds shown 2 days ago, and an angel that has recently been replaced onto the roof of Schloss Kalkum:

Clouds, skies, rain and sunshine are great wonders, and I can happily do nothing except watch the skies for hours:

Love the blue flowers they have put in the window-boxes here:

Today is also Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday, so a big welcome to all of the T gang. Here a photo taken from my seat at 'my' ice parlour:

And this is a cafe where I drank a 'coffee' last week when I was in town:

It looked good - but although it was rather expensive, it was tasteless, and the cookie tasted like it had been made from play-dough!

The spice bar cookies I made for my visitors were definitely better - go on, try one!


  1. I love what you've done today Valerie, fab work with your photo of your old book, and your angel piece is gorgeous! Your spice bar cookies look far more tempting than the play dough lol. Have a great week xx

  2. Wow, love what you have made today, both pieces are gorgeous, but the book one is really stunning. Great photos, too, and I wouldn't mind one or two or three of your spicy cookies, then I know first hand how good your baking is. Hugs Sarah

  3. beautiful book pages inspired by that lovely old book. Very creative AJJ page too. Guess you will be giving that coffee place a miss next time, too bad. Your cookies do look good. The weather looks fabulous in your photos.

  4. Great book page theme. Your pages are wonderful. And your AJJ page is spectacular. How amazing is that. I had to look at it for quite a bit. Enjoying the walk photos too. It is quite the adventure. Happy T Day!

  5. The book pages TioT entry is stunning. It's a great new theme, and I look forward to joining in. I really adore your entry.

    I think I would love to join you at the ice parlor, but might not have liked the play dough cookie and tasteless coffee at the other place. I would have loved your spice bars, though. I bet your guests were impressed, too.

    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous art, your beautiful photos of local scenes, and your coffee and spice bars with us for T this Tuesday.

  6. Valerie, your journal page today is elegant with the young girl images between the pages of your antique book. I was delighted to read you expected relatives for a visit. I know they will love your home made treats with their coffee or tea. I hope the day is special for all.

  7. Such delights today with the wonderful sky page inspired by your photograph and what amazing photographs they all are with a great variety and a wonderful trip around the area. The visitors must have really enjoyed the spice bars they look so tempting--bet there were none left.

    The star of the show for me is your wonderful art project for TIOT. It gave me goose bumps it is so beautiful and well thought through.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Awesome pages Valerie, love how you used the old vintage books in the photos . The sky page looks fantastic as well. The spice bars I think will be all gone by now, they looked delicious. I'd love the recipe please.
    Happy T day.
    Yvonne xx

  9. Sehr romantisch und elegant deine Buch-Seite! Alte Bücher haben etwas Magisches. Dieser Zauber wirkt in deinem Werk! Wunderbar ist auch die Foto-Kollage.
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  10. Such wonderful pages today! That old book must have a tale or two to tell - it looks well used and much loved! The quotes you have chosen match your pages beautifully too. I think those little girls believe that being between those pages is a wonderful place to be :-). And the skies the limit for your beautiful angel! Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

  11. Herrliche Seiten und ein phantastisches antikes Buch- und die HImmelsseite ist wunderbar gelungen!
    Herrliche Impressionen und diese Leckerei, die Du gezaubert hast sieht einfach unwiderstehlich aus! yummie!
    Happy T-Day / TIOT and AJJ !

  12. Your creativity is absolutely mind boggling. Adore your photos and those spice cookies really look yum - how about a recipe? This will also be perfect for one entry as an anything goes creation for our challenge below.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  13. Two amazing pages Valerie, I love your old book and your sky page is beautiful - I would have loved tasting the spice cookies - have a lovely day.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. Fabulous post Valerie full of fantastic artwork and oodles of delights :)
    Love the vintage images on your beautiful page (love your old book too - I always wonder when things are that old what the stories are of those who owned it over the years).
    Fabulous photos and like everyone else now would love to make your lovely yummy looking spice bars - mmmm I mean that Dave-the-chef would like to make them :)
    Glad that the visit from your long lost relatives went well :)
    Have a great day.. Gill xxx

  15. What wonderful pages Valerie! I love how you took the pages and made an overlay and then those sweet girls and your fabulous flower painting - beautiful! That angel looks so brilliant against your cloud photo too! Sorry the coffee and biscuit were't so good - I hope you took the little doily with you!! Your spice bars look so delicious though! Hugs, Chrisx

  16. Absolutely superb. I just adore how you did this one my friend. The gorgeous contrast of the images upon the pages is so striking.

  17. I'll start with the bottom :) Your bars look delicious and I hate when we pay for something over priced that is not so good. Your photographs are beautiful as always, you live in a wonderful place it seems. I know I've said that many times. Your AJJ page is beautiful with the angel and the top book pages are gorgeous. Enjoy the rest of your day xx

  18. Yuuuum, your spice slices are delish....what a shame the other purchased one was tasteless, looks nice.
    Fabulous display of the wonderful book and the interesting

  19. LOVE the old book pages and what you have done with them ♥ Cookies that taste like play dough are a major disappointment !!!! So glad you made good one for yourself and your visitors and so kind of you to share them with us too. Happy T Day!

  20. Beautiful pages! old books are like old friends...wonderful art and photos...great new look on your blog! happy T day!

  21. Beautiful pages! old books are like old friends...wonderful art and photos...great new look on your blog! happy T day!

  22. Goodness your post is chock full of wonderful many!
    Your lovely collages with perfect words ♥♥♥
    That glorious old book.
    AND yummy treats too!
    Happy T Day liebe Valerie oxo

  23. The cafe looked so cheerful, it's a shame it didn't live up to its looks. I'll take you up on the offer of your home-cooked treat, though. Now that looks tasty :)

  24. Love your piece Valerie! The images suit perfect to the old pages! Hugs!

  25. Love your piece Valerie! The images suit perfect to the old pages! Hugs!

  26. A wonderful spread for TioT, love how you've used the images as if they are emerging from the print of such a wonderful old book. Magical page for AJ with the angel. Great photos today, but such a shame the coffee was a disappointment
    Avril xx.

  27. I do like your TIOT art so much. The girls are right at home here and your flower painting is tremendous.
    These spice bar cookies look so tasty, and they look quite healthy, any chance of a recipe?
    Coffee can be such a hit-or-miss affair, sometimes it tastes divine, other times it doesn't!
    Your header is awesome, in the real meaning of the word, it has such marvellous depth and atmosphere.

    1. Thanks, I will post the recipe next Tuesday!

    2. That's great, I will look forward to it.

  28. Love your beautiful TIOT piece, Valerie, the images are really beautiful. Your nature collage is fabulous as well. Hugs, Mar

  29. What a lovely old book. I love what you did with that angel photo, too. hugs, Teresa

  30. Wonderful book page works, that book really looks vintage! Beautiful angel piece too, love that you use your photos like this! Great shots, your ice parlour looks like such a lovely place to have some tea. hugs :)

  31. I LOVE your piece. I just keep thinking they can't get any better, but they do.
    And the

  32. Wonderful digital piece. Love how you blended everything.
    Happy T day...very late.

  33. Oh Valerie, this digital piece is one of my new favorites!!! Gorgeous!!!
    Have a beautiful Sunday! xo

  34. I love your digital project Valerie and all your wonderful photos you share..thanks for having me as GDT..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  35. The pages are stunning. I love the technique you used and just the thought of a Thespian magazine makes the heart of a little ol' theatre major flutter! So beautiful, too, are all your wonderful photos. Oh, summer is being very good to you!


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