Thursday 25 August 2016

Summer's Bounty

Hi Everybody!

Another week has flown by, and it' time for Paint Party Friday again, 
hosted by Eva and Kristin. I am also linking to Art Journal Journal, nature's wonders, and Moo Mania and More, Nature's beauty.
The painting of a rose is one I was not happy with, so I digitally 'cut out' the part I liked best and added the sentiment from Gertrude Stein, part of the poem 'Sacred Emily' written at the beginning of the 20th century.

This is a digital re-working of 2 paintings made last year, combined with the photo of Saint Swidbert. The first was part of a painting of the Basilica windows, placed over a painting made of a house nearby, with the photo of St Swidbert's statue placed in  between. I love to be able to combine art and photos to make new art, and this is very exciting and fascinating technique for me:

We have had hot and sunny weather this week, giving us blue skies and 
blue water in the Rhine:

The Nile Geese:

The ducklings have grown. They are almost as large as their parents, but still hang out together as a family. Mr and Mrs Duck can be proud of their 6 young ones:

I love the sharp contrasts in light and shadow:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. A beautiful painting of a rose and I love the reworking of the two paintings - you're very clever, beautiful photos as well.
    xxx Hazel.

  2. Hallo Valerie
    eine wunderschön gemalte Rose und die vielen Fotos gefallen mir auch sehr gut.
    Ich hoffe es geht dir wieder besser?
    Alles Liebe

    1. Danke, mir geht es viel besser, ich muss nur lernen Bakterien zu meiden....

  3. Fantastic pieces today, both of them. I never understand how you magic them together, but the results are fantastic. Glad the ducks have come through ok. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  4. As always, beautiful, love the pages and fab photo's.x {aNNie}

  5. That rose is beautiful. I thought it was an altered photo, not an altered painting. I also love the old arches too. It is fun playing with digital pieces. I've never done it with art, but maybe I need to try it? Hope its a good day so far! Hugs-Erika

  6. ooooh :) I am in awe of your beautifully painted Rose and artwork Valerie - I love it!
    I of course agree with you - combining real and digital art is exciting and fun with endless possibilities.
    Great photos - wonderful to see the little ducks again.
    Have a great day... Gill xx ps. I just noticed that Daisytrail have sale on at present :)

    1. Thanks, I got the mail, too, but I'm not looking as I am trying to resist temptation just noW

  7. Fabelhafte digital hybride Werke sind das Valerie!!
    und herrliche Aufnahmen!Diese Nilgänse sind super schöne Tiere - so toll geschminkt um die Augen wie einst Kleopatra!
    Einen schönen Tag wünsch ich DIr!
    Liebe Grüße Susi

  8. OOhhh I love the way you reworked that rose. It is stunning.

  9. Your rose is breathtaking! I love this new technique of photos and painting, it has a trompe l'oeil effect, magical. Enjoyed your beautiful photos today.

    Oh the spam I got was advertising their business according to google translate, harmless enough.

  10. Really lovely Valerie. Love the shot of the church too. xox

  11. Gorgeous Rose painting ! Have a great day, xx

  12. Stunning rose painting and your compositions of photos with your art turn out beautifully. I like the blue water in your photos today and the other photos too. Happy you at.e able to get out on such a gorgeous day
    . Hugs,

  13. I so enjoyed looking at the ducklings on our walk:)
    I love your rose, Valerie. It's so delicate and beautiful.

  14. I thought you were supposed to be resting - RESTING! Do you know what that word means Valerie!!!!!! Are you feeling better?
    I love your rose but my favorite piece is the second one --- what a joy it is to look at and discover hidden spaces. Beautifully done and how you did it I can promise you I will never know.
    Your pictures are always a treat for me Valerie.
    Sandy xx

    1. Well, I was resting. I can't just sit and do nothing!

    2. Well you could rest and read a good book!

    3. I did, I read several books and did some crafting . that's resting. Not resting is for me when I do housew**k! And the bronchitis is really better!

  15. hi valerie,

    wow,deine seiten sind großartig,die rose ist wunderschön,ich riche den zarten duft gern,die basilica seite ist fantastisch,toll kombiniert.
    die enten sind ja sowas von süss,und der rhein hat echt schöne ecken.
    ich kann auch nur da sitzen und nichts tun.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    hugs jenny

  16. Your combination of art, photos and digital art is indeed tremendous, I love both the rose and the second picture which is very unusual.
    I love all your photos here too, especially the teenage ducklings and the architecture which you capture so well.

  17. Oooh! I love the rose piece! It's beautiful. The digital reworking is fascinating as well. Your photos are lovely too.

  18. Your paintings are so beautiful Valerie and the rose is just stunning!
    Love the pics too, especially those cute ducklings.
    Fliss xx

  19. The rose looks beautiful and the altered and added to pages are fantastic as well.
    Lovely photos, it was good to see the duck family growing, yet still all together.
    Yvonne xx

  20. such a gorgeous rendering of the rose-you have such a marvelous way of combining your art with the digital renderings Valerie. Such talent! Love seeing the growing ducklings along with your views along the Rhine.

  21. You are doing a magnificent job combining techniques! I love the brick work and the rose, of course, is beautiful!

  22. Great photos again this week. And your rose. Wow!!! It is so amazing. I thought surely I misread this and was looking at a photograph. Really beautiful.

  23. An absolutely wonderful post, filled with amazing art. I can see why you are excited to add the paintings and photography together and turn them into new pieces. I think this is cutting edge, really.

    LOVED the ducks. So glad these six have made it.

    I am SO fascinated by your town. The light and shadows are really evident in your latest photos.

    Hope your day is going well and you don't get too overheated.

  24. Wow! Was für herrliche Bilder! Mir gefällt ganz besonders die Rose! Ich bewundere dein Können, diese verschiedenen Techniken und Medien so kreativ zu kombinieren! Einfach klasse!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  25. Now that is a wow gorgeous...I see large prints of this on walls all over the world. Stunning! So sweet to see the ducks in a few them! Stay cool!

    Hugs Giggles

  26. Das sind tolle Bilder! Mir gefällt die Kombination von Gemaltem mit Fotoausschnitten sehr!
    Liebe Grüße, Rike

  27. I love the rose painting - it's so delicate and your clever digital reworking to combine photos and paintings to create new artwork - very clever! We've been blessed with some blue skies this week too - it makes me so happy although not very productive as I sit in the garden with my kindle instead of painting!

    1. But a garden, blue skies and a Kindle - who can want more?!

  28. Wow on your artwork today, that rose creation is amazing! Love the duck shots, I can't believe how fast those little gaffers grow! hugs :)

  29. Your painted rose is gorgeous liebe Valerie.
    AND I L♥ve everything about your St Swidbert creation.
    The blues (of course!) with those beautiful pink hollyhocks...
    all so pretty.
    Happy beginning of the weekend oxo
    p.s. how did those ducklings grow up so fast!

    1. I wish I knew! I have watched them for 3 weeks and they grew from waddling fluff-balls to full size ducks!

  30. Gorgeous blue skies your way too! Your digital art is beautiful and cleverly done, very intriguing! The rose is so fresh and pink, a sun filled Summer post!

  31. A beautiful rose painting Valerie and the digital reworking of the painted building looks stunning.
    Beautiful pictures and I'm glad you're having good weather.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  32. So many lovely things to see here, as usual!

  33. Oh, how I hope one day I will be able to paint a rose like you have done and to figure out the digital art business so I could do some of it. I have bought the sets from Mischief Circus but never use them. Seeing Mama Duck and her babies reminds me of when I was a toddler and my daddy would take me to the Inland Waterway where I would see things like this. If a baby would get a ways behind the others, I would start crying and Daddy would have to reassure me it was going to be OK. That Mama Duck would not let it get lost. My laptop is acting up so am having to use the old iMac where I have to sit which I do not do well due to my back. But I wanted to at least say hi to you and comment on your post. genie

  34. Wow I love your rose, the shading is beautiful and it looks so delicate. Your digi piece is fab too and so clever. I'm glad the ducklings are doing so well, they're a lovely little family xx

  35. Lovely painting of rose. The digital collage is fab too. I am also getting into it and it can get addictive. Enjoyed the photos. Cute ducklings!

  36. I love the combination of art and suits your interests and skills so well! I love your rose painting. I don't do many flowers myself...yours looks so delicate and fragile..just as a rose should be!

  37. Wow, I'm so admire your painting skills, the rose is wonderfully painted and very very beautiful! Great to see the ducklings again, they have grown up really quickly haven't they :-). Happy weekend! J :-)

  38. Oh Valerie! I have missed so much - your fabulous art those wonderful photos that show your part of the World - at least now I have a chance to catch up! Hugs, Chrisx

  39. Valerie, Your rose is a rose is a rose is exquisite!

    I too love the way you create making new pieces -so much fun and this one is soo beautiful-like a watercolor coming to life! sending hugs!


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