Friday 12 August 2016

Moon, Stars and a long walk home

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey, nature's wonders, and Moo Mania and More, moon, I have another journal page. I made a hybrid page, using one of my moon paintings, made a couple of years back when we had a huge and wonderful blood moon, a mask and a quote.  I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

This is the original textured and painted canvas:

On Thursday we had a day with lots of clouds, wind, and later rain. I went out rather early, as I needed to change some tickets in Düsseldorf's Altstadt. I went on the tram, and when I was done, I decided to walk around a bit and then walk home.

This is the 'Kunsthalle', an Art Museum:

A pavement relief showing a plan of the old town and the walls,as it was in the 16th/17th century:

'Fundort' means the spot where they found a piece of the old wall:

And here it is:

I suppose this is art, too, but I wouldn't like to live opposite it!

I crossed the road leading to a large park, 'Hofgarten' (court garden). Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy was music director in Düsseldorf in the 19th century:

There were lots of birds, ducks and geese on the ponds:

And I loved these flowers growing in the park:

I walked all the way home, following devious routes, 
and then along the Rhine, and will show the rest of the photos bit by bit!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such wonderful colours and ideas on you page today.

    How lovely to have a trip on the tram and be able to explore the wonders before walking back home and finding more beautiful things to share with us. Thank you

    Love Chrissie xx

  2. Looks like you had a great outing, what a long way to walk home! Beautiful art and photos, as always. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Wundervolle Mond-Kunst und sehr schöne Fotos, Valerie

  4. Love your moon piece. You really caught the look of the moon. And enjoyed the photos from your long walk. Sounds like you had an interesting day, and probably lot of steps too. :) Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, lots of steps, over 19000 and I was KO by the time I got home, and VERY hungry!

  5. Your background with the feathery art is the perfect background for your moon. Love the verse. We are privileged to view new areas as you venture out to run errands and share photos along the way. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. gorgeous, I love the moon and the deep blue!

  7. Gorgeous artwork and photos! Love the glow and texture! Fantastic! Happy PPF :)

  8. Exquisite colors and texture in your moon painting!!! And love visiting the museum AND seeing the geese!! Have a beautiful weekend!

  9. beautiful hybrid page, love your moon, it is stunning. Thanks for the interesting tour of your town and enjoyed the photos of the geese and flowers today too.

  10. Love your Moon art Valerie, a lot of lovely textures and yummy splats and splodges :)
    That's an awesome cloud photo - like something out of a sci-fi film,
    enjoyed the rest of your journey and photos too.
    Have a wonderful weekend (thanks for all the lovely comments) Gill xx

  11. What a wonderful painting, I love it! Lovely photographs too.

  12. Wonderful photos of your visit in the town, you do find super things to share with us all. I think I would have had to have my feet up and maybe a snooze after that long walk.
    Its a fabulous hybrid page as well, the moon looks great.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

  13. What a gorgeous piece - the texture and colours are so lovely. Great photos as well.

  14. awesome! that macro cloud shot is just WOW

    happy PPF

    much love...

  15. wundervolle bilder, und dein mondbild ist wunderschön.
    die enten sind soooo süüüß.
    wünsch dir ein wunderschönes we.

    hugs jenny

  16. BEautiful moon piece, Valerie. Loved your long walk home -- such interesting sights. Thanks for sharing. hugs, Donna

  17. Brilliant post with an amazing moon and fab image used.xx{aNNie}

  18. Fabulous artwork Val, you always do amazing things with blues and gold, and I really like that quote. Great pictures as always, and 19000 steps - no wonder you were hungry lol. Have a great weekend xx

  19. Your moon is wonderful, all full of texture from the original.

    I am in love with that art museum. I want to visit there. It looks like a place I could definitely enjoy and I think I would "get' the art. Great photos of the town and birds, too. Those geese sure get around, don't they?

    Hope your weekend is going well. Right now I'm avoiding the basement, so mine is starting out OK!

  20. Your moon art is simply stunning.
    Must visit Dusseldorf some time :)

  21. Eine herrliche Arbeit mit dem älteren Gemälde ist das! Super der Spruch! Und danke dass Du mich sozusagen mitgenommen hast zu dem Ausflug. so schöne Impressionen! Super!
    Schönen Samstag Valerie!
    oxo Susi

  22. Your page is gorgeous with lots of fabulous colour and texture. Looks like a wonderful walk :) Happy weekend, xxx

  23. Oh my liebe Valerie.
    This canvas is gorgeous.
    Those colors and textures are WOW ♥
    You are very lucky to be able to take such a scenic route home
    AND what a lot of super exercise in the process.
    I lean more toward enjoying the altstadt atmosphere altho new can be very interesting too!
    Happy weekend to you oxo

  24. I loved this trip to Dusseldorf - it looks an interesting place! Your moon page is beautiful with that swirly texture! Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Your journal page has gorgeous colors and I find the quote quite interesting. I was hoping that no one could see my body. I find my soul, much more attractive.
    Loved seeing all of your pictures.
    I am afraid you will not see a lot of birds or geese on our waters. But you will probably see an alligator or two!! We do have a lot of water fowl but they get out of the water very quickly if an Alligator starts trolling the waters.
    Valerie, you get more done in a day than I get done in a week. Did I tell you that I am really slow!
    Just watched Germany win their soccer match - seems like they are the team to beat in these Olympic games.
    Have a very nice weekend dear heart!
    Sandy xx

  26. Love the quote on your moon piece! Great photos, such an interesting place you live. The wall of colour is fun! Beautiful pond. hugs :)

  27. Great art today Valerie! Love all the photos of your walk and look forward to seeing more of them. It's much cooler here this week so I'll be able to spend more time outside ♥

  28. I love the moon, it is so wonderous! What beautiful colours and textures you have created, and the quote is perfect :-). Thanks for sharing your fantastic walk home, the cloud photo is superbly shot, the graduation of colours is amazing! Wishing you a happy week ahead! J :-)

  29. Wonderful art and quote, one I've never heard! I on the other hand would love that colourful wall in my midst. It would make me happy daily and fill my soul...especially compared to the brick wall!! Love the last photo with the pink flowers...sooo inspirational!!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. Wow. Your days are filled with joyous places to go. I feel so happy that you share all of it with us through photos.


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